Monday, May 27, 2024

The Sun Never Hurries

The Sun Never Hurries is a wonderful book about spending time with those you love and enjoying the world around you. The importance of taking time to appreciate life's goodness and beauty cannot be overstated. Don't rush things.

There is an hourglass in Papa Jo's house. "The hourglass reminds me to take my time to get things done. Just like each grain of sand, every moment of your day is precious," Papa Jo says. Charlie is a bit puzzled by this. Papa Jo smiles. Charlie will gradually grasp what Papa Jo means as the day progresses.

While Charlie wants to go to a restaurant, Papa Jo has other plans. After entering the kitchen, Papa Jo begins peeling carrots and potatoes. Charlie is interested in peeling too. In no time at all, both of them have a mountain of peels. Papa Jo fills the pot with vegetables and broth. They will soon have tasty soup to enjoy. Charlie thinks it's the best soup ever!

There will be more surprises to come. Papa Jo is taking Charlie to the village for another surprise. As Charlie searches for the car, he wonders where it is. They will be walking, Papa Jo says. Along the way, Charlie is amazed by all of the wildflowers. The wildflowers weren't visible to Charlie while in the car. Charlie was thrilled to discover Papa Jo's surprise for her in the village!

Papa Jo wasn't done yet with their adventures. In the next adventure, Charlie would be left in awe and amazement. In the book, Charlie collects something that connects her to Papa Jo.

In Papa Jo's wisdom, Charlie would understand how slowing down and appreciating life can give you a new perspective on everything. It was a wonderful book. Additionally, the illustrations were beautiful and perfectly complemented the text.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

100 Words from the Street


The Sesame Street: 100 Words From The Street is to everyone young and old who grew up with Sesame Street. The Table of Contents is broken down to:


You Are

You Feel

You Grow

You Play

To play is to learn while you have fun. You can play with toys, with friends, or all by yourself!

To read is to look at words and pictures and understand what they mean. Some people use their fingertips to read. Ji-Young and her friend read a book about pirates.

You Think

You Dream


Your Home

Your Community

Your Neighbors

Compassion is feeling care and concern for someone else and trying to help them.

George showed compassion when he made a yummy soup for Cookie Monster when he was feeling sick.


You Discover

You can observe the world around you by using your senses with the goal of getting a better understanding.

Big Bird observed the other birds on Sesame Street and noticed how they were similar and different.

You Act

You Celebrate

In the book, there is an index that allows you to look up all 100 words discussed. Children develop caring and empathetic characteristics in part through words like these. I believe this is a great book for explaining those words in simple terms. With simple definitions and relatable examples, they will be able to apply these values in a realistic way.

Each of Us is a Miracle

Children will learn from Each of Us is a Miracle that sometimes it takes others to help you realize how miraculous you are. In dissatisfaction with the same old pond and the same old reeds, Frog decided to explore the world. He was soon joined by Mouse. Having seen so much, they ended up back at Frog's house. Mouse and Frog jumped into the water together. Mouse was awestruck with amazement. Suddenly, Frog began to notice things about his home that he had never noticed before. While seated on a lilly pad, they discussed all of the wonderful things that made Frog so special. It was only a friend who could show Frog what a miracle they all were.

This book teaches children about contentment in a wonderful way. Children need only look within themselves to see miracles. I enjoyed this book.   

Thursday, May 23, 2024

The Opposite of Depression

I found The Opposite of Depression: What My Work with Suicidal Patients Has Taught Me about Life, Hope, and How to Flourish to be a book filled with information, but no practical advice. My expectation was that the book would provide advice and exercises on how to overcome depression based on personal experiences. It's faith-based, which I love. Despite Scripture being given, it is not accompanied by examples of how you can apply it to your life. It was a book that I struggled with from the very beginning. The first chapter is entitled "Depression's Surprising Gift". Throughout the first pages, there is just a deep dive into depression's horrors. "Unlike most other medical conditions, which may affect one or more parts or systems in the body but leave the mind intact, depression impinges on every aspect of a person: body, mind, and soul..." "Depression is one of the worst states of disease a person can experience, and it has been found to be the second leading cause of disability worldwide."

