Thursday, February 29, 2024

Vintage Recipes of the 1940's

In Vintage Recipes of the 1940's, you will find breakfast, main dishes, desserts, and drinks that your parents, grandparents, or great-grandparents, depending on your age, would have made and served. I am curious about the source of these recipes. In addition to geographical location, affluence also influences food choices. 

Because of WWII, many key goods were rationed during the 1940's. A number of foods were heavily rationed, including sugar, butter, meat, coffee, and canned goods. As other foods became scarce, they followed. There were several recipes in this book that I found surprising, since they called for both butter and various types of sugar. Some of them seemed out of place in that era. However, I am just speculating. 

In looking through the recipes, I remembered talking to my grandmother who was born in 1919 and raised seven children on a farm. Of course cooking came up many times. My mother talked about living on a farm with seven siblings. In her words, store bought bread was an unnecessary luxury, and peanut butter was a luxury. Every week, her mother baked bread. A variety of factors affected what and how you ate, including where you lived geographically, whether you lived in a big city or on a farm, the size of your family, income, and other factors.

Here are some of the recipes you will find in the book:


Cinnamon Toast with Melted Butter

Homemade Granola with Yogurt and Honey

Cornmeal Mush with Fried Apples

Main Dishes

Bacon and Mushroom Quiche

Baked Ham with Scalloped Potatoes

Creamed Peas on Toast


Custard Pie

Bread Pudding

Caramel Fudge


Tom and Jerry Cocktail


Grape Soda

There are many recipes in this book that I make for my family today. A few recipes would be a no go for me. Several of them sounded interesting, so I may have to give them a try. There are a few that sound British. America is referred to as "The Melting Pot" for a reason.

This recipe book will bring back different memories for everyone. A favorite childhood meal or dessert may be found by some. Another person may recall watching their mother prepare some of these foods. It's that aspect of recipe books that makes them so wonderful. There is another wonderful thing about recipe books. Recipes are preserved. In my spare time, I enjoy cooking and baking. 

Overall, I wasn't impressed with this recipe book. It didn't seem to be a good representation of 1940's recipes. Being that it was a time of food rationing, and women shared recipes and had to get creative with cooking and baking, I would have liked some history surrounding recipes during that period. There was an abundance of potatoes and a lot of potato recipes. Due to meat shortages, many "mock" recipes were also created. A common practice among women and children was to create "Victory Gardens" for the purpose of providing fresh fruits and vegetables for themselves and their communities. Cooking required creativity. As the war raged, families at home sacrificed to ensure soldiers were fed well.

Disclaimer - I received this Ebook in exchange for my honest opinions. 

Monday, February 26, 2024

Get Canning

Get CANNING! : The Complete Guide to Preserving: Fruits, Vegetables, Meats, and Meals in a Jar, Along With the Knowledge and Supply List to Do It Safely! is a book on how to can your own food. Book length is 157 pages. The cover was beautiful, but it misled the reader. The first time I skimmed through the book, I noticed it lacked pictures! How are you going to write a guide to preserving food without any pictures? The book is billed as a "complete guide" but you still have to look up the basic items you would expect in such a book. Let's start with the supply list. Digital scales, for example, are obvious. However, other supplies, such as a Kraut Pounder or Pickelhelix, can seem foreign to someone unfamiliar with canning processes. Despite the fact that each supply is explained, you shouldn't have to go to the internet to see what they look like. 


Chapter 1: Fermenting - High In Probiotics

  • Health Benefits of Fermented Foods
  • Tool List
  • Fermentation Method

Chapter 2: Water Bath Canning - Easy Way To Get Canning

  • Benefits of Water Bath Canning
  • Tool List
  • Water Bath Canning Method
  • Safety Tips

Chapter 3: Pressure Canning - No Pressure Here! We Got You!

