Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Ditty Bird ~ Pictures Say So Much


Let me tell you about my grandson and his love of Ditty Bird books. On Thanksgiving day, I replaced all the Ditty Bird books with exciting new Christmas books. Among the delightful books were ones with jingle bells, snow globes, books that sang Jingle Bells and more. Whenever my grandson walks into Gammy's house, everyone wants to hold him, but his focus is on getting his hands on all of the Ditty Bird books. As this scenario played out, I showed him all of the exciting Christmas books I had. After focusing for a few seconds, he looked at where the Ditty Bird Books usually sat on the bookshelf and found they weren't there. Not happy he wanted to know where the Ditty Birds books were. In my excitement, I informed him that we would read all the fun Christmas books together. Three minutes later, he was over the Christmas books completely. About an hour after we had started playing, my grandson started having a fuss and said "Ditty.". Everybody said, "Get Ditty Bird Books.". He jumped up, got beyond excited, and everything in his life was good again since he had his Ditty Bird Books. Pictures sometimes say more than words!

My grandson loves his "De Books."

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