It keeps going. In my opinion, depression isn't one of the worst diseases. It is indeed very difficult. Even though I've struggled with severe depression most of my life, I can think of many diseases that are worse than depression. There are numerous horrible diseases like Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, Cancer, Huntington's Disease, and Lou Gherig's Disease. It is common for diseases to be incurable and to cause painful deaths. Even though depression is debilitating, it can be treated with a wide variety of therapies, medications, meditation and relaxation techniques, exercise, spiritual healing, gut health, and other methods. I am not trying to downplay the severity of depression.

"...we also have a secret weapon: a treatment called transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)." Despite it being FDA-approved, he fails to inform readers that it doesn't work on everyone. He does not mention that it can permanently alter a person's memory. TMS patients are reporting pretty frightening side effects. It is not risk-free. With therapy, spiritual counseling, holistic practices, and a personalized approach, the author states, "In short, we can radically change people's brain activity in a matter of a few days, restoring them to mental health."

I don't think you should ever promise something this monumental to someone suffering from severe depression. Although this may work for some, it won't work for everyone. I find this disturbing. It's one of the other aspects of the book I dislike. Throughout the book the author brags about his many achievements and talks up his practice. It seemed to me that this book was intended to help those who are depressed.

This is how the book is broken down.

Part 1: Mind

Part 2: Body

Part 3: Soul

I found myself saying out loud so many times while reading, "This would be the logical time to add in a practical exercise." or "Help your readers apply what you have just written to their lives."

I was not impressed with this book.

The Gulag Doctors


The Gulag Doctors: Life, Death, and Medicine in Stalin's Labour Camps is a brilliantly researched book by Dan Healey. Because of the disturbing content, this book is a difficult read. Based on interviews conducted with those who lived this fate or their relatives. Between 1930 and 1953, approximately 18,000,000 people were housed in these Russian Labor Camps. This would be referred to as the Purge of 1936 by Stalin. A person who publicly disagreed or was considered a threat would either be executed or sent to a Gulag camp. Innocence was irrelevant.

In the camp system, both free and imprisoned medical workers were forced to work. Prisoners without medical training became apprentices and learned about medicine during their imprisonment.

This is utterly incomprehensible, "The Gulag made some prisoners so desperate to be ill that they literally became mentally ill." There was no compassion for human life. Once, prisoners arrived at the camp dead and frozen solid. "A transport of prisoners arrived with many dead, and he notes how their frozen remains made a grim impression..."

Some prisoners were employed in the mining industry, logging, and oil and gas extraction. Furthermore, they were exposed to radiation, which eventually led to heart problems, cancer, and infections. For furthering medicine, many prisoners were experimented on.

I have just given you a very brief overview of the book. The author did an excellent job gathering the information for this book, as I mentioned earlier. This is a book I would recommend.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

All You Need To Know About Dogs


This hilarious story is told from the perspective of a cat in All You Need To Know About Dogs by A Cat and Fred Blunt. As soon as the book begins, cat tries to prove to us that dogs are stupid.

It shows how dogs roll around in puddles of poo and jump in them. The dogs sniff each other's butts. Including their own tails, they chase anything that moves!

It's amazing how many types of dogs there are. There are so many different types of dogs. There are tall dogs, BIG DOGS, wrinkled dogs, etc.

The thing about cats is that you always know what you're getting. It doesn't matter where they are, they just lay around. Unless you're talking about TIGERS, of course!

Please accept my apologies. There is one positive aspect of dogs. You can count on them for loyalty! In case of big, scary wild cats, they will protect you. In fact...

It was an okay book. In my opinion, it wasn't the best children's book I've ever read. Personal preference rather than anything against the book. Honestly, I wouldn't recommend this book. That being said, I always recommend reading other reviews. One reviewer may find a book inappropriate or unsuitable for children, while another may find it perfectly appropriate. 

American History Stories

American History Stories:101 True and Fascinating Tales of Major Events and People from the United States’ Past is a fascinating collection of stories from colonial America through today. Ten sections comprise the stories. Many stories are included in each section.


Section 1 – From the Mystery of Roanoke to a New Nation: Journey through Early American History

This section's seventh story focuses on the Pequot War. It all began with a land dispute between European settlers and Native American tribes. There were three European colonies included: the Massachusetts Bay Colony, Plymouth Colony, and Saybrook Colony. On the other side stood the Pequots, a powerful Native American tribe that controlled a vast area in what is now Connecticut. Their ancestral lands were under threat. 1636 marked the beginning of the war. Two exits were available in the Pequot village on the Mystic River. Both exits were blocked by the English, and the village was set on fire. Among the survivors, only the warriors survived. The death toll among Pequot men, women, and children was estimated at 700. It only cost the English 70 lives. Obviously, this had a profound impact on Native American-English relations.

