Thursday, October 29, 2020

Thinkwell Homeschool

Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

 Thinkwell Homeschool is an online video based math course for students. Courses offered are for 6th grade through 12th grade. They also offer Honors Courses, Advanced Placement & CLEP course, as well as College Math. My daughter has been working through Thinkwell's Instructor-Led Algebra 1. Students can access their math anytime, 24/7. Thinkwell Homeschool is a self-paced program. The subscription is for a 12 month period but if your student needs more time to complete the course you can purchase 1, 3, or 6 month extensions. Thinkwell has laid out a week by week lesson plan to help students stay on track. Each video lesson is approximately 5-10 minutes in length. The videos explain the new concepts with examples. As you student moves onto the practice problems the program will automatically grade their work. They can redo exercises more than once to improve their grades and better master the concepts. Students can also print out the study notes and practice problems for reference. This is also very handy for future reference. Twice a week, for two hours, students can enter a Zoom call with their instructor to get help. There are quizzes and tests to show your students mastery over the material that they have been learning. 

Your student will get a good amount of e-mails from 
Thinkwell. There are great reminders for the students!

When a new week is about to begin the instructor guides the student 
in what they need to do to prepare for the week. This is a great way
to set the student up for success. 


Thinkwell offers placement tests for grades 6th through Algebra 2. 
The placement tests offer the perfect way to know exactly where your 
child needs to be within the Thinkwell program. 

Thinkwell offers a grade by grade sequence for both the typical
student as well as the accelerated tract. 

Here are some pictures of my daughter working through her Algebra 1.

Parents will be e-mailed progress reports. My daughter did not want me posting her progress report so I will honor her request. My daughter thoughts on Thinkwell, "At first I was really liking the program but then I soon got very frustrated. I was able to follow the lecture and understand everything that the teacher was saying including the examples. But then when we got to the practice problems NONE of them where even like the problems that he did in the lecture. I was so frustrated! I felt like the program was setting me up for failure. My grades were not good because of this." 

I had really hoped that Thinkwell would have been a good fit for my daughter but it hasn't. With that said, do check the program out for yourself and read what my fellow reviewers  had to say about Thinkwell Homeschool. 

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