Friday, December 1, 2017

The Christmas Star from Afar

Do you want to start a fun new tradition with your child that truly teaches them
about the TRUE meaning of Christmas! If you are like me an are not a fan 
of The Elf on the Shelf than look no further. 

This nativity set is made of durable pieces that even the smallest hands can
play with and enjoy. 

The story will set the stage for a months long seek and find as you share
scripture with your child and share with them about the Birth of Jesus.

Starting on December 1 you will read daily scripture.

Here is where the FUN comes in! Every day the Star will be hidden in a new location. You can hide the daily scripture with the star or just read it when your child finds the star for the day. 

Place the Three Wise Men, or Magi, away from the Nativity. Each day when your child finds the star they place the Magi where the star was found. 

On Christmas Eve place the Star above the nativity, the Magi at the stable, Mary and Joseph, baby Jesus, the angel, and the shepherd and his sheep in place. When your child or children wake up on Christmas morning they will be reminded of the BEST GIFT EVERY, Jesus! 

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful set! I think this is something that I need to have in m y house!!


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