Section 2 – From Wars to Freedom: A Journey through American History from 1754 to 1791

Section 3 – The Expansion of America and the Reform Era

Section 4 – Forging a United Nation: The Crucible of 1850–1877

Abolitionist John Brown attempted to spark the slave uprising of 1859 in Story 33. In spite of his efforts, he failed to gain the support of renown abolitionists like Frederick Douglass and Harriet Tubman. The first victim was a freed Black man who was shot. A fire engine house at an armory was used by Brown to hold several hostages. Eventually, local military raided the house and captured the men. A trial was held and Brown was executed. By fueling fears of uprising, Brown's actions strengthened the belief that slavery needed to be protected even more in the south.

Section 5 – From Rails to Rights: Transformative Events in the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries

Section 6 – From Victories to Superpower: The Transformative Years of 1914–1945 in American History

Section 7 –America’s Journey from 1946 to 1980

The United States is drawn into the Vietnam War in Story 68. During the period 1955-1975. In the struggle between communism and democracy, the United States military offered support to South Vietnam against communist North Vietnam.

Section 8 – Shaping the Nation: From Reaganomics to the Oklahoma City Bombing

Section 9 – A Defining Era: Transformative Events in American History from 2001 to 2021

Section 10 – American Pop Culture: A World of Entertainment


The following are just a few of the stories you'll find in American History Stories. Quite interesting, I thought.

Blue Balloon

Blue Balloon by Elden Friesen tells the story of a blue balloon with grandiose dreams. It is told through the eyes of the balloon, held by a string, waiting for a forever home. On the ceiling of a shop, the blue balloon floats amidst other colorful balloons. It is not long before a party begins. Blue Balloon has always dreamed of being free. Floating freely above the fair's ferris wheel. Laughing and jumping, a little boy with fire red hair has the blue balloon tied to his wrist. Balloon Blue dreams of flying with the birds high above the town. It imagines itself drifting across the stars and moon at night. As day breaks Blue Balloon waves goodbye.

This book captivated me. As I read it, I smiled. Although the book doesn't contain words on every page, the words written along with the illustrations make it unforgettable. I love the vivid colors of the watercolor illustrations. Illustrator and author are the same person. My recommendation for this book is a definite yes.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Becoming Like Jesus

Cynthia Heald has written a six-week personal devotional or small group Bible study entitled 'Becoming Like Jesus: Reflecting Christ in Your Everyday Life'. Scripture encourages us to follow Jesus' example. Therefore, how can we allow Him to transform our hearts, motivations, and actions so that we are ever more reminded of the One we follow?

Our navigation through 'Becoming Like Jesus' will be guided by four key questions:

  1. How did Jesus live?

  2. How can we reflect him?

  3. What does Scripture tell us?

  4. How shall I pray?

There are 6 lessons in 'Becoming Like Jesus' which include:

  1. God's Master Plan

  2. Beholding

  3. Holy Obedience

  4. A Humble Servant

  5. Unconditional Love

  6. Trusting God's Plan

There is always a question at the beginning of each lesson. Example: Lesson 1: God's Master Plan - What is his plan, and what is his purpose for me? Scripture references, quotes from godly writers, and the author's commentary follow. As another question is raised, How can we reflect Him? More scripture references, quotes, and commentary follow. An additional question is posed. Scripture is provided for you to look up and space for you to write in your verses. You have some questions to answer. There is another question posed, followed by scripture references, quotes, commentary and more questions to answer, along with scripture to look up and write down. Each lesson concludes with an Author Postscript and a prayer.

A prayer taken from one of the lessons is as follows:

May we be children who continually pray,

"My life is yours, Father. Mold me, however

you choose, into the likeness of your Son.

