Sunday, March 31, 2024

For the Bible Tells Me So Series

For The Bible Tells Me So, a board book series by Kristen Wetherell is just right for children ages 0-4 years old. God Came Near To Me and God Rescues Me are just two of the books in the series. 

God Came Near To Me teaches children about the brilliant bodies God has given them. They learn how Jesus came to earth as a man while remaining fully God. "God's Son had two eyes that could see people's pain. Their hearts he would heal, and their health they'd regain." The book describes how Jesus used His eyes, mouth, hands, feet, and body to fulfill God's plan for His life. "My dear Savior's hands and my dear Savior's feet were nailed to a cross as sin's payment complete. He offered his body and life in my place. He did this to offer me mercy and grace!" It explains how Jesus will return and how we will live with Him forever. The last page of the book has a flip tab that opens up to reveal a mirror, opposite of which it says Me!

The gospel of salvation is told in God Rescues Me. "What is the gospel? Explain it to me!" A very young child can understand and grasp the gospel message in God Rescues Me because the author explains it in an easy-to- grasp way. All of us are sinners saved by grace through faith, even very young children can understand this reality. It includes word pictures used in the Bible to illustrate how Jesus rescues us. We are Jesus' sheep, and he is our shepherd. His title is King of kings and Lord of lords. The perfect and ultimate sacrifice for sin was made by Jesus, the Lamb of God. "Like a pure lamb, he was killed in our place. Now we're forgiven. Our sins are erased! Like a strong hero, defeating the grave, he rescued our souls as we trust him to save." What Good News! The last page of the book has a flip tab that opens up to reveal a mirror, opposite of which it says Me!

Grace Habib has produced incredible artwork that perfectly compliments Wetherell's books. Besides being colorful and engaging, her artwork is also age-appropriate. Upon reaching the final page, little ones will be delighted with what they discover. Rhyme and the rhythmic style of the text appeal to young children. Rhythmic patterns such as those found in this book can help young children learn to repeat and memorize what they hear. At the end of the book, there is a Note to Parents. God Came Near To Me discusses the doctrine of Jesus' Incarnation. Her book is based on scripture. Kristen Wetherell based God Came Near To Me on the following scripture references: John 1:14, Romans 8:21-24, Romans 8:11, I Corinthians 15:21-22, Hebrews 2:17; 4:15. God Rescues Me is based on Ephesians 2:1-10. 

These books will become part of my ever-growing collection of books as a mother of six children and grandmother of two. It is difficult to find children's books that are based on sound doctrines of Scripture. It's clear that the author hits the mark with the For The Bible Tells Me So series. Visit the Crossway website to view all books in the series. Check out all of Kristen Wetherell's books on Crossway's website. 

Disclaimer ~ I received these books in exchange for my honest thoughts. 

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Shark Anatomy Floor Puzzle

The Shark Anatomy Floor Puzzle is a reversible 2-in-1 puzzle. This puzzle is 54" long by 21" high and contains 100 pieces. This is a huge puzzle! One side depicts a powerful image of a Great White Shark. When you flip the puzzle over, you'll see a scientifically accurate reconstruction of shark anatomy. It brings together nature and science. Upon completion, the puzzle is truly striking. Flipping the puzzle over is somewhat tricky. There is a two-sided laminated fact sheet included in the puzzle box. The purpose is to encourage exploration and help children learn more about the shark's biology. One side is a Fun Fact Sheet with interesting facts about the shark, such as: "Shark teeth are actually hardened scales. Rows of triangular teeth continually grow to replace those that are lost. Sharks commonly shed tens of thousands of teeth in their lifetimes." There are nine interesting facts about the Great White Shark (Carcharodon carcharias). The Anatomy Guide side has forty-six shark parts labeled. Rostrum, Quadratomndibularis muscle, Gill arch, Rectal gland and Oviduct are some of the parts that are identified. The puzzle pieces are thick and sturdy. The colors are vibrant and rich. The puzzle is not only a wonderful teaching tool, but is also an amazing piece of art.

