Thursday, July 27, 2023

The Biggest Story ABC

The Biggest Story ABC is designed for children ages 1-3. Starting with Creation and ending with Zion, this 32-page book takes your child through every letter of the alphabet. Each letter features a whimsical, unique design. I absolutely love the bold colors, patterns, and meaningful illustrations found throughout the book. 

 Your child will begin to understand that the Bible tells ONE BIG STORY.

Now let's look at a letter. K - God gave them Kings, but they kept on rebelling,. A word that the author wishes to emphasize is underlined in white, for example, Kings. Three kings are depicted in a very colorful picture. 

Beautiful artwork and vibrant colors make this board book visually appealing. In addition to attracting younger toddlers' attention, preschoolers learn the truth behind the pictures. 

S is for SonTake note of the bright star. Don Clark is an amazing illustrator.
The universe is embodied in the silhouette of Jesus. 
God's SON
come to SAVE
people from their SINS

Bestselling author Kevin DeYoung and Award-Winning artist Don Clark have combined their talents to write and illustrate the biblical narrative in The Biggest Story ABC. I would highly recommend this toddler size 7.3" x 1" x 7.1" board book for the little one in your life. 

While working on The Biggest Story ABC illustrator Don Clark said, "You know when something is special and when it is not. When you are holding in your hand something that has been crafted in a way that you can appreciate as opposed to something that has been you know; has been manufactured quickly for a buck. We just inherently know. This project is near and dear to my heart..."

I will leave you with those words. 

Disclaimer - I received this book in exchange for my honest thoughts. 

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