Monday, June 28, 2021



I received this complimentary product through the 
Homeschool Review Crew.

I have been asked to write an informative review about Words Rock Online from is an online comprehensive literacy program for students ages 5-15 and beyond. Words Rock Online covers Spelling, Grammar, Advanced Grammar, Punctuation, Vocabulary, and Pre-Literacy with automated Adaptive Learning that systematically builds word skills. The program works on all major browsers, PCs, Macs, Tablets, iPads, Chromebooks, and Android tablets. In the US the topics follow the Common Core State Standards. 

The Words Rock Online app is just one of the six EdAlive Central apps.
Whether you choose for your student to use two or all 
of the apps your student will only need one log-in for all EdAlive apps. 
Each app can be purchased by the month or by the year. 

Below is what the Home Screen looks like. The program creates individualized 
learning pathways for your student that will specifically target their 
learning needs. Your child will be able to work at his/her own pace. Parents will
be able to choose what they know their child needs to practice most. If while working
through a particular subject and the subject matter becomes too difficult simply click the 
button entitled TOO HARD and the questions will
automatically be adjusted in difficulty. 

When you click the QUESTIONS ONLY screen your student will have the option 
to choose from the following Adaptive Learning content. 

There are 4 modes of literacy content:
Adaptive learning with ALL CONTENT
Adaptive learning with a specific topic such as Spelling
Manually select questions by CURRICULUM CONTENT
Play the Words Rock Game

The program covers a wide variety of elements. 

Achievement Report
This is a student's achievement report based on the content that they
have successfully completed. 

Students earn AGENT CARDS for each correct problem that
they answer while working through the Words Rock questions.

There is a fully interactive, real-time, multi player game. Students are 
Street Smart Seekers. The object of the game is to sleuth out the Super Slugs. As
students complete questions they will earn points to then play the game. 
Students can play against each other or against Smart Computer Players. 
There are two game modes, a basic game for younger students and 
a more advanced game for older students. Students will use both 
logic and deduction as they try to locate the parts of the Super Slugs 

HERE ARE SOME OF THE QUESTIONS that your child will
may be asked...

Be sure to check out the reviews from my Fellow Crew Members and see what they have to say about the various EdAlive apps. After reviewing the Words Alive app I would be very confident in recommending it to friends, fellow homeschoolers, and educators. I was impressed by the wide variety of topics used in the questions as well as the assortment of ways that questions were asked. The program is very user friendly for both the student as well as the parent or educator. 

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Wednesday, June 23, 2021

God's Creation

 “But just ask the animals, and have them teach you;
And the birds of the sky, and have them tell you.
Or speak to the earth, and have it teach you;
And have the fish of the sea tell you.
Who among all of these does not know
That the Lord has done this,
In whose hand is the life of every living thing,
And the breath of all mankind?”
Job 12:7-10

Pictures taken by my daughter Emily Ladewig

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Blackberry Cobbler

I am not good at measuring all of my ingredients when I bake.
Here is what I used to make my cobbler. 

I used about 3 cups fresh blackberries
I used a little under 3/4 cup sugar
1 cup gluten free flour blend
We have to use Gluten Free Flour in our house. 
You can use regular All-Purpose Flour too. 
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup milk
1/2 cup butter, softened

Mix blackberries and sugar together. 

Mix all other ingredients. Melt butter before adding to flour, baking powder,
salt, and milk. 

Spread blackberry mixture in an 8-square pan. You do not need to spray your
pan. Spoon tablespoon sized heaps of the batter mixture in various places 
over the blackberries. You will not cover all of the berries. Bake on 350 degrees
 for about 30 - 45 minutes or until the cobbler crust turns golden brown. 

Take it out of the oven. Serve hot with ice cream!

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Pursued To Eternity

I received this complimentary product through the 
Homeschool Review Crew.

