Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Library and Educational Services LLC ~ A Review

Library and Educational Services LLC is a wholesale distributer of educational materials. They sell a wide range of materials from Bibles, books, both fiction and nonfiction for children, teens, and adults. They carry popular audio series, and educational DVD's. They even carry a wide range of crafts, hobby items, and games. I had the privilege of reviewing one of their audio CD's, The Emperor's New Clothes - Lifehouse Theater CD. I got to look through their extensive collection of Reinforced Hardcover Library Binding Nonfiction Books and spend an allotted amount of money. I chose these two hardcover collections, A Documentary History of the Holocaust - Set of 5, and Remembering the Holocaust - Set of 5. In addition, Library and Educational Services LLC has a fun collection of books entitled, Who was...? series. We actually reviewed a What Was...? book in the series entitled, What Was D-Day. You can create an account online for free and at that point see more of what they have to offer.

What Was D-Day?

Ages 8-12
3rd - 7th Grade
112 pages
At the end of the book there are 16 pages of actual D-Day photos.
A Timeline of D-Day events are included. 
A Timeline of WWII from 1933 when Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany
to 1945 when WWII was officially declared ended is included. 
Pencil illustrations are included throughout the book. 
Throughout the book events are described in further detail such as the 
Five Beaches at Normandy. These events are sectioned off in boxes. 

The Emperor's New Clothes 

Ages 8 and up
Running Time is 41 minutes
This is a fully dramatized audio adventure which include strong performances, 
sound effects, and music. The audio dramas are familiar adaptations from classic
literature that most everyone will be familiar with. 
The Lifehouse Theater On-The-Air Collection includes:
The Emperor’s New Clothes
Hiding in Plain Sight
Job: A Modern Man
Pride and Prejudice
The Princess and the Pigs
The Misadventures of Tom Sawyer
Trapped in Aesop’s Fables!

Based on Hans Christian Andersen's tale, The Emperor's New Clothes is 
familiar to many. Ned, page boy to the king, sees the crazy antics that are going on 
at the expense of the Emperor. When two tailors come to court with their beautiful linens 
convincing everyone that their cloth is invisible and has magical powers that can 
only be seen by those fit for their jobs. The Emperor right away commissions the tailors
to make him clothes. Ned must convince the Emperor before he becomes the laughing stock
of the Kingdom. 

Reinforced Hardcover Library Binding Nonfiction Books

Here is my selection of books. 
Remembering the Holocaust - Set of 5

Ages 11 and up
For grades 6 and up
96 pages per book

Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, Treblinka - The Holocaust Camps
Warsaw, Lodz, Vilna - The Holocaust Ghettos
Hitler, Goebbels, Himmler - The Nazi Holocaust Masterminds
Anti-Semitism And The "Final Solution" - The Holocaust Overview
Wiesel, Wiesenthal, Klarsfeld - The Holocaust Survivors

Anti-Semitism began in the early 1900's. This included believing that Jews were 
responsible for the economic crisis, poverty, political conflict, carriers of disease and 
inferior to all others. This hate spread and after WWI when Germany lost the war they 
needed a scapegoat and made the Jews their target. Hitler rose to power and devised his 
plans for racial purity by exterminating the Jewish race. WWII began on September 1, 1939. 
The Jews were ostracized and their businesses were boycotted. Eventually they were sent
to gets where conditions were horrible. But the worst was yet to come when they were 
all loaded up in 1942 to be sent to various concentration camps throughout Europe. 
In all over 2 million individuals were murdered. 

Documentary History of the Holocaust - Set of 5 

Ages 12 to 18
7th -12th grade
80 pages per book

Much like the above series this series chronicles the events of WWII and the 
horrific events that the Jews endured at the hands of Hitler and his henchmen. 
The Nuremberg Trials took place after WWII in order to bring those 
responsible for the Holocaust accountable for their actions. During the Holocaust 
thousands of people risked their own lives to save the lives of Jews. 
On such hero was Oskar Schindler who had
a enamelware factory. In order to safe the lives of over 
1,200 Jews Schindler bribed Nazi officers
and devised a list of Jewish prisoners that he deemed necessary to 
maintain production for an armaments manufacturer. 

Righteous Gentiles - Non-Jews Who Fought Against Genocide
Kristallnacht And Living In Nazi Germany
The Nuremberg Trials
Jewish Resistance Against The Holocaust 
The Warsaw Ghetto And Uprising 

New Arrivals are being added all of the time!
They have a Homeschool Resource section. 

Look at this amazing deal that you can get on this Narnia set!

In the DVD section you can find Drive Thru History® which is fantastic!

Our family absolutely LOVES the series of books called, Childhood of Famous Americans, 
and Pocahontas is just one of the notable figures in the series. We have a huge collection
of these. 

Library and Educational Services LLC has such a wide range of materials at great prices. Looking through the site the prices are definitely so much lower than you will find anywhere else. You can even request a catalog on the site. I have six kiddos ranging in ages from 23 down to 11 and I so wish that I would have known about this website earlier as I would have saved so much money. This is just one of our many bookshelves with books stacked double deep. We are HUGE readers in our house. 

I would most definitely recommend checking out their website. Library and Educational Services LLC has been in business for 40 years! They ship all over the world, even to military bases. Be sure to read what my other Crew member had to say by click on link below. 

To read more reviews click here.

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