Monday, August 29, 2022

The Adventum

Disclaimer:  I received this complimentary product through the 
Homeschool Review Crew.

The Adventum is an audio adventure where listeners experience Bible stories come alive. The Adventum is not a reading of the Bible rather, "The Adventum is a new, audio adventure epic - a series of gripping, immersive, and realistic adaptations that imagine the greatest stories of the Bible as if you were there!" A cast of over fifty actors have worked on these stories. Original music and 360 degree sound enhance and draw you back into Biblical times. The stories themselves are fictional yet based on stories found in the Bible. The words spoken by God are taken word for word from the Bible. When scripture is quoted it is either from the New King James Version or the NIV. You can purchase The Adventum as a digital download or a 4-CD set. I reviewed The Adventum, Volume 1 which is approximately 4 hours of listening time and has 20 episodes. There are currently 4 Volumes available for purchase. 

It is incredibly hard to see what is pictured below. 
After being downloaded I then moved Volume 1 to Apple Music. 
Episode 13 entitled Three Visitors and a Bargain is playing. 
It is 1:12 into the episode. The entire episode is only 5:50. 

Volume 1 starts with Creation (Genesis 1) in Episode 1 and ends with The Blessing of Jacob by Deception (Genesis 27) in Episode 20. The longest episode is Episode 6 entitled A New World at 30:04. The shortest episode is Episode 5 entitled And So On at 2:50. The episode lengths vary quite a bit. The total run time of Volume 1 is 4 hours and 5 minutes. 

The Adventum has a three-fold goal:
  1. Identify with Bible heroes of the past, real people with real struggles, just like us. 
  2. Stir the imagination and create a deep sense of wonder about the stories in the Bible. 
  3. Ignite a hunger to study God's Word. 

The Adventum is definitely an audio journey through scripture that the whole family will enjoy. For the younger child you may want to print out some coloring pages for them to color that correspond to the Bible stories that they will hear. Another suggestion would be to have you little's look at Bible story poster pictures. A few Bible story boards prepared that they can then play with while listening is interactive and fun. Whether you are listening to the immersive, and realistic adaptations of Bible stories with family or by yourself The Adventum hopes that a desire to read God's Word is sparked and your love for God grows deeper. 

My grandson is only two months old but I am already excited to share the captivating stories from The Adventum when he is a couple of years older. I will most definitely be purchasing Volume 2-4 via digital download.

If you click on the BLOG tab at the top of the website it will take you to Faith Lessons. Each volume has Faith Lessons. Volume 1 Lesson 1: The Crown Jewel of God's Creation. Here is a excerpt from the lesson:


The Bible clearly teaches that God created man for His glory, but if this is man’s purpose, how do we glorify Him? ...

We glorify God when we passionately pursue Jesus and recognize that apart from Him, we have nothing, and can do nothing. Christ is the “Author and Perfecter of our faith”, and the transforming work He begins, He completes.

"...apart from Him, we have nothing, and can do nothing."

It’s in Christ alone that we have His mind; it’s through Christ alone that we have His strength, and it’s by knowing Christ alone that we have His power.

Bible Passages: Isaiah 43:7, John 15:5, Philippians 2:5, 3:10,4:13, Hebrews 11:6

Be sure to check out what my Fellow Crew Member had to say about Volume 1. Currently The Aventum is discounting Volume 1 at 50% off! They are also offering FREE SHIPPING with discount code advcrew22 on Volume 1. 

The overwhelming theme is
God's Story of Redemption. 

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Inspired By Vincent Van Gogh ~ A Timberdoodle Review

Inspired By Vincent Van Gogh is scratch art with an artistic twist. As you scratch the surface of the cards with the wooden stylus you will gradually uncover artist Muriel Yerba's interpretation of Van Gogh's paintings.The hidden motifs designed by Muriel Yerba pop with brilliant colors and fun patterns as they emerge. Each of the four inspired works of art have step-by-step pictures that gradually bring the art to life. Timberdoodle has three Art components in their 2022 6th Grade Curriculum Kit and Inspired by Vincent Van Gogh is one of them. The kit says that the age range is for 5-99 years old. For the younger child this scratch art kit will help build their fine motor and visual awareness. This is a fun way to introduce the younger child to one of the greatest artists in history. You most definitely do not have to be a child to enjoy this fun activity. 