  • Pressure Canning vs. Water Bath Canning
  • Tool List
  • Pressure Canning Method
  • Safety Tips

Chapter 4: Storage - Tips And Tricks To Keeps Your Bounty For The Long Haul

  • Storage Temperatures
  • How To Store Jars
  • Storage Space Options
  • Root Cellar Storage
  • Chapter 5: Fermented Recipes

Chapter 6: Water Bath Canning Recipes

Chapter 7: Pressure Canning Recipes

Chapter 8: Meals In A Jar Recipes



Here we are again with pictures. Chapter one discusses fermintation. It is great to discuss fermentation, but it is even better to show examples of fermented foods. An example of a fermented starter should be shown. As it stands, it seems like the author just slapped this book together just to publish something without taking the time to make it a true resource for users. In your discussion of fermentation crocks vs jars, ceramic vs glass, and then sealed vs un-sealed you lost me. This is not helpful if I have no knowledge of canning but really want to learn. PICTURES! Compare and contrast the positives and negatives of each. Display pictures of the fermentation process before and after. Again, pictures of the fermentation process. My interest in the book has completely waned at this point. Further reading does not interest me at all. In this case, I would seek out a book that provides plenty of pictures to accompany the information being presented. 

There were also several aspects of the book that bothered me, such as the format, font, font size, etc. There is a lack of uniformity in the font throughout the book. Both the format and the font size vary throughout the book. Some sections are bolded and italicized while others are just bolded. The margins are all over the place. Chapter 3 contains an inconsistent step-by-step process. It consists of 21 points. The third is bolded and in a different font than the others. There are several points with justified line spacing, while others have normal line spacing. 

In my reviews, I try very hard to be positive. I normally write positive reviews, but I also feel that I owe my readers honest reviews. I would not recommend this book. There was no time spent planning, executing, or presenting this book to interested readers who are eager to learn more about canning.  

Disclaimer - I received this Ebook in exchange for my honest thoughts.

Saturday, February 24, 2024

The Pregnant Mother


A new puzzle has been added to Dr. Livingston's human anatomy puzzles, entitled The Pregnant Mother. Mesa Schumacher who is certified in medical and biological illustration illustrated the Dr. Livingston puzzles. Her master's degree is in Medical Illustration from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. Additionally, Schumacher holds degrees from the University of Washington and Stanford University. Additionally, she studied Fine Arts at the GAGE Academy in Seattle. Her passions include creating, storytelling images, drawing, and animating. With a height of 3' and a width of 2', this puzzle has 448 pieces. In this puzzle, the incredible bond between a mother and a full-term fetus is captured. An average uterus expands 500 times its normal size during a full term single birth pregnancy. What a fascinating glimpse into the female body. To see the way the organs realign to accommodate a growing baby is amazing. Being a mother of six myself, it's no surprise that pregnant women encounter so many uncomfortable symptoms. Several nights ago, my daughters and I put this puzzle together. Currently, my daughter is 38 weeks pregnant. The conversation and laughter we shared while assembling the amazing puzzle was truly a joy.

Throughout this puzzle, there are special shapes that represent anatomical structures and organs related to pregnancy, such as the uterus, placenta, and glands. This puzzle explores the wonders of life in an interactive and fun way. The whole picture of a pregnant woman and her unborn baby will become clearer as each system is completed. As you complete the puzzle, you will learn pregnancy anatomy and physiology.

100% Accurate

Mama needs a stand up break.

Thick puzzle pieces, and rich colors. 

The Pregnant Mother finished.

My daughter is 38 weeks pregnant.

Putting this puzzle together was both educational and enjoyable. The puzzle is highly recommended. 

Disclaimer - I received this puzzle in exchange for my honest thoughts. 

