Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Jeanette Li


Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

Jeanette Li ~ A Girl Born Facing Outside is the autobiography of Jeanette Li. In China, a girl was a huge disappointment, brought sorrow to one’s family, and was unfit to be present to the spirits of the ancestors. Despite being a girl, Li’s father called her Li Mao Ya which means Jasmine Bud, a name of hope and joy and new life. Her mother, on the other hand, called her Zhao Ya which means noisy, unpleasant, and ugly. At the tender age of six Li’s father dies. Hardship soon overcomes the now family of three which includes Li, her mother and little sister. It was while very ill with a high fever caused by malaria that Li was taken to a Mission Hospital where she first heard about God. This would begin her personal journey discovering who God was that would change the trajectory for the rest of her life. In 1949, The People’s Republic of China declared all religions banned and instituted communism. Li was accused of treason, was imprisoned, and brainwashed but this did not thwart her passion for Christ. This book is 321 pages in length and contains 63 chapters. The price of the book in paperback is $16.00. The book can also be purchased in Kindle and eBook. 

 The publisher does not specify an age range for this book. I personally would say that this book would be suited for middle school and above. This book would be a great read for anyone interested in missionary work, history of religion in China during the early 1900’s through the Revolution, Communist Indoctrination, or as an addition to your academic curriculum. This book would be suitable for both homeschoolers and the school setting. Adults would also really enjoy this book. 


I read this book and found myself glued to the pages. It was hard to put down. Jeanette Li does an amazing job at bringing her readers into her world. She does not leave out the difficult events of her life. She is candid and shares the raw and bitter events of her life. She shares her joys, triumphs, and most importantly her deep relationship with God. I would recommend this book to others. Jeanette Li ~ A Girl Born Facing Outside is a book worth reading. Li wrote, “I look at my own misery and I weep. I have doubted the love and mercy and wisdom of God. Now I lay my too heavy burden on thee. Direct my life according to thy will.” Jeanette Li then sang from Psalm 37 and was given freedom from her burden. 


-Product review by Jennifer Ladewig, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC, January 2021


Friday, January 22, 2021

Moby Dick

My 5th child is about the dive down into the salty seas of Herman Melville’s, Moby Dick. “It is not down on any map; true places never are.”

Friday, January 15, 2021

TouchPoints for Kids

Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

TouchPoints for Kids is a set of wearable devices, worn in a set, that help alleviate stress. In as little as thirty seconds of wearing the devices the wearer will feel a subtle vibration, first on the right then on the left. TouchPoints look much like watches. The vibrations called BLAST technology help to restore calm as well as help to take away the physical sensations associated with stress. TouchPoint users can use the devices around their wrists as well as taking the wristbands off and placing the TouchPoints in tank tops, sports bra straps, pockets, or socks. TouchPoints can be used whenever the user needs to relax and destress. The bands are made of silicone and the buckle is metal. The set of wearable devices retails for $159.99 and comes in a variety of colors. You can also purchase damage insurance for an extra cost.

I could not find a specific age at which TouchPoint recommended the product could be first used for a child. The wristband size comes in small (5.5”-6.7”) and large (6-7”-8.1”). Touchpoint also sells zippered sweatbands that can be used on the wrists or ankles. Again, like stated above, the TouchPoints can be placed inside pockets too. This could be used for a smaller child. The TouchPoint device itself, in my opinion, is quite large and so would be most suitable for an upper elementary age or older child’s wrist. The TouchPoint measures approximately 1 ¼” x 1 ¼”. The devices are suitable for and would benefit all children. They could be used at home or at school. Set-up was extremely easy. The TouchPoints come with a dual-pronged charging cable. Charging takes about 2-3 hours. The wristbands simply slip onto the TouchPoints and then you are ready to use. To use your TouchPoints, you start by powering on only one of the devices at a time. The on button is on the top of the device. You simply press the button of the device twice to turn it on and activate the blue setting. Next, you face the lights of both TouchPoints together and press the button on the second device once. The light on the second device will match the color of the first device and will vibrate in an alternating pattern. There are three setting: blue is slow, yellow is medium, and purple is fast. You can change the vibration mode by pressing the button on the first device again while both TouchPoints’ lights are facing each other. After this step you can then put on the wristbands and place one TouchPoint on each wrist and feel the calming vibration. Most users wear their TouchPoints for about 20 minutes in the morning or evening, or as needed throughout the day. To turn off the devices simply hold the TouchPoints away from each other and press the button on each device until you see the green light. “TouchPoints’ patent-pending BLAST (bi-lateral alternating stimulation-tactile technology) is scientifically proven to alter the body’s ‘fight or flight’ response caused by stress” There have been case studies performed with TouchPoints in general stress, sleep, performance, focus, irritability, and Parkinson’s Disorder. There is also a preliminary ADHD quotient study with results that show reduction of hyperactivity with TouchPoints. 