John Riley's book Pursued To Eternity by Covenant Books explores the fundamental flaws of evolution. With scripture, evidence found in nature, and basic logic, clearly there had to have been a Creator of the universe. John also sets out to show how the Creator desires for man to know Him. He points to all of the problems found in evolution and the need for a designer. John weaves in apologetics, creation science, and storytelling to make for a very exciting read from beginning to end. The book has 17 chapters and is 151 pages in length. In the Introduction it states, "This is a short novel with fictional events, such as hunting for dinosaurs, living during the Exodus, managing school conflicts, searching for oil. Also blended into the book are nonfictional challenges to evolution and an extensive survey of apologetics." 

The book is very special in that it is about two brothers. One who knew God and the other who had faith in science by not God. Together they would journey into ancient history. Connor Bridges, a biology teacher, and author of this book is a Christian. Dr. Alan Bridges, a geologist, would be pursued by God, and before his death he accepted Christ! This book chronicles Connor and Alan's six-month amazing odyssey before Alan's death. 

John takes us on a fast ride through time. The book uses timelines referencing the Bible beginning with Creation. God was there when time began. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Genesis 1:1 Chapter One discusses God's pursuit of man and Satan's desire to keep man in unbelief. Darwin's book, The Descent of Man, which came out in 1871 which brought with it lies and racism. 

Chapter Two takes us back to the flood, the Tower of Babel. We meet a group of hunters. The hunters wound the mighty beast. The dinosaur cries out. The net holding the creature in cannot contain it. The creatures tail strikes one of the men and flings him into a nearby bog. Struggling to escape the creature falls backwards on top of the man's head. Death overtakes both. 

The next chapters cover Egyptians and the Hebrew people. 

In Chapter 9 entitled, Please Don't Indoctrinate Us!, Connor grapples with how to reach his students concerning the topic of creation in a public school district that only allows the teaches to teach evolution in the science curriculum. Following a school victory by the basketball team Connor invites some students over for pizza. To pass the time one of the students asks about a particular question on a test given earlier in the week. 

Given a box of jigsaw-puzzle pieces of the fifty states, you are asked to select each piece from
the box in alphabetical order...blindfolded. How many incorrect selections are probable 
before one correct selection, with all the pieces in proper order, is made?

Connor uses this to explain the flaws in evolution. He gives evidence to back up the need for a designer. The students begin to see the flaws in evolution and get excited. They begin to question and research on their own. They then start a website for students to share their insight and list 65 flaws in evolution. Some of the questions were:
  • What was the origin of the energy that was released by the Big Bang?
  • How could a chaotic event like the Big Bang produce the planet earth, which seems to be very well ordered to support life?
  • New human cells are constantly being produced in the human body. How does science explain the origin of human cell regeneration as described. Two million new red blood cells each second. One-half quart of new cerebrospinal fluid each day. Nine thousand new taste buds every ten days. A new stomach lining every five days. A new epidermis every twenty-seven days. A new liver every year. 
Connor eventually will pay the ultimate price for his students questioning of their curriculum and loose his job. This though only opens further doors of opportunity to explore and share. This begins his next chapter in life, Digging Up History. 

Connor's first excavation was in Africa. The discovery turned out to be a human man that had fallen into a pit followed by a large animal, dinosaur like that had crushed the human. This proved that humans and dinosaurs existed together. Final proof never was determined due to a plane crash. In searching for the two skulls in the sand of Cairo they yet again stumbled upon another HUGE discovery, that of proof of the Exodus. 

John teaches a course on entitled, Apologetics: Creation vs. Evolution.

Please take the time to read what my Fellow Crew Members had to say about Pursued To Eternity. I would most definitely recommend this book. This would be a great book to read as a family, as an individual, in a small group setting, church youth group, class room, or homeschool. 


The Pilgrim's Progress

Bunyan's "The Pilgrim's Progress" tells the story of Christian, a pilgrim, and his journey to find salvation and the Celes...