Wednesday, November 18, 2020


Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

My kiddos have been enjoying their fun Name Bookmarks from CrossTimber. We were also sent the fun AmazingName Print Activity Sheets for one of my children. For the most part CrossTimber uses the King James Version of the Bible for their Bible translations for verses. If clarity is needed they compare other versions and adjust the wording from there. Do you have an unusual name? Don't worry they have you covered. Names have such rich and insightful meanings. CrossTimber has a wide variety of gifts on this website. 

Here was my experience

At first, I found it confusing as to how to start the process of ordering the bookmarks. Once I figured out the process for making the first bookmark the rest were easy. I wish that the website was more user friendly. I was given the opportunity to get 5 bookmarks. I chose to make the bookmarks for my 5 daughters. There are options for backgrounds. The categories are:

  • Symbolic
  • People
  • Outdoors
  • Creatures
You are not able to choose the exact quote you want for your bookmark. You are given categories and they randomly choose a quote to put on your bookmark. The categories are:

  • Presidential
  • Famous Authors
  • Bible Verses
  • Character Qualities
  • Custom Text on the Front
I chose famous authors for all of the bookmarks. The bookmarks tell what language of origin your name is from. It then tells what your name means. Finally, it has the quote. The bookmark is printed on photo grade card stock and is laminated. The only thing about the bookmarks that I wish would have been different is if there would have been an excess edging around the bookmark. After minimal use the edges start coming up and it goes right to the bookmark itself. 

Here are the 5 bookmarks that we got. 

I love all of the quotes that came with the bookmarks. The designs and colors are vibrant.

This was for my 12-year-old daughter. 

This was for my 18-year-old daughter. 

This was for my 24-year-old daughter. 

This was for my 20-year-old daughter. 

This was for my 14-year-old daughter. 

My daughters loved their bookmarks. 

AmazingName Print Activity Sheets

This fun activity set has your child's name included over 80 times!
Your child gets 25+ pages of activities such as mazes, word searches,
coloring pages, and handwriting/cursive pages. 
There are multiple levels of difficulty included in the activities from
easy to are you crazy! 
This set is recommended for ages 3-12. 

This sheet that she is working on was a level EASY sheet. 

This word search is a level ARE YOU CRAZY? 

On this page my daughter had to seek and find her name and 
within the picture. 

This word search was a level EASY. 

There were multiple cursive pages as well as manuscript pages. 


CrossTimber has many gifts to choose from such as Name Plaques, Coffee Mugs, Music Boxes, Scripture Plaques, NameCards, AmazingName Cartoons, and more. Definitely check out what my Fellow Crew Members reviewed from CrossTimber! This would make great holiday gifts. 

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