The Biggest Story Bible Storybook is a beautifully illustrated Bible storybook that explains God's plan from the creation of the universe to Christ's second coming through eternity. Children will learn how God worked through time, sent His son Jesus Christ to redeem sinners, and continues to work. The Biggest Story Bible Storybook is written for children ages 6-12. With these 102 engaging Bible story retellings, children will cultivate a deeper understanding of God for children.
Pastor Kevin DeYoung says, "Kids gravitate towards stories...so let's make sure they get the biggest story and the beststory. They ought to know the stories of the Bible." DeYoung wrote this book so he would have a book to read to his own children. He emphasizes the importance of reading God's word and praying with our kids. DeYoung's hope is that The Biggest Story Bible Storybook will help parents teach their children about the Bible. He also encourages parents to model a life that reflects God's love and grace. This will help children learn how to live out their faith each day. Don Clark's illustrations are the perfect complement to the Bible stories and are sure to capture children's attention. There is nothing childish about the colorful, abstract nature of the illustrations. Each Bible story is retold by Clark's artwork. DeYoung and Clark in the Note to Parents at the beginning of the book stress that they did not want to try and make Jesus "in ways that are culturally unrealistic, cartoonishly silly, or lifelike" they just wanted Jesus to appear simple, in shadows and silhouettes.
When first opening The Biggest Story Bible Storybook children will be greeted with a spectacular collage of illustrations depicting various Bible stories. You and your children might have fun guessing what Bible story each illustration goes with.

This Bible Storybook is divided into seven parts.
Part 1: The Pentateuch ~ Genesis through Deuteronomy
Part 2: History ~ Joshua through Esther
Part 3: Poetry ~ Job through Song of Solomon
Part 4: The Prophets ~ Isaiah through Malachi
Part 5: The Gospels ~ Matthew through John
Part 6: Acts and Epistles ~ Acts through Jude
Part 7: Revelation
Each Bible story is considered a chapter. Most Bible story chapters are four pages long. There are some that are six or eight pages. Creation is ten pages. DeYoung in the Note to Parents makes it very clear that this is a "storybook about the Bible, but it is not the Bible," that The Biggest Story Bible Storybook " is not the inspired, unerring word of God," rather "this book is our theologically minded and redemptively focused interpretation of the main stories in the Bible."
Take a look at this beautiful depiction of Noah gathering two of every kind of animal into the ark. Clark's creativity in depicting this scene in this two-page illustration caught my attention for the longest time. The two tiny green frogs underneath the tigers took me a while to notice. Another thing I noticed was one dove was sitting on Noah's staff and the other was flying with the elephants.

Now this is a story you will not find in most children's Bible storybooks. Chapter 6 The Judge Judges Justly taken from Genesis 18-19 talks about God's promises. Starting off, it explains how God's promises are good, but he also promises to punish his enemies. Next, it talks about how terrible Sodom was and how its people did horrible things. "And they did things with each other and to each other that God did not want them to do." It then talks about Gomorrah and how it was just as evil. It has Abraham's prayer to God. The story talks about Lot and his guests and the ungodly, sinful men knocking on Lot's door. The angels tell Lot that a storm is coming and how it would rain sulfur and fire. Sodom was out of chances. God swept through Sodom and Gomorrah. The story even tells how Lot's wife was turned into a pillar of salt for looking back. "The Judge of all the earth did what was just. He punished Sodom and Gomorrah for their sins." Kevin DeYoung did not mince words when recounting this story. His discussion includes God's goodness and promises, as well as God's wrath and punishment for sinners. Don Clark's illustration conveys darkness without being frightening for children between the ages of 6 and 12. If kids ask about the sins in Sodom and Gomorrah, parents should be prepared.

I can guarantee you that what children hear or read in Chapter 19 of The Biggest Story Bible Storybook will not be in any children's Bible storybook. Here's one of Israel's many lessons learned the hard way from Numbers 16. Korah, Dathan, and Abiram had enough! When would they be taken to the Promised Land? The Lord had enough! God created an earthquake to swallow the three men up. It didn't end there! The Lord sent down a burning fire to burn 250 men. The beautiful part of this chapter is God would send a Savior to deliver His people from bondage, give them a new law, and do signs and wonders.
This is a great illustration of David and Goliath. It's a great representation of God working even when things look impossible. This picture shows David just barely reaching Goliath's knees. With his slingshot in hand, David is ready to take on Goliath. The prayer at the end of this chapter reads, "God, help us not to be afraid of our enemies, for you are with us and will never forsake us. Amen"
From Proverbs 1, Chapter 40: The Beginning of Wisdom. Children will learn about wisdom and how God wants us to live in this world. Don't you think this illustration would make a good conversation piece?
Children are introduced to an exciting new beginning in Chapter 53 A New Baby and a New Beginning from Matthew 1.The Old Testament genealogies, stories, and promises are all connected in this chapter. The chapter tells the story of Mary and Joseph and Jesus' birth. What beautiful illustrations.
PRAYER: "Dear Jesus, help us to get get out of the boat and trust in you, and keep us from drowning when we sometimes doubt. Amen." Such a simple but profound illustration. Don Clark does such an amazing job at telling each story through his illustrations.
From Mark 14 the retelling of Jesus' betrayal in the Garden of Gethsemane. DeYoung says of Jesus's boldest disciple, "Jesus's boldest disciple was turning into a chicken, or a scaredy-cat, or whatever animal you can think of that is the opposite of courage...before the rooster crowed on Friday morning, Peter had denied Jesus three times." If you have children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews, or other children in your life, I recommend The Biggest Story Bible Storybook. Although my kids are all teenagers or adults, I wish I had had this Bible storybook when they were little. From Genesis to Revelation, DeYoung provides children with engaging Bible story retellings. Through sound doctrine, DeYoung explains how they fit into the overarching storyline. Check out The Biggest Story Bible Storybook and the full line of books, coloring books, and curriculum at Crossway.