Medical Terminology for Beginners

The Medical Terminology for Beginners book was specifically designed for healthcare professionals. For nursing students, those starting out in the healthcare field, and those seeking a quick and practical way to learn medical terminology, this book is ideal. The book is excellent in reviewing terminology and providing a broad overview of the world of medicine and what it entails. For someone who is lost in the world of medical terminology and abbreviations this is a good resource to help navigate the field of medicine. Regarding the book's purpose in helping naviagte a more in depth understanding of specific diseases, terms, or specialties this book cannot provide that degree of knowledge to its reader. This book offers multiple formats of material to accommodate different learning styles making the book and resources provided appropriate for all. In the book's introduction, it is stated, "Regardless, purchasing this Book can be seen as consent to the fact that both the publisher and the author of this book are in no way experts on the topics discussed within and that any recommendations or suggestions that are made herein are for entertainment purposes only. Professionals should be consulted as needed prior to undertaking any of the action endorsed herein." All that being said, let's have a look at what's in the book.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1: Fundamentals of Medical Terminology 

Chapter 2: Pronunciation and Memorization Techniques

Chapter 3: Body Structure and Organization

Chapter 4: Medical Abbreviations and Acronyms

Chapter 5: Common Medical Conditions and Terminology

Chapter 6: Diagnostic Procedures and Medical Tests

Chapter 7: Pharmacology and Terminology

Chapter 8: Specialized Medical Fields

Chapter 9: Body Systems and Advanced Terminology

Chapter 10: Learning Strategies and Resources


How should the book be navigated? The book structure is structured to lay down foundational concepts and medical terminology first. The concept material progresses with the chapters.

There is continuity between each chapter structurally. A comprehensive understanding of medical terminology can be gained by focusing on one specific aspect of medical terminology per chapter. Here is how you gain knowledge from the book.

  1. Foundational Concept

  2. Building Complexity

  3. Practical Application

  4. Enhanced Learning

All chapters follow a structured approach. This format is used for each chapter.

  1. Introduction

  2. Detailed Content

  3. Real-World Examples

  4. Interactive Exercises

A list of ways to maximize your learning experience is given. 

The Appendix has the following content.

  1. A-Z of Medical Terms

  2. The International Phoenetic Alphabet (revised to 2020)

  3. 30-Day Training Schedule for Mastering Medical Terminology

  4. Medical Crossword Puzzle Answers

  5. Structured Quizzes and Answers

  6. Flashcard Exercises

  7. True or False Quizzes and Solutions

  8. Role Play Exercises

  9. Conclusion

However, I was disappointed to find so few colorful anatomy pictures throughout the book. The anatomy pictures were not very detailed or colorful, and there were about six of them.

In summary, I still think this is a useful medical terminology guide for beginners. I would probably recommend it. 

Disclaimer - I received this Ebook in exchange for my honest thoughts. 

Friday, February 23, 2024

Ransom Notes

Get ready to enjoy some...



Ransom Notes by Very Special Games Company is an enjoyable, let your hair down game that will appeal to both the young and wise with age. The game is suitable for players aged 15+ and can be played with up to six players. Each game includes six black metal player trays. In total, there are 840 magnetic word tiles. Laugh your way through 250 hilarious and entertaining Prompt Cards. To store your tiles, a black, velvet-like material drawstring bag is included. Also included is an easy-to-follow instruction sheet. This game comes in a sturdy cardboard box.

Everyone begins by taking a black tray. After that, grab three two-finger pinches of tiles. Each person will not have the same number of tiles. That's fine. Your tiles should be arranged face up under or around your tray. Stacks of cards could be placed in the middle of the table, or you could have small stacks more convenient for grabbing when it is your turn to draw. As for the rest of the word magnets, dump them in the bottom of the box. 

The game begins with a random player flipping over a Prompt Card and reading it aloud. Everyone then works on their own creative response. It is recommended that a time limit of 60-90 seconds be set. Utilize the timer on the phone to count down the seconds. Do not be afraid to be ridiculous, absurd, or plain crazy in your response!

There is still no judge at this point. Each person reads their response aloud. Whoever finished their response last goes first.This is the point at which a judge will be appointed. The bottom portion of the box will have tiles with the words, "you're the judge." written on it. Give the box a good twirl, just like you would with the "Spin-the-Bottle" game. The "Judge" for the round is whoever has their "you're the judge" side pointed closest to them.

The judge now picks their favorite sentence creation. The judge can choose their own, but all of the other players can overrule it by unanimous vote. Prompt Cards are kept by the winner. The game continues until one player possesses a total of five prompt cards. They have won!

