Thursday, August 15, 2019

Pathway to Liberty ~ U.S. History

Pathway to Liberty offers a complete curriculum which contains four years of coursework. The curriculum is uniquely designed so that the teacher is able to teach multiple grade levels at the same time. Each level come with Teacher guides and Student Workbooks. Weekly lesson plans, assignments, and step-by-step instructions will guide your student along the way. Your child will be taught from a Biblical Worldview. The curriculum covers K-12th grade. Each year covers 26 weeks of coursework. This year I am going to using Pathway to Liberty's Year 3 - U.S. History with my 6th, 8th, and 11th grade children. We will be using Levels 2, 3, and 4. U.S. History begins with the early colonies and ends with the Civil War. 

Here is a list of the books used for all 4 levels.

This copy of The Light and the Glory is mine from when I was in college back in 1992. 

Here is my Level 2 kiddo. 

Here is my Level 3 kiddo. 

Here is my Level 4 kiddo. 

Here is a great breakdown of the 4 levels in the Pathway to Liberty Curriculum:

Level 1 (K5-3rd Grade)
  • Level 1 is designed for the early elementary years. Students learn history through age-appropriate core books and literature studies. Principles are taught in a concrete, simplified manner. The character of individuals is emphasized. Copy work and simple writing exercises can be adjusted to student's writing ability. 
Level 2 (4th-6th Grade)
  • Level 2 is designed for upper elementary who are able to read and write fluently. Principles are expanded and application is encouraged. Students write 1-2 paragraphs a weekly and begin to learn research skills. Some of the reading assignments coordinate with Level 3, however the reasoning, writing and literature are age-appropriate. 
Level 3 (7th-9th)
  • Level 3 is designed for middle school students. It requires more in-depth reasoning and logic and the application of principles. Students write 2-5 paragraphs weekly and apply research skills too reports. 
Level 4 (10-12 Grade)
  • With Level 4, student's gain rhetorical mastery of their lessons. Their worldview is solidified and they are able to articulate their lessons. It is for advanced level High school students. Most textbooks are college level reading. Credits include History-1, Bible-1/2-1, History and Literature reading are on an adult level. Writing assignments are designed to prepare students for a collegiate or professional environment. 
There are four years in the history cycle:
  • Year 1: Universal History
  • Year 2: The Middle Ages
  • Year 3: US History
  • Year 4: World History
I am very excited to see what all three of my children will learn this year as they work their way through U.S. History. As they learn about the original colonies of Roanoke and Jamestown, to the Great Awakening, and the Signing of the Declaration of Independence, and all of the way to what precipitated the Civil War. There is so much to cover and so much to read and learn about. It is going to be a fun year! 

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