Monday, January 22, 2024

Homeschool PJ Time: A Bedtime STEM Book

Homeschool PJ Time: A Bedtime STEM Book is both an educational and enjoyable book about a week in the life of Nina, a homeschooled child. From Monday through Friday, Nina has many adventures and learns one science STEM rule or activity. There are also rhyming lines in the text.

 "On Tuesday Nina rolls from bed. No bus today, but friends instead. Today she'll sketch, compose, and play, For Tuesdays are her Meet-Up Day." STEM Phases of the Moon "Can you whisper their names? New, crescent, quarter, gibbous, full."

 "On Thursday, Nina sings in bed. No bus today, THE ARTS instead. The words and music fill her mind. They let her leave her world behind. Her eyes are closed, her mind alive.She's humming Ludwig's Number 5. Now painting Monet 'neath the sky...The greens so green, they make her cry." STEM Ways Light is Observed "Turn off the lights & shine a flashlight beam. Can you make the light bounce?" A list of five STEM experiment ideas is provided at the end of the book. Additionally, there is a Weekly STEM Plan that will help you implement this style of learning in your homeschool day. The reader is instructed to write their plans on a sticky note and place them on the page where it says "place a sticky note here." The book comes with a note explaining how to read it.Currently, I am in my twenty-third year of homeschooling. I found this book to be a very useful resource for those just beginning their homeschool journey. For homeschoolers stuck in a rut and looking for something new, this is also a great resource. As a homeschooling parent, I was delighted to find a storybook about homeschooling. It is definitely a book I would recommend to others.

Disclaimer - I received this Ebook in exchange for my honest thoughts. 

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