What is in the kit:
  • Four scratch art cards with the outlines of the images to help you get started
  • One double ended wooden stylus
  • Inspired By booklet with the step-by-step instructions for creating the four art inspired interpretations of Van Gogh's paintings

"If you hear a voice within you say you cannot paint,
then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced."
Vincent Van Gogh

This may not be painting but it is still creating art.

in English is translated as a sunflower. 

You can see what spaces within the outlined image need to be scratched.
Some of the spaces will be totally scratched while others will be scratched 
with a pattern for you to follow. The black is to let you know what 
spaces will be scratched off in the next picture when you turn the page.

You can see the vibrant colored flowers emerging from under 
the blue mask as it awaits to be scratched. 


My thought is that Muriel Kerba got her inspiration from this painting. 
This is just my opinion. 
Vincent Van Gogh's Vase With Twelve Sunflowers.

in English is translated as a sailing boat or ship.

It is so satisfying to scratch the blue away revealing what is underneath.

I have bi-weekly infusions for 3 hours. I decided to grab the kit and
put it into my backpack before leaving the house. It was a great way to pass
the time and I really enjoyed doing it too. It was very relaxing.
When I finished I got on my computer to look for more 
Inspired By scratch art kits. This would be the perfect gift to give 
someone who is going through challenging times medically. 
Art is very therapeutic. 

Final Reveal 

My thought is that Muriel Kerba got her inspiration from this painting. 
This is just my opinion. 
Vincent Van Gogh's Seascape At Saintes-Maries.
Both have boats rocking in the waves. The 

in English is translated as a landscape.

My daughter is really concentrating on getting the patterns
as close to what is shown in the booklet. 

You can see the black in the sky on the left hand side of the booklet. 
That tells you what will be scratched in the next picture. 

Lighting up the landscape. 


My thought is that Muriel Kerba got her inspiration from this painting. 
This is just my opinion. 
Paysage by Vincent Van Gogh. The two are named the same. 
They are both quite colorful. Van Gogh's has a beautiful flower
garden and one small shed or cottage. The sky is a beautiful 
shade of greenish blue. The Inspired By Vincent Van Gogh
has a billowing landscape and sky made up of colorful patterns. 
The two cottages are nestled back into the picture. 

Vieux Chênes 
in English is translated as the old oak tree.

The blue scratch off can make quite a mess. It is very hard to keep it 
contained in one spot. If it does get on your clothing it just brushes off.
At least that was our experience. 

Nailed It!

My thought is that Muriel Kerba got her inspiration from this painting. 
This is just my opinion. 
The Large Plane Trees by Vincent Van Gogh.
Plane trees are actually sycamore trees. The 
oak trees. If you take away the buildings,
people, stones, and what looks to me like autumn leaves and 
add in a moon, blue sky, and of course the colorful patterns you
have a likeness to Van Gogh. 

I would most definitely recommend Inspired By Vincent Van Gogh
This art kit is a great addition to your art/art history homeschooling curriculum.
Inspired By Vincent Van Gogh is also a great "just for fun" activity,
to give as a gift for the young and old, or even to take to your next get 
together with friends. 

This Inspired By... is a fantastic opportunity to learn
more about Van Gogh. You could visit your local museum to see if
they have any Van Gogh paintings. Researching Van Gogh's life and 
paintings and for the younger child making a lap book. You know that
you are a homeschooler when you see all of the possibilities that can be
found in just about anything, lol. 

This is a wonderful video showing some of Van Gogh's 
paintings animated. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Progeny Press


Disclaimer:  I received this complimentary product through the 
Homeschool Review Crew.