My 12-year-old daughter tried out TouchPoints for Kids over a period of weeks. She deals with some sensory issues so I was not sure how she would feel about this product. My daughter also deals with anxiety, an inability to focus, and stress. I am always on the look-out for products to help her. She found the TouchPoints and wristband itself to be a bit bulky and, in her words, “not kid friendly at all.” I was a bit disappointed that the kid’s TouchPoint was not smaller, and that the wristband was not narrower. The set fit my wrist. For this reason, my daughter was unable to wear it on her wrists. They were just too big and bulky. I was really disappointed. We ended up using them in her pockets. She was only able to use them on the blue, slow setting due to her sensory issues. She could not handle the vibration as it was distracting to her if she felt it too much. For my daughter they were not as helpful as I had hoped. On the brightside though, I tried the TouchPoints out as well and found the devices to be very relaxing! I was able to use them on my wrists. I find vibration to be very relaxing. I preferred the slow setting. The subtle vibration was all that I needed to feel the stress melt away. I tend to be a very anxious person and found TouchPoints to be very helpful. TouchPoints truly help to calm you down and help you think more clearly. They help shift you from your stress induced “fight or flight” sympathetic nervous system to your more logical and peaceful parasympathetic nervous system. 


I would recommend parents or individuals looking for a natural way to help alleviate stress to check out TouchPoints. Their website is full of amazing information on more in-depth information on the science behind how TouchPoints work. They also list many more ways in which the technology works for various conditions. They also have a line of product for adults. 


-Product review by Jennifer Ladewig, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC, December 2020

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. is an online homeschool website that currently offers hundreds of courses and curriculum for PreK thru High School. This includes elective courses for those in high school. The Ultimate PreK-12 Annual Membership is on sale right now for $139 for a year! That is for a full year for the entire family and gives you full access to all classes and everything on the site. Courses are designed with a Christian worldview. Some of the amazing benefits included are:
  • Hundreds of Quality classes
  • Full Year, One-Semester and Unit Study Courses
  • New Content Added Regularly
  • No Limit on Classes
  • Schedule Builder, Lesson Plans
  • Report Card Generator
  • Member-Only Forums
  • Scope & Sequence
  • Self-Paced, Go at Your Own Speed
  • High School Transcript Support
  • Live Customer Service
  • No Textbooks to Buy is an amazing resource for homeschoolers!!! Students in pre-K through high school can find educational material in the following subjects:
  • Bible
  • Language Arts
  • Math
  • History
  • Geography
  • Social Studies
  • Science
  • Art
  • Computer and Technology
  • Drama 
  • Speech
  • Foreign Language
  • Music
  • Health & Fitness
  • Electives
  • Unit Studies
Here is a complete list  of all of the courses currently offered. offers School Boxes for grades K-12. These are free with membership. They are online complete grade curriculum that is put together by to help make homeschool a bit easier for you as the parent. Here is a link to the 7th Grade School Curriculum Box. There are weekly checklists, direct links to the courses and resources. 

Whether you are a homeschooling family looking for material to fill in the gaps or are looking for complete course material to cover the requirements for a particular subject, is a perfect place to start. You can browse by subject or grade level. There is a wealth of information available under the planning and resources tabs. 

The Video Library is an AMAZING treasure trove of videos from children's entertainment videos to educational subject matter and even musical lessons to name a few. 

The World Book Online Resource Library  gives students a way to explore information. has partnered with World Book to bring its members EIGHT incredible libraries as part of your membership. The libraries included are:
  • Early Learning
  • Kids
  • Student 
  • Adult
  • eBooks
  • Timelines
  • Discover
  • Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos

Definitely check out what my fellow Crew Members had to say about As a homeschool mom I have found this site such a valuable asset in our homeschool journey. 

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Men At Work

Men At Work is such a fun game! 
You can purchase the game on Amazon. 
The game can be played by up to 4 people. 
Great for developing fine motor skills. 
You definitely do not want to have SHAKY HANDS if playing!

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I just got through reading Last Chance Academy by Debbi Michiko Florence. It's been a difficult time for Megumi, or Meg for short, since...