To begin, let me introduce you to Ditty Bird Black & White Animals. A wide variety of animals appear in this book, including ribbiting frogs, trumpeting elephants, and meowing kittens. This book features Ditty Bird dressed up and having fun. As the animals graze, Farmer Ditty watches them. When an elephant sprays water into the air, Ditty is holding an umbrella so as not to get wet. There is some color throughout the book, but the majority isblack and white. The frogs' lilly pads are green, the dogs' ball is red, and the kittens' ball is blue. Additionally, Ditty Bird is in color.

High-contrast images are an excellent way to engage your infant between 0-4 months. Babies cannot see beyond 8-12 inches during these early months. If you are cradling a baby or a mother nurses her baby, this is the distance they can see. Babies' vision during these first months is blurry, and they can only distinguish between black and white. Your infant starts to focus, their eyes work together, and they learn to track when exposed to high-contrast images and books. It sets the stage for the wonder of colors they will experience in the months ahead. Ditty Bird is ready and waiting to share the many wonderful books in the Ditty Bird collection. These books are filled with vibrant colors, shapes, words, sounds, songs, and classical music.

As my grandson looked at these two pages that are mostly black and white except for the green grass surrounding the cow, Ditty Bird captivated my grandson's attention. Currently, my grandson's vocabulary is expanding rapidly, but he is mostly using single words. My eyes were drawn to his stare. What was he thinking? Did he wonder why Ditty Bird was so colorful but not anything else? Did he have the ability to think about clouds and that Ditty Bird was sitting on a cloud?Perhaps he just liked Ditty Bird.

First 100 Words

Words: what are they? A word is a distinctive, meaningful element of speech. Perhaps your child has already mastered sounds and blended sounds into words. Possibly all you are doing is showing your infant pictures and naming them. Infants watch you move your mouth and listen to your sounds. A newborn's brain contains billions of neurons (neural synapses) waiting to form connections. It is essential to develop these non-hardwired connections. By reading Ditty Bird First 100 Words, you contribute to those connections. As they gaze at the colorful pages and listen to your words, new neural synapses are being formed. I am seeing my 16-month-old grandson use more words each day. It is normal that not every word sounds like the one you are supposed to hear.

Let your child hold the book, and if it's upside down, leave it. Let them explore using their early processing skills todiscover that the book is upside down. When it's time to turn to the next page, you can say, "Let's turn the book around this way and see what the pictures look like." Correction is usually accepted by little ones.

In Ditty Bird First 100 Words, a child will learn not only common everyday words but also how to link words with objects, animals, weather, feelings, and body awareness. Your little one will hear the buzzing of a bee and the barking of a dog in The Garden. In the recording, it says: We can make the sounds of everything we see in the garden. In this way, participation is encouraged. A duck quacks and a cow moo's on The Farm for your little one to enjoy. After that, your child is asked: What animal sounds can you do?

Little fingers can easily push the grey sensor buttons on the pages. My grandson sometimes accidentally presses the button twice consecutively, causing it to start and immediately stop. Listening to only one page or one book over and over again is quite common for him.
The book ends with two pages that introduce your child to the parts of the body and different feelings. Your child will hear: Move your body I know you can. Touch your nose, open your mouth, shake your hands, and stomp your feet when they click The Body button. When they press the button next to Ditty Bird on the How Are You? page they will hear: How are you feeling today? If your happy and you know it clap your hands. After that, your child will hear the song 🎶 If Your Happy And You Know It. 🎶
NOW is the perfect time to get your child some Ditty Bird books. Visit to find these and many more. Ditty Bird hooked me from the moment I looked at and listened to my first book. A total of 33 books are included in the Ditty Bird Collection. Books are available for children aged 6 months to 4 years.