Progeny Press has available study guides to accompany some of the greatest classic children's story books and classic novels for elementary through high school. I had the privilege of being able to look over two E-Guide's. The first E-Guide The Story About Ping Study Guide is for K-2nd Grade. The second E-Guide that I got to read through was The Fellowship of the Ring Study Guide for grades 9-12. Along with the study guides you are also able to purchase the books on the Progeny Press site. There are three options for obtaining the study guide: a physical workbook, a CD, or an E-Guide. For this review I received the E-Guides via email which contained a downloadable PDF files. The PDF format is universally compatible with both Windows and Mac. After purchase you have immediate access to the file. It is important to note that digital copies are available in your Progeny Press account for one year after purchase. It is very important that you download and save a copy of your digital download on your computer for future us and permanent storage.  Purchasers are able to use the guide with multiple students within a family or even a class. Progeny Press offers free technical support if you have problems downloading your E-Guide.  Progeny Press offers study guides for all grade levels. 

A Bit About the Study Guides:

  • To properly work through the guides students should have a dictionary, a thesaurus, a Bible, supervised access to the Internet, access to encyclopedias. 
  • Middle and High School guides on average take 8 to 10 weeks to complete
  • For high school students, one study guides equals 1/4 credit 

The Story About PinG Study Guide

Progeny Press also has a Pinterest board with many fun activities to go along with The Story About Ping

The Story About Ping was first published in 1933 and has remained a classic children's book for generations. Ping lives on the Yangtze River in China with his mother, father, sisters, brother, aunts, uncles, and lots of cousins. At the end of the day the last duck to get back on the boat got a spank on the back. Pink always made sure not to be last. One evening Ping was so busy that he did not hear the call to line up and knew that he would surely be last. He did not want a spank so he decided to hide. In the morning when he awoke he could not find his family or his boat. Ping saw birds with metal rings around their necks so they could not swallow fish that they carried to their master. Ping saw pieces of rice cake and ate them which led him to a boy tied to barrel in the water. The boy snatched Ping and Ping QUACKED in fear!...


Even though The Story About Ping was written in 1933 the illustrations
are timeless. 

After a bit of digging I found that the author while writing Angus the Duck
became interested in ducks. She wanted to learn more about the 
Peking duck. Having never traveled to China she worked with a 
gentleman by the name of Kurt Wiese. Wiese had lived in China so
 was able to give Marjorie the knowledge that he had for 
her to write The Story About Ping. Kurt Wiese would
 illustrate the story for the book. 

The Answer Key says, "Ping's parents and aunts and uncles and cousins 
all demonstrated that it is best to obey the boat master and return to the boat. 

I really like Progeny Press's position on students answers. 

A fun craft found on Pinterest. 

An interesting quote from Marjorie Flack,
As far back as I remember, pictures were always an important part of my life… 
For every picture there would be a story, even before I could write.”

The Fellowship of the Ring

An interesting bit of information about The Fellowship of the Ring. J.R.R. Tolkien wrote The Lord of the Rings as one book. Due to economic reasons the publisher divided the book into three; The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King.  

What The Fellowship of the Ring is About. 

"A successful 'fairy-story' set in a 'secondary world' - that is, 
a fictional setting that nonetheless commands the belief of both reader 
and writer - feels 'true' because fantasy ' is a natural human activity'
and remains a human right: we make in our measure and in our 
derivative mode, because we are made - and not only made,
 but made in the image and likeness of a Maker."


In My Personal Opinion
Maps are important to the book. 

A section in Optional Activities on poetry in The Fellowship of the Rings 
gives your student a great look into the poetry that is woven into the story
and throughout The Lord of the Rings.

Optional Activities

There are so many great activities to further enrich your students experience reading Fellowship of the Ring. There are multiple vocabulary sections using various applications. Students can give an oral reading of Bilbo's poem in Chapter 2. It starts, "One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them..." A section explaining DRAMATIC STRUCTURE is explained. The five-part dramatic structure is defined. The student is asked to fill in portions of an outline as well as characterization responses for Lord of the Ring characters. There is also a list of essay suggestions. This is only a few of the optional activities for Fellowship of the Ring. 

Progeny Press offers families study guides for literature from a Christian perspective. Over the years I have used Progeny Press with my children. Here are links to my past blog posts: FrankensteinThe Scavengers, and The Bears on Hemlock Mountain. Be sure to read through the reviews from My Fellow Crew Members. I would most definitely recommend Progeny Press study guides.

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Last Chance Academy

I just got through reading Last Chance Academy by Debbi Michiko Florence. It's been a difficult time for Megumi, or Meg for short, since...