Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Ditty Bird Christmas


What a better way to celebrate Christmas than with 
Ditty Bird Christmas Songs! 

Here are five Christmas favorites you'll want to share with your little ones. Perhaps this will be their first time hearing these beloved favorites, or maybe they've heard them for a few years already. With Ditty Bird Christmas Songs, you will create cherished memories this year and in the years to come. 

The five songs are:
Jingle Bells
Deck the Halls
Joy to the World
O Christmas Tree
We Wish You A Merry Christmas

Visit the Ditty Bird Store and check out Christmas Songs today!

While you are there be sure to browse all of their titles.
Here are some of the amazing Ditty Bird Book in 
the collection.

Aunts & Uncles
Family members
Loved ones
A Ditty Bird book will be one of the most used gifts a baby or young child will receive this Christmas. Despite being a bit pricey, they are well worth the money when you consider that each book contains five recorded songs, nursery rhymes, or other features. Sounds and music will keep your little one captivated, and books are always an excellent choice. 

Ditty Bird ~ Pictures Say So Much


Let me tell you about my grandson and his love of Ditty Bird books. On Thanksgiving day, I replaced all the Ditty Bird books with exciting new Christmas books. Among the delightful books were ones with jingle bells, snow globes, books that sang Jingle Bells and more. Whenever my grandson walks into Gammy's house, everyone wants to hold him, but his focus is on getting his hands on all of the Ditty Bird books. As this scenario played out, I showed him all of the exciting Christmas books I had. After focusing for a few seconds, he looked at where the Ditty Bird Books usually sat on the bookshelf and found they weren't there. Not happy he wanted to know where the Ditty Birds books were. In my excitement, I informed him that we would read all the fun Christmas books together. Three minutes later, he was over the Christmas books completely. About an hour after we had started playing, my grandson started having a fuss and said "Ditty.". Everybody said, "Get Ditty Bird Books.". He jumped up, got beyond excited, and everything in his life was good again since he had his Ditty Bird Books. Pictures sometimes say more than words!

My grandson loves his "De Books."

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Castle Panic


Castle Panic is a board game in which players must slay monsters to protect their castle towers from destruction. BEWARE: Monsters lurk in the forest. Their eyes are on you and your teammates progress throughout the game. The monsters are eager to destroy the castle walls and towers. What are the chances of the monsters destroying your castle? Your strategy and planning can lead to success or failure in the battle. Players have to balance the survival of the whole team against their own desire to be the Master Monster Slayer. While players as a whole either win or lose together against the monsters, the player at the end of the game with the most victory points wins. The game on average takes approximately 45 minutes to play. The optimal number of players is four, but up to six can play the game. The recommended age for playing is 8 and up. 

In my opinion, Castle Panic is best suited to children ages 6-10. It is a straightforward game with limited play options when it is your turn. As a result of discussing the upcoming turn with your teammates, you can anticipate what's going to happen.

While cooperation is key, Castle Panic also relies on randomness, so strategy does not always work. You may think you have made the smart move, but your next teammate could be sitting on some not so helpful cards at that precise moment in the game. Communicating with your teammates is crucial. Each turn, a player can discard a card and take a new one. It may be beneficial for both the player and the team. In the absence of a good play, this might now allow you to make an optimal one. Cards can also be traded between players.

Dized App

There are sixteen pages in the Castle Panic Rulebook, and it can be quite intimidating for a more visual learner. A fantastic app called Dized provides tutorials and other content to help individuals learn how to play games. As well as afull tutorial, Castle Panic's rules are also included in this app. I found this very helpful. 

Here is a basic overview of Castle Panic.

As Castle Panic is a cooperative game, players will have to conform to its unique gameplay style. As a group of game players, players will learn the value of teamwork, remain calm when situations become tense, and most importantly enjoy the game together. I would definitely recommend this game. 

Disclaimer - I received this in exchange for my honest thoughts. 

Saturday, November 25, 2023


Storypod is a smart, screen-less storytelling device that engages children through music, storytelling, and guided interaction. Among the features of the Storypod are premium 360 sound, a nightlight, a child-friendly, soft-padded exterior sleeve that can be interchanged in a variety of colors and designs, buttons to interact with content, volume and play controls, and a magnetic base that connects with soft, yarn craftie characters on top. With the Storypod and craftie characters, your child will spend hours exploring:

  • Classic fairy tales

  • Bedtime stories

  • Fables & Myths

  • Original Tales

  • Dancing music.

  • Counting songs

  • Lullabies

  • Nursery rhymes

  • STEM Learning

  • The Ability to Record 100 Minutes of Your Own Recordings

  • Guided interaction

  • Books

Using the Storypod's lullabies and nightlight features, babies can fall asleep, while older children can play and learn through trivia, memory games, and more. Storypod is definitely a product that grows with your child. When used with younger children, the soft padded sleeve protects the Storypod. Parental supervision is recommended for children younger than 3. Each iCraftie is designed for a particular age range. 

Storypod has learning sets such as:
Another great plus is that it doesn't need batteries. Storypod uses a Micro USB Charging Cable to charge the device. The device has a 10-hour battery life once charged. The Storypod App is easy to download via Google Play and the Apple App Store. The Storypod is a Wi-Fi connected speaker. With that said, after the initial download you can play contact anywhere offline without Wi-Fi. Check out Storypod for yourself. 

Adding colors and designs to your Storypod is easy with interchangeable sleeves.

Boost your kid's brain power with our interactive trivia cards!

Developing literacy skills through multi-sensory picture books.

Every Storypod unit comes with a recordable iCraftie Owl. 

I adore Storypod. Being a mother of six and grandmother of two, I am passionate about books. The Storypod goes beyond just reading books and does so without screens! The device grows with the child, which I love. Definitely a plus. The Storypod website has an incredible selection of books and materials. Visit Storypod today to learn more.

Disclaimer: I received this product in exchange for my honest thoughts. 

Last Chance Academy

I just got through reading Last Chance Academy by Debbi Michiko Florence. It's been a difficult time for Megumi, or Meg for short, since...