Monday, May 29, 2023

The Church History ABC’s


Children will learn about 26 individuals throughout history who played a significant role in church history in the Church History ABC's Augustine and twenty-five other heroes of the FaithThey'll read about Saint Augustine's open confession of enjoying doing wrong when he was young. However, God took hold of his heart and Augustine repented of his sin. Then they'll learn about Ulrich Zwingli and how God used him in Zurich to teach about Jesus at the end of the alphabet.The book is recommended for children aged 3-6. The A to Z stories are simple enough for young children to understand, which is what I love about this book. Additionally, the added information at the end of the book gives older children more information about each character.  

N is for 
noodles, nachos, and 
John Newton, writer of "Amazing Grace"

Blinded by his own sin it took God using a bad storm and a shipwreck for
John Newton to finally see his need for a Savior. Like his famous hymn 
"Amazing Grace" says, I was blind, but now I see. 

In the back of the book we learn some more in depth information about John Newton such as in 1780 John Newton greatly influenced...the young Member of Parliament William Wilberforce. Newton convinced Wilberforce, who thought about leaving politics for the ministry, that he could make a great contribution by working tirelessly to abolish the slave trade. Wilberforce first introduced the 1791. It was passed into law in 1807...

The authors' books: the Church History ABC's Augustine and twenty-five other heroes of the Faith along with Reformation ABC's The People, Places, and Things of the Reformation from A to Z and Bible History ABC's God's Story from A to Z are wonderful books. The books teach young children God's Word, the foundation of Christianity, the truth that salvation is through grace through faith alone in Jesus Christ not by works, and the many individuals throughout the centuries from Martin Luther in 1517 challenging the Catholic Church to the faithful missionary Florence Young who due to war established a water based mission field. Florence established the South Seas Evangelical Mission using a yacht named the Evangel and reached thousands with the gospel. Your children will have so much fun making their way through the ABC's and will even have some laughs along the way. I would recommend this book to all parents, educators, and caregivers with children. Even though these books are for children, adults will enjoy them too. 

Disclaimer - I received this in exchange for my honest opinion.

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Reformation ABC's

Reformation ABC's The People, Places, and Things of the Reformation from A to Z tells of the Protestant Reformation. This started in 1517 when monk Martin Luther challenged the Catholic Church's teachings. Luther argued against the Catholic Church's practice of buying or earning forgiveness. He believed that salvation was a gift given by God to those who chose faith in Him. The book begins with A is for ants, artists, and AUGUSTINE and ends with Z is for zoo, zipper, and ZURICH. Between A and Z young children will learn about the many people, places, and things that played key roles in the Protestant Reformation and Christianity. Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible. Various art, buildings, and books found throughout the book will be referenced at the end of the book. At the end of the book are three sections: Reformation by the NUMBERS, Reformation by Symbols and Reformation TIMELINE. This book is for 3-12 year olds. The grade levels are 2nd and 3rd grade. 

Here is an example of what you will see within the pages of the book. 

T is for 
torch, trains, and 

Portrait of William Tyndall, from early edition of Foxe's Book of Martyrs, 1563, artist unknown.
Pages from the Gospel of John, William Tyndale's New Testament, 1525. 

Reformation by the NUMBERS

An example of one of the numbers is 
The number of pages in the final edition of John Calvin's 
Institutes of the Christian Religion was 1,521. 

The book is very educational. A young child can understand a historically significant time period thanks to the author's explanations. It's likely that most children won't know words like martyred, catechism, indulgences, or reformers. What a great opportunity to teach them these BIG words and their meanings as they read about Edward the Sixth, Augustine, Pilgrim's Progress and all of the Reformation's people, places, and things. I would recommend this book for home, church, or a school setting.  

Disclaimer- I received this book in exchange for my honest thoughts. 

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Bible History ABC's


Bible History ABC's  God's Story from A to Z takes the 26 letters in the alphabet to tell God's story. The book begins with A is for aardvarks, armadillos, an apple, and ADAM and ends with Z is for zebra, zeal, zipper, and ZION. Each letter introduces a foundational concept from a story in the Bible. These stories and concepts are accompanied by scripture passages where they are found. Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible. Most of the art that accompanies each letter comes from the collection of The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. The illustrations, paintings, sculptures, and images from church history give children a visual picture to connect with what is in the reading. At the end of the book are three short sections: Everything has a HISTORY, even THE BIBLE, Books of the Bible, and Numbers of the Bible. The target audience is children ages 3-6. 

Here is an example of what you will see within the pages of the book.

O is for 
otters, oranges, octopuses, and the 

An octopus lives down in the sea, 
an owl lives up in a tree, 
and Jesus lived on earth like you and me. 
He went to ordinary places and did ordinary things that all ordinary boys do.
Then one day John baptized Jesus in the Jordan River.
From then on Jesus taught big crowds in the open air and performed miracles like opening blind eyes.
Jesus still went to ordinary places.
He often went to the Mount of Olives. 
It overlooked old Jerusalem and overflowed with ancient and gnarled olive trees.
Here Jesus once prayed all night to obey God's will.
Of all the ordinary things Jesus did, one was not.
He was perfectly obedient, not only often, but all of the time.

"As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people,
from this time forth and forevermore."
PSALM 125:2

The other verses written out are:

Luke 3:21-22; 4:1-2
Luke 22:39
Matthew 26:30

The painting is by Vincent van Gogh Women Picking Olives (1889)

NUMBERS of the Bible

Did you know that there were

Verses in the Bible?

I absolutely adore this book. I think that some would open this book and would say that it is way too advanced for the recommended 3-6 age range. I beg to differ. We often underestimate children's abilities to grasp BIG concepts. The author has done a wonderful job at writing in a way that young children can understand. Concepts such as God's covenant with Abraham and the importance of goats and lambs in ancient Israel and Jesus being the spotless Lamb. All backed up with scripture, these are concepts young children can understand. Add some famous art! I love this combination. Your children will have so much fun making their way through the ABC's and will even have some laughs along the way. I would most definitely recommend this book.  

Disclaimer: I received this book in exchange for my honest thoughts. 

Friday, May 26, 2023

Last Chance Academy

I just got through reading Last Chance Academy by Debbi Michiko Florence. It's been a difficult time for Megumi, or Meg for short, since...