In this photo, a penny is paired with a puzzle piece. Here is an example of how 
big the pieces are. 

Both sides of some pieces are identical, while others are clearly different. In instances where the pieces are different, inner anatomy parts will be present. With only 100 pieces, the puzzle is not too challenging. It will be easy for young children to grip the puzzle pieces. Putting together this puzzle can be a family activity.

You can find this Shark Anatomy Floor Puzzle on the Genius Games website. 


Tuesday, March 19, 2024

The Chicken Little Agenda


Can you recall the story of Chicken Little? A falling acorn hit Chicken Little on the head, causing him to believe the sky was falling. The Chicken Little Agenda: Debunking Experts' Lies examines some of the biggest "supposed threats" to our planet using scientific facts and clear evidence. The media loves nothing more than inciting fear, alarm, doubt, and mistrust, and unfortunately, political gain. Fear lurks around every corner! When information is skewed, it can cause harm and ruin to individuals as well as corporations. You are in a stronger position when you have knowledge backed up by solid, verifiable evidence.

Robert G. Williscroft served 23 years in the Navy and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Williscroft holds a Bachelor's degree in Oceanography and Meteorology as well as a Master's and Doctorate degree in Engineering.In addition to 22 months underwater, he spent a year in the equatorial Pacific, three years in the Arctic ice pack, and one year at the Geographic South Pole. He is an accomplished author. 

These are the chapters in The Chicken Little Agenda by Robert G. Williscroft. The chapters are then divided into subsections.

Chapter 1: The Green Revolution

Chapter 2: The Greenhouse Effect, Ozone Hole, and Other Acorns

Chapter 3: The Sun and the Atom: The Only Sources of Electricity

Chapter 4: Nuclear Power, Solar Power, and Things Beyond

Chapter 5: When Nuclear Goes Wrong

Chapter 6: Reading, 'Riting, and 'Rithmetic, Taught to the Tune of...

Chapter 7: Government — by the Bureaucrat, for the Bureaucrat

Chapter 8: Civilized Warfare

Chapter 9: The Anatomy of a Nuke

Chapter 10: If Not Nukes, Then What?

Chapter 11: Morality and Ethics, or "It's Not My Fault!"

Chapter 12: Starlight, Star Bright: The Cosmic Speed Limit

Chapter 13: The Chicken Little Factor

Excerpts from Chapter 3

“Radiation is energy transfer. It can take several forms. One is tiny mass-less packets called photons. We experience photons most commonly as ordinary light. This radiation frequently is called electromagnetic radiation. Photons carry energy, and the more energetic they are—the higher their frequency—the more “dangerous” they can be. Harm results when energy is transferred to living cells in a damaging way. Early atomic scientists identified a form of radiation they called “gamma-rays.”

“Generally speaking, any radiation above the level of mid-infrared has the potential to affect a cell. ”
“Radioactivity is expressed in Becquerels (Bq). One Becquerel is equivalent to one atomic disintegration per second—the release of one alpha or beta particle, one neutron, or one gamma-ray every second.”

“Most radiation is benign, as we normally experience it. Of the radiation that is potentially dangerous, only a small fraction is associated with the generation of atomic power.”

Excerpt From

The Chicken Little Agenda

Robert G. Williscroft

This material may be protected by copyright.

Excerpt from Chapter 6

“The commission concluded that “declines in educational performance are in large part the result of disturbing inadequacies in the way the educational process itself is often conducted.”

"...Three disturbing facts about the use that American schools and students made of time: (1) compared to other nations, American students spent much less time on schoolwork; (2) classroom and homework time was often used ineffectively; and (3) schools were not doing enough to help students develop either the study skills to use time well or the willingness to spend more time on schoolwork.”

The author presented a lot of evidence based statistics and facts in Chapter 6 about the educational system in the United States.

“If history has taught us anything, it is that we can learn from history; we don’t need to retry all the things that have failed in the past. We can, instead, build on those things that worked in earlier times, adapting them to modern circumstances and using them to our best advantage.”

