Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Maestro Mastery ~ Explore the Composers

Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

Maestro Mastery ~ Explore the Composers is a game for the whole family to learn all about composers from the Medieval era through the present Contemporary era. The game is one of the many learn and explore games from Byron's Games. This game is for two or more players. The recommended age is 5 and above. 

Included in the game:
  • Instructions
  • 104 matching composer cards, featuring 52 composers
  • 1 music timeline card
  • 1 fold-out poster 

There are two decks of cards. If playing with a small number of players it suggests using only one deck. Play with two decks if playing with a larger number of players. Lay the cards face down in rows and columns. Next, take turns turning over two cards at a time to find matching pairs. We switched this up a bit. We made a row of five and started the game from there. I played the game with my 12 year old daughter. Let me just say, I used to be a lot better at matching games in my youth that I am now, lol. My memory skills are not what they used to be. My daughter won every single game. As we flipped cards over I pronounced the composers name for my daughter. Once a match is made players are to read the composer's name, years lived, country that they are from, era of music, and the description. The player with the most matches at the end of the game wins!

This card was a great reference tool for the breakdown of the six musical time periods from Medieval to Contemporary. 

The matching pair has one card that contains a text description of the composer. Antonio Vivaldi was from the Baroque Era. He lived from 1678-1741 and was from Italy. Vivaldi was a "violin virtuoso, teacher, and priest. He wrote over 800 pieces, but is most well-known for his four violin concerti, The Four Seasons."

Got a MATCH!!

Early on in the game. 

Searching for matches. 

My daughter basking in her glory at winning the game. 

Here is the fold-out poster of the composers. 

There is an optional listening to enhance your experience of the composers. You can hear samples of each composers work. This most definitely was an ADDED PLUS!!  

Amy Beach ~ Symphony in E-minor, Op.32 "Gaelic" (1896)

I got a measly 5 matches.

Drumroll...My daughter got 21 matches!!

My daughter and I really enjoyed playing Maestro Mastery ~ Explore the Composers. My daughter even took this game to play with one of the kiddos that she nanny's and she said that he loved it! He is currently taking piano lessons and is 8 years old. He asked her if she would please bring the game back so that they could play it again. I would recommend this game to both school based educators and homeschoolers. Be sure to check out what my Fellow Crew Members had to say about the game. 

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