Friday, January 4, 2019

Cat Crimes Game

Cat Crimes Game  is part of the Timberdoodle's 2018, 5th Grade Curriculum Kit. This game is a single player game. It is intended for ages 8 and above. The included Instruction Manual explains the game in detail. It describes various scenarios based on clues from the Challenge Cards that may not be totally clear. The manual has colored pictures with red arrows and red circles around items to identify what is being explained. Each cat has their own Suspect Bio. There are even crime solving tips to help you out. These will especially come in handy as you move up into the harder levels. 

Meet the Cat Suspect Crew

Game Board and Tokens
Each crime position has two supporting evidence items such as 
catnip, a mouse, sock, paw print, bell ball, and claw marks. There
are two of each. 

There are 4 levels:

Each clue on the card will help you figure out where to place each
cat on the board. Sometimes a cat(s) will not be used. When this 
happens the card will say that the cat(s) are upstairs sleeping. The cat that
is sitting in front of the Crime Token is your Crime Cat! 
Clues on the Challenge Cards will help you with placement of the cats.
The clues may say that Sassy is next to Ginger or that Mr. Mittens is next
to the Catnip. Each level gets increasingly harder and will truly challenge your
child. You may even find yourself being challenged, lol!

Once you feel that you have solved the clues correctly you simply
flip the card over and the answer is on the back. 

Here are the clues for Beginner Challenge Card 1.

The beginning level is fairly easy. 

Don't all of the cats look so innocent yet so guilty? 

On this particular challenge the shoes are the Crime!

As you can see from reading this challenge card, the Intermediate
Level is a bit more complicated that the Beginner level. The steps are 
a bit more complex requiring your kiddo to think a bit more. 

Deep in thought...


Going over all of the steps one last time. 

Score, got it right!

Here is a close-up of the answer side of the Challenge Card. 

This Advanced is getting harder.

Got it!

Naughty, PIP SQUEAK! He just couldn't stay away from those red shoes. 

Okay, on to an Expert Level!! 

PIP SQUEAK again! Naughty kitty! Now the fish bowl.

The feeling of success!

The cats are planning a coup, lol.

In deep, deep thought.

Thinking things through.

Mom, this just doesn't make sense?!

What do I do? This one is so confusing. 

Thinking it through again. I didn't do so well on this one.
Got it wrong.

Overall, Cat Crimes Game was a hit! My 5th grade daughter enjoyed playing the game. She liked that it was a single player game and that she didn't have to compete with anyone. She definitely preferred the easier levels. My older kiddos enjoyed playing the game as well. My 7th grade daughter enjoyed playing the game as well. She was definitely up for the advanced and expert levels. I would highly recommend Cat Crimes Game to those looking for a quiet game that requires thinking, logic, and stretching your mind.

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