Wednesday, July 22, 2020

A slow start...


Over the years of homeschooling I have found slowly starting back up with schoolwork one subject at a time makes for a much better school year for everyone. In July we usually start back up with math. Math is the one subject that all of my kiddos struggle with and dislike the most. Getting a jumpstart on math helps to make significant progress before co-op classes start the end of August. Over the summer I usually have my kiddos read FUN books as well as at least one book of my choosing. This summer that one book for my older kids was Uncle Tom's Cabin. My incoming 7th grader will spend most of the summer working on a history lap book project from Home School in the Woods on The Industrial Revolution through the Great Depression. In July my 7th and 9th graders got their co-op summer reading assignments for co-op. My 7th grader will be taking Intro to Literature and General Science and my 9th grader will be taking American Literature and Biology. In August we add in another subject or two and continue on. Kind of like a turtle, slow and steady wins the race. 

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