“In his 1999 book Market Education: The Unknown History, Andrew Coulson examined the history of education”

“The inescapable conclusion from Coulson’s research is that for the last two and a half thousand years, the only school systems demonstrating long-term effectiveness were those offering parents a choice in the school, the curriculum, the teachers, and the administration and requiring their financial involvement in the operation of the school.

"It’s time we applied this dramatic lesson from history.”

“The education side, however, is more complicated. Teaching a young person to think is more challenging than teaching that person to read.”

“The education side, however, is more complicated. Teaching a young person to think is more challenging than teaching that person to read. Among the retired experts who can be expected to join a market-based school system will be some who ran companies, managed scientific laboratories, served as elected officials—society’s leaders. They will make important contributions to the education of our children. Beyond this, however, a market-based school system can entice top-level thinkers into our basic school system as a career by offering salaries that compete with corporate America."

"There is no question that our current education system is a disaster. We can continue to apply discredited top-down solutions that may produce temporary relief from or even the reversal of one or two specific problem areas. Or we can learn history’s 2,500-year lesson that a successful school offers parents choices in the school, the curriculum, the teachers, and the administration and requires their financial participation in its operation."

Excerpt From

The Chicken Little Agenda

Robert G. Williscroft

This material may be protected by copyright.

It was not possible for me to read the entire book during the review period. I read a few chapters that immediately caught my eye. Williscroft spent a lot of time researching and writing. I have enjoyed it so far. He is very knowledgeable, and I have learned a lot. I am eager to finish reading the book in its entirety.  In today's world, it is hard to know what to believe.Tendrils of deceit extend far and wide. We must become informed, educated, and do our own research to discover the truth. During Covid, we learned this lesson. Over the years, the health care community has failed my family too many times and I've had to become more astute and knowledgeable. 'Chicken Little' affects all of us, but we can take action to mitigate its effects.

I recommend this book. Though you may not agree with everything in the book, I have no doubt that you will gain a great deal.

Disclaimer - I received this Ebook in exchange for my honest thoughts. 

Friday, March 15, 2024

Stop Overthinking Now


In 'Overthinking Stops Now,' Sarah Kingswell explains how to stop overthinking. 

  1. Introduction

  2. Awareness And Acceptance

  3. Challenge Negative Thought Patterns

  4. Look At The Bigger Picture

  5. Setting Healthy Boundaries

  6. Turnign Mistakes Into Learning Opportunities

  7. The Power Of Mindfulness And Being Present In The Moment

  8. Focusing On What You Can Control

  9. Focusing On The Process And The Joy Of Creativity

  10. Accept Your Vulnerabilities And Love Yourself

  11. Detaching From Thought Patterns That Trigger Overthinking

  12. Unplug, Take A Walk And Focus On The Present

  13. Set Realistic Goals And Take Small Steps

  14. Self-Mastery And The Importance Of Habits

  15. Strategies For Maintaining Habits

  16. Meditation: How To Do It And How We Can Benefit From It 


Kingwell compares overthinking to a tangled ball of yarn containing negativity, anxiety, worries, and doubts. The majority of the time, overthinking only causes distress. We all overthink, it's natural. But when one overthinks everything constantly, trouble ensues. Be aware of the signs that indicate extreme overthinking.

  1. Repetitive Thoughts

  2. Analyzing Too Much

  3. Excessive Negativity

  4. Procrastinating 

Someone overthinking may be attributed to a variety of factors, such as stress, fear, trauma, a lack of confidence, and an overcommitment.

Overthinking often occurs without conscious thought. We underestimate thoughts' power. Getting lost in one's own thoughts can be dangerous. Worryers and anxious thinkers will undoubtably struggle more with overthinking. Fears and insecurities concerning the past and the future can be paralyzing. Insomnia can result from racing thoughts and worry at night. The energy consumed by overthinking is enormous!