My mother said, "Ransom Notes gets five stars from our family. Teenagers, mom of teenagers and a grandmother all played Ransom Notes  The game offers a lot of laughter when one player just can’t seem to complete his/her answer in the 90 seconds. Because we were playing as a family we could easily do a bit of cheery harassment to egg the “slowpoke” along. It didn’t take very long for the “judge” to make her decision. Some of the answers definitely made us all laugh and carry on because some of the answers were really bazar as to how bazar some of the answers were. 

I do have a suggestion for your game. Some of the Prompt Cards are definitely not appropriate for a young teenager. Perhaps the “X” rated Prompt Cards could be placed in a separate stack for adult players. I would have been very embarrassed and unhappy if a young teen drew one of the inappropriate cards. All in all, the game was fun. In today’s serious world, the ability to laugh is very welcome and much needed. Our family gives Ransom Notes a thumbs up. We will definitely play Ransom Notes again. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to spend a cheerful afternoon with my family."

My daughter pictured below is the witty one that won the game. This is what she had to say about Ransom Notes, "If you're not incredibly familiar with those you’re playing with, you will be when the game is over. Ransom Notes will expose grandmothers with a menacing nature and granddaughters with sugar daddy ambitions (you have to play the game to understand this one). It’s a simple yet enjoyable game. The only prep necessary is grabbing a magnet board and a handful of word tiles. Emptying your bladder might also be in your best interest because chances are you’ll be crying with laughter. Overall, I definitely recommend playing!"

This was a great game, and will definitely become a regular in our house. This game is simple with few instructions, which I like. Often times, games have so many rules and instructions that it takes forever to get through not only reading them, but also playing them several times before you really have the game mastered. Ransom Notes is the exact opposite!Instant fun can be had because players can jump right into the game. 

However, I did have one criticism of the game. During the game, my mother drew a Prompt Card that had a shocking prompt on it. The prompt said, "Ask your boss for a promotion in exchange for sexual favors." 

We played through the hilarious prompts until I drew a card that said, "Walk us through the masturbation process." Um, no! In my opinion, these prompts are inappropriate for anyone, but especially for someone as young as 15! What's the point of putting cards like this into a game? As I looked through the cards, I found 11 that I felt were highly inappropriate.In addition, more prompts are not worth including.

One of the questions in the FAQ section is, "Why is the game rated 15+? " Ransom Notes says, "Some of the prompt cards mention themes that are a bit adult, i.e. "Where do babies come from?" or "Write a commercial for cocaine." BUT, if you do want to make it entirely family friendly, pulling about 20% of the Prompt Cards should make the game totally PG and playable for all!"

As a whole, I would highly recommend this game. Visit the Ransom Notes website to check out other fun games now.

Disclaimer -The game was provided to me in exchange for an honest review. 

Thursday, February 22, 2024

The Fragility of Light (Publication Date March 2, 2024)

With 448 pages, The Fragility of Light is a complex novel. In my opinion the plot takes a long time to develop, and the novel is unnecessarily long. With that said, I found the novel gripping after the plot was established. The author did an excellent job unraveling the tangled personality of the main character. Initially, the main character seems static but becomes a dynamic, strong character by the end. I felt that the author's use of split narrative viewpoints sometimesmorphed into unnecessary repetition. That being said, I believe that a split narrative style is the ideal way to make this novel flow.

The author discusses and educates readers on schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, bipolar disorder, anxiety, and suicide in The Fragility of Light. This is done seamlessly without disrupting the novel's flow.

Additionally, the Holocaust is a prominent theme throughout the novel. Sunny's grandparents survived the Holocaust.When Sunny's mother died, her grandparents are very influential in her care. As a way of empathizing with what they went through, Sunny has become obsessed with reading Holocaust books. The subject matter from these books eventually became part of her phychotic episodes as an adult.

