Sunday, March 3, 2024

Wondrous Works of God


In Wondrous Works of God, ninety Bible stories are told from both the Old and New Testaments, beginning with God creating Eve and ending with Jesus defeating Satan in Revelation. It is the sequel to Mighty Acts of God. All of the stories emphasize God's character, which is highlighted in red. There is also a short "As For Me and My House..." section that contains questions, statements, and activities that reinforce the story's point. Bible stories include scripture references to show where they come from. Each story is about two and a half pages long.

"A Note For Parents From The Author" page 15 describes learning and teaching God's Word to children in a very practical way. 

It's imperative, however, that we read Bible stories correctly. When we read the stories as isolated units, we read them out of context. Read a random chapter, or worse, a random page, from a Dickens novel, and you will have a completely inadequate idea of what the author is trying to communicate or of what the character on that page is really like. Many of us read —and teach — the Bible like that. We try to make sense of an isolated story standing alone. Consequently, we fail to see what God is revealing about himself in this story, as he works toward the salvation of his people. We must think in terms of the whole, wonderful story of God's salvation. That salvation story began when he created the world, continued when he promised a remedy for the fall, was articulated when he made covenants, grew and developed all through his dealings with his Old Testament people, and finally blossomed into it's fullest glory when Jesus came, as intended all along, to die for his people and rise again.

Every Bible story must be told in light of this big story. We must ask ourselves, how does this story fit into the overall story of the salvation God provides in Christ? We must look for what God is revealing about himself through what he is doing here, in this story.
It is with this goal in mind that this collection of Bible stories has been written.

Here are a few of the stories that you will find in Wondrous Works of God by Starr Meade. 

This is an example of one of the As For Me And My House...

A Bible Story Book is an excellent way to teach children God's Word every day. Children will enjoy the illustrations as they hear the stories read to them. Among the stories you will find in this Story Book are: The First Passover, Balaam and the Donkey, David Takes a Census, Uzziah's Pride, Ezekiel's Vision of Dry Bones, John Bears Witness to Jesus, Sinful Woman Forgiven, Unforgiving Servant, The Parable of Ten Young Women and Shipwrecks and Snakebites.

I recommend this book. 

I received this in exchange for my honest thoughts. 

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