In times of distress, STOP overthinking and:

  1. Challenge your negative thinking by asking yourself, "Are these thoughts true?"

  2. Instead of worrying take ten minutes to divert your attention to something else.

  3. Talk to someone you trust and know will give you sound advice or a listening ear.

  4. Use visualization techniques.

  5. Write down what worries you and the steps you can take to alleviate each worry.

  6. Meditation

Sometimes we just need to face our negative thoughts head on! Kingswell suggests setting aside ten minutes a day for "Negative Thought Time," during which you ruminate on what is bothering you. You are actually controlling your negative feelings by taking control of them.

Mistakes and setbacks are part of life. View them as learning opportunities rather than failures. "Mistakes are proof that you are trying." Scientists often test their theories many times and with many variables before finding the answers they seek. In some cases, they fail to achieve what they had hoped to accomplish. Is that a failure? No. The only difference is that they now have more information than before. The discovery of penicillin was an accidental consequence of bacterial contamination. The path to mastery begins with mistakes, which show progress, inspire creativity, and propel you along the path to success. The ability to bounce back from hardships is built by mistakes, and mistakes build resilience.

The pace of life seems to be accelerating all the time. Often in our lives, we overthink things, and we forget to be fully present in the moment. Also, we should maintain a mindful attitude and not try to change current events. Recognize the present, analyze it with an open mind and a calm heart. Please seek help if your current circumstances are dangerous or unhealthy.

There are certain things in life that we cannot control. There are many things we can control, including our thoughts, attitudes, opinions, goals, what we do with our time, what we eat, and who we interact with. There is nothing we can do to control what may happen in our lives, our genetics, or our families.

Identifying ways to detach yourself from negative thought patterns that trigger overthinking can help you stop overthinking. Kingwell discusses Cognitive Defusion or deliteralization. "Cognitive Defusion is a helpful technique that is often used in therapy that can empower people to keep themselves from unhelpful thoughts and take control of how they feel and how they live their lives. This allows us to separate from our thoughts and emotions to enable us to observe how we think without letting ourselves be trapped inside of it. This technique is often used in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)."

Setting realistic goals for yourself is important. By setting unrealistic goals, you are setting yourself up to fail. Use the SMART technique: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound. Set:

  1. Worthy Goals

  2. Realistic Goals

  3. Specific Goals

The development and maintenance of positive habits MATTER. Here are some tips to help you develop positive habits:

  1. Make A List Of Habits You Want To Create

  2. Focus On One Habit At A Time

  3. Find A Cue 

  4. Start Small

  5. Build Your Habit

  6. Reward Yourself

  7. Be Persistent

Essentially, the conclusion sums up the book. It hits all the important points. In my opinion, anyone can gain insight from reading this book, even if it is aimed at people in their 20's and 30's. The book is highly recommended and I give it five stars.

Disclaimer - I received this Ebook in exchange for my honest thoughts. 

Liam's Adventures in Space


Liam's Adventures in Space is an extraordinary book about dreaming big. We've all looked up at the stars and moon at night and maybe even the planets with a telescope. We wish we could explore space. One night, Liam dreams he is blasting off into space to a big red planet. Upon landing, he cannot wait to explore! During his explorations, he encountered a Cactabbit or Cacto. In order to find out more about Cacto, you will have to read the story. His next encounter is with Moss-back, or Mossy. Camo-Shift or Camo is his last encounter. I forgot to mention, the planet is called Krimzo. It would be too spoilerish to tell you more about the creatures he meets. There is another discovery Liam makes on Krimzo as well. Planet Earth awaits him after his fun adventure. His knowledge of planets and stars continued to grow. "So if you dream of space at night, Remember, to chase it with all your might. for dreams do come true, you'll see, Just believe in yourself and be free." That's a wonderful inspirational message for children, isn't it? 

This book contains fantastic AI illustrations! Just flipping through the book, I was captivated by the illustrations. Children will be in awe of the amazing illustrations while you read to them. 

Disclaimer - I received this Ebook in exchange for my honest thoughts. 

