Monday, July 27, 2015

Funky Little Monkey

Funky Little Monkey, written by Debbie Buttar, is a cute story about a happy and very busy little monkey who cannot remain still.  Monkey has to always be:
  • moving
  • grooving
  • dancing
  • prancing
  • roller skating
  • shaking
  • hustling
  • and stretching
Monkey doesn't do what typical monkeys do and everyone tells him to STOP, and just act like a monkey!!! Polar Bear calls him a fool while others cry out, "You're awesome!" and "Far out!". Monkey comes across many others who have varying opinions about his UNIQUENESS. Monkey doesn't care because he loves moving and dancing.

My seven year old daughter loved this book. She is a busy body herself, as well as a ballerina. The first time I read the book to her she sat quietly, listening and looking at the pictures. The next time I read the book she actively listened while dancing and giggling. She said, "Mommy, I am a bit like the Funky Little Monkey. We both like to dance and be crazy." Phoebe gives this book two thumbs!!

To learn more about this book and several others by Debbie Buttar, you can visit Children's Stories That Teach. Books can be purchased on the website as well as online at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Borders Books.

A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this book are being donated to AMESPA Research & Treatment Foundation for the medical treatment of children suffering from Cancer or Autism.

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