As a whole, I thought that the author did an excellent job with this book. I found myself feeling a variety of emotions for each of the characters throughout the course of the book. For the most part, the book flowed well. I would certainly recommend this book to others. I will definitely read another book by the author after reading this one.

Disclaimer - I received this Ebook in exchange for my honest thoughts. 

Cow Knew How

In Cow Knew How by Tricia Gardella, children learn about the importance of working together to solve problems. When Magpie swoops down and tells Cow, "Today is Goldie's birthday," Cow stands and begins to think. In the orchard, Cow sees bees. In their conversation, the bees praise Goldie for taking such good care of them and wish to make her birthday special. However, they have no idea how. "Cow thought. Then, Cow knew how." In addition to telling the bees when and where to meet him, he tells them what to bring as well. Despite their curiosity, Cow has already left before they can get an answer from him about what makes their contribution so special. Cow is headed to the hen house to visit Hen. A similar encounter occurs with Hen. As Hen is about to ask her question, Cow has already departed to see Dog. Dog told Cow how wonderful Goldie was to him. Dog was unable to ask his question before Cow disappeared. Cow was met by a flock of birds in the pasture. Cow had the flock of birds contribute creatively. Seeing Horse was Cow's next stop. Cow is very sharp. Cow is off again, this time to the barn. Cat jumps out when cow reaches the barn. It seems that Cow has a different plan for Cat. There's something sneaky about Cow's plan. To make Goldie's birthday surprise, it took the bees, Hen, Dog,the flock of birds, Horse, and Cat! Let's not forget Magpie declared Goldie's birthday earlier in the day. Suddenly, Magpie begins singing Happy Birthday from high up in a tree, and all of the farm animals join in to surprise Goldie with the treat she loves most! To pull off Goldie's surprise, everyone had to work together.

This book is wonderful. It instills positive values. I would recommend it. 

Disclaimer - I received this Ebook in exchange for my honest thoughts.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

The Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine & Natural Remedies

A compilation of ten books, The Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine & Natural Remedies will help you transform your thinking about natural ways to approach health.

Book 1: History and Introduction of Herbalism – This book explains the history of herbal medicine, the evolution of medicinal plants, and the significance of herbal medicine. Herbal traditions around the world are also discussed in the first book, as well as the impact of medicinal plants on modern society.

Book 2: Herbal Apothecary – The second book discusses herbal traditions, characteristics, and properties of medicinal plants, as well as how to prepare herbs for use. Lastly, it discusses how to grow your own herbs.

Book 3: Medicinal Plants – In this book, you will find information about over fifty different types of medicinal plants. Each plant is illustrated with a beautiful pencil sketch. Listed for each plant are its healing properties, benefits, practical applications, and usage and history.

Book 4: Herbal Dispensary – This book will teach you how to grow and cultivate your own herbs. Learn which herbs grow best indoors and which ones grow best outdoors and how you can become a successful herbalist.

Book 5: Natural Herbal Antibiotics – The fifth book introduces readers to the power of plants in treating infections. Learn how to safely dry, store, and use herbs.

Book 6: The Art of Herbal Tinctures and Salves – In this book, you will find recipes and remedies for common everyday ailments.

Book 7: Herbal Teas and Healing Infusions – In book seven, the author discusses herbal therapy as a means of healing.There are recipes and step-by-step preparation instructions.

Book 8: Essential Oils – The book discusses essential oils and how to extract them. An overview of aromatherapy's benefits.

Book 9: Herbal Medicine for Children – In this book, herbal medicine is discussed for ages 0-12.

Book 10: FAQ – In the encyclopedia's final book, you'll find a long list of fascinating questions and answers. These questions cover topics such as how to identify edible plants and how to integrate herbal treatments into your daily regimen. 

The Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine & Natural Remedies is a valuable information resource. I absolutely loved this book. I can see myself referring to it frequently. Definitely worth reading.

Disclaimer - I received this Ebook in exchange for my honest thoughts. 

Last Chance Academy

I just got through reading Last Chance Academy by Debbi Michiko Florence. It's been a difficult time for Megumi, or Meg for short, since...