Saturday, February 26, 2022

ColorKu ~ A Timberdoodle Review

ColorKu ~ The Color Sudoku Puzzle is a fun spin off of Sudoku. Think Sudoku but in color. Like Sudoku, ColorKu has nine 3x3 squares and only one solution. ColorKu uses nine colors whereas Sudoku uses the numbers 1-9. The object of the game is to fill the 9x9 wooden grid with a color ball so that every row and column have all of the 9 different colored balls with no repeats. Also, each 3x3 grid cannot have a repeated color.  Puzzles start out partially completed and players have to fill in the missing spaces. ColorKu has 104 puzzle cards ranging in difficulty from easy to extreme. The game can be played alone or with others helping to solve the puzzle. If you love competition, you can play head to head with another player (this would require purchasing two games). A solution book is included. ColurKu is intended for ages 8+. 

The rainbow bar at the top of the card gives the player the level of difficulty for that particular puzzle. The range of difficulty goes from:


The ColorKu solutions is a four page folded, glossy paper guide. It is color coded based on level of difficulty. Also, the balls that are shown on the cards for initial placement are depicted with an extra circle in the solutions.  

If you like to solve Sudoku puzzles found in books and newspapers you can use the below "Color Conversion Card" to convert the numbers to colors. 

My 22-year-old daughter has been wanting to get this game for awhile now. She is a part-time nanny and first played ColorKu with one of the kiddos she watches. When Timberdoodle offered its Review Team discounts in exchange for our reviews I jumped at the opportunity to ask for ColorKu. When the game arrived my daughter could not wait to play it with her younger siblings. 

My daughters, ages 22, 18, and 15 are all working together to solve a puzzle. Three brains are better than one. 

I had to laugh when I saw my daughter had separated the balls by color. ColorKu helps sharpen players logic and deductive reasoning. 

My 18-year-old has really enjoyed playing. ColorKu is easy to move. You definitely are not stuck in one place until you have finished a puzzle. Get stuck or frustrated, simply set it aside and give yourself a brain break. 

Our family has definitely enjoyed ColorKu. My father-in-law is a huge Sudoko fan and I cannot wait for him to try out ColorKu. 

Be sure to check out ColorKu, you will not be disappointed. 

Last Chance Academy

I just got through reading Last Chance Academy by Debbi Michiko Florence. It's been a difficult time for Megumi, or Meg for short, since...