Monday, June 8, 2020

Math Shed/Spelling Shed ~ A Review

Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

Math Shed and Spelling Shed are an online subscription for 1st - 5th graders to help students practice math and spelling skills. The subscription is a one year access for up to 5 students. Each student will have their own unique log-in. 

Spelling Shed
There are multiple levels of difficulty for this game. The goal is for them to work fast, accurately, and independently. The students earns points as they play. Students have basic avatars that they personalize that is used between both the Math Shed and the Spelling Shed. As students play the games they earn points which earn them honeypots. With those honeypots students can purchase upgrades for their avatars such as sunglasses, hair coloring, accessories, etc. Teachers can take away honeypots as well as give honeypots. Their are 5 levels, meaning grades 1-5. There are printables, activities, and teacher lesson plans. Teachers can make add in weekly spelling lists for students and then students can spend the week practicing those words in the games. The teacher can lock the system so that the student can only play games with a certain list of given words. 

Students get to personalize their own avatar.

There are several play options for Spelling Shed. 
1. Play ~ practice spelling words list of 10 words in a timed format
2. Beekeeper ~ students guess words by choosing letters
3. Buzz Words ~ creating random words with letter tiles
4. Hive Games ~ students can play with other students within the program

Spelling Shed games have four levels of difficult: easy, medium, hard, and extreme. 

Before this page comes up the word passed will appear on the screen. 
The program will actually say the word and give you the definition of the word.
The student will then be given this screen. The student will have to spell out the word. 
Once they have used a given letter it will fade out and they will not be 
able to use it anymore. 

At the end of the game the words will be shown. Words wrong will be shown in red.
Total points earns will be displays as well as honeypots earned. 

Math Shed
Math Shed had multiple games. Games have three levels: easy, medium, and hard. Each game is timed and at the end it will display the amount of problems that the student got correct as well as the average time per problem that it took them to complete each problem. The difference in Math Shed is that it is not broken down into grade levels. I think that this is really a huge drawback for the user. I found it to be quite confusing to navigate. I could see that a child using this could get very frustrated. I really do not understand why they did not use the same set-up like they used in Spelling Shed.

Here you can see the problems in the game. Which ones were wrong are shown in red.
The average time is given in seconds. The honeypots earned are displayed. 

There is a really neat section in the teachers side under, Teacher's Resources. 
There are Powerpoint reviews for Fall, Spring, and Summer Terms. Simply click and 
you can access there very useful teaching slides. 

Here is some of the teaching slides from Year 6 
Summer ~ Properties of Shape 

I think that this program would be great for the student needing extra help in math and spelling. This would also be a good resource for homeschoolers looking for an extra resource to add into their homeschool week. This is also ideal for the school setting. The games in Spelling Shed and Math Shed are the common games found in most apps and programs. They are not really unique and I can see students quickly getting bored with the set-up quickly. Be sure to read what my fellow Review Crew Members had to say about Math Shed and Spelling Shed. 

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