Sophie's Ballerina Dream


In Sophie's Ballerina Dream, a little girl named Sophie loves to dance and pretends to be a ballerina. During a trip to the ballet with her sister, Sophie decided someday she would be a prima ballerina. During her dream that night, she found herself on stage, but she had no idea what to do. Then a colorful fairy-like hummingbird whispered to Sophie words of encouragement. Before she woke up, the last thing she remembered the hummingbird saying was, "Believe in yourself and all your dreams will come true." Sophie began taking dance lessons. As she danced more over the years, her skills improved. Finally...

This book has beautiful illustrations. The AI generated illustrations with the lighting behind Sophie add a sense of realism. Simply looking at the illustrations tells a story. 

This book will delight little ballerinas. 

Disclaimer - I received this Ebook in exchange for my honest thoughts. 

Jack's Farm Adventure


Jack's Farm Adventure is the story of Jack and his classmates' farm trip. Jack is very excited, as he lives in a town surrounded by the hustle and bustle of the city. When they arrive at the farm, they are eager to see all of the animals. First, they assist the farmer in collecting eggs from the chickens. In order to make things easier, the children came up with a plan to work together. While some children distracted the chickens, others collected eggs. After that, they spent the rest of the day with the farmer, watching him care for the rest of the animals on the farm. The children enjoyed their time on the farm. That day, Jack learned a valuable lesson. "With friendship and teamwork, the biggest problems become small." 

This book features amazing illustrations. This story teaches children the value of teamwork. 

Disclaimer - I received this Ebook in exchange for my honest thoughts. 

Lucy and the Enchanted Forest


Lucy and the Enchanted Forest is about Lucy's most wonderful dream of going into an enchanted forest to pick berries with her mother. When Lucy sees the most striking butterfly, she chases after it, not realizing she has wandered far from her mother. Lucy meets several friendly animals in the enchanted forest who assist her in finding her way home. The first animal she meets is Finny, a friendly fox whose fur helps him blend into his surroundings and protects him from predators. Then she encounters Benny, a rabbit whose long ears help him hear danger. Lucy will find her way home with the guidance of Olly the wise owl. In that moment, Lucy wakes up. "Nature's ways, she came to know, And her love for it, will forever grow." 

The AI illustrations have a magical way of making Lucy and her forest friends come to life. There is something truly enchanting about the illustrations. 

Disclaimer - I received this Ebook in exchange for my honest thoughts. 

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Friendly Driver's Education ~ A Timberdoodle Review


Friendly Driver's Education aims to prepare your teenager to become a safe, responsible driver. This course has twenty chapters. The chapters are illustrated with colorful pictures. There is a Lesson Review at the end of each chapter. The first is a fill-in-the-blank exercise. The next section contains True/False statements. Multiple Choice questions are presented on the final page. The appendix contains all answers.

Using state-specific curriculum, my husband has successfully taught our five older children how to drive cars. Once they pass the written portion and receive their learners permit, they will be behind the wheel with daddy for the state-determined number of hours. We usually begin driver's education at age 15 and then issue them their license at age 16.This gives them a full year behind the wheel with an adult.

It is going to be a bit more challenging for our sixth and last child to prepare. That's why I was excited to see Friendly Driver's Education up for review. It's a great complement to the parents-taught curriculum we have in our state.

I like Friendly Driver's Education because it goes beyond just teaching how to drive. Before studying the ways of the road, students learn about the ignition switch, starter, and battery. Afterward, they learn about the fuel tank, the engine, and the brake system. A discussion of the transmission and emergency brake follows. We haven't finished yet. After that, they learn about steering, cooling, the alternator, exhaust systems, and light systems. Whether you drive your parents' car or your own, knowing all of these things is important. Having a bit of knowledge can help if something goes wrong.

It took my daughter much longer to complete the online written portion of her driver's education course than my other children. My daughter struggles with Functional Processing Disorder. Friendly Driver's Education has been helpful throughout this process. The book will be extremely helpful as a reference for her between now and the time she takes her final test.

Next step DMV to get a Learner's Permit!

Last Chance Academy

I just got through reading Last Chance Academy by Debbi Michiko Florence. It's been a difficult time for Megumi, or Meg for short, since...