Sunday, September 20, 2020

The Talented Miss Farwell

Miss Rebecca Farwell at a young age is great with numbers. As all of her graduating class is off to start their lives she is stuck at home caring for her ailing father and his in trouble business. She soon gets a job at City Hall and soon moves up the ranks as they see her potential with finances and numbers. On a trip with her father to the medical school she drops him off at the barber shop. She strolls over to the university campus and enters into the arts department. She begins looking at art and falls in love with a piece of art. This is the beginning of her obsession with art and her eventual undoing. I don't want to divulge anymore about the book and spoil it for you as the reader. This book was well written and was hard to put down once I started it. It is a pretty quick read. I read it in two afternoon sittings. 


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