I freely and joufully consent to become an

obedient servant who is holy, loving, and

surrendered to your will. May I bring you

glory as I become more and more and more

like Jesus. Amen"

In Ebook format, it was hard for me to really review this book thoroughly. As this was a devotional book where the purpose was to highlight and write within the book, it was a bit difficult to get the full experience. I read through all the lessons. Answering the questions on paper just isn't as personal as writing them down in the book. I enjoy highlighting text and scripture references when I am doing a devotional study. In the margins, I like to make notes and really personalize the book. Therefore, it is difficult for me to comment on the entire six-week course. Though I thought the material was good, I would have loved to have received the actual book to do a thorough review.

 Disclaimer - I received this Ebook in exchange for my honest thoughts. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

In Time


'In Time' by Marina Ruiz is a beautifully written book about stopping and appreciating nature's beauty and what only time can create. "Time seems to be passing so slowly," the little girl says. My mom always says, "A little while." or "Just a moment." I just want time to speed up like a roller coaster. It would be nice to whizz through the days. In a blink of an eye, a tree could grow taller than a mountain from seeds. As I wait, I see things I've never seen before. The petals of a beautiful flower open one by one. As it moves forward, a tiny snail leaves a trail. The wind stirs the leaves and branches in the forest. I hear them whisper..."We had to wait to grow mighty and strong. Just like you, we were once little before. But time thickened our trunks and lengthened our roots. Now, when storms come, we can dance with the wind."

'In Time' is a fantastic book. The book teaches children to be patient, to look at what nature can offer, and to appreciate each day for what it can provide. Marina Ruiz is both author and illustrator. The illustrations are amazing. Check out this book.

Disclaimer - I received this Ebook in exchange for my honest thoughts. 

Come Again, Pelican


Don Freeman's 'Come Again, Pelican' is about a boy named Ty and his family who spend the summer camping on a beach in their trailer. Ty is now old enough to go fishing on his own. Every summer, Ty wonders if the old pelican will still be there. Ty puts on his new red boots, grabs his fishing pole and pail and heads to the ocean. He is delighted to see the pelican. In order to see the fish, Ty takes off his boots and climbs up one of the posts, just like the pelican. In the midst of catching fish, the boy does not realize that the tide is rolling in. Upon coming in, it sweeps his boots into the ocean. He catches one with his fishing pole and one disappears from reach. The minute his father calls him for dinner, he knows he will not be happy that he lost one of his new boots. But...

My favorite part of this book is how it ends. Don Freeman has written the best-selling book 'Corduroy', which has been loved by millions. I am sure you will fall in love with this book as well if you haven't already read it. I absolutely love the illustrations. This is a book everyone should have on their bookshelf.

Disclaimer - I received this Ebook in exchange for my honest thoughts. 

Monday, May 6, 2024

Joan of Art

In 'Joan of Art', Lesa Engelthaler showcases the importance of being yourself. Joan has always dreamed of becoming an artist. As part of a school assignment, students had to explain why their parents gave them their names. Joan already knew who she was named after, and she didn't wish to tell anyone. She was named after Joan of Arc, the famous warrior who saved her country, France, and became a saint. She wasn't interested in becoming a warrior. It was her dream to become an artist. Because she wanted to be an artist instead of a warrior, her classmates thought she was crazy. Joan's friends knew she was a wonderful artist, so they came up with a brilliant idea! Do you have any idea what it was?

There is a great message in this book. I enjoyed the illustrations. Colorful and cheerful, they are sure to delight children. The book concludes with a two-page biography of Joan of Arc. There is a quote of hers that says, "Go forward bravely. Fear nothing. Trust in God; all will be well." This is a book I recommend.

Disclaimer - I received this Ebook in exchange for my honest thoughts. 


Saturday, May 4, 2024

Sidney the Lonely Cloud


What if you were a dreary, dark raincloud? Well, in the book "Sidney the Lonely Cloud", children will meet Sidney - the cloud no one liked to see. People got mad whenever Sidney appeared at picnics, kite flying, camping, or walking around town! Why, you might ask? She brought wind and rain with her. Sidney decided to float above a very hot, dry land one day. The earth was cooled by Sidney's shadow. There was confusion among the animals. They enjoyed Sidney's shade from the scorching sun. Sidney was delighted by this. Sidney was moved to tears by this. She brought rain with her tears! Do you know what the animals did? To find out, you'll have to buy the book.

It starts out sad, but by the end you will be so glad you read it! I love the colorful illustrations. This is a book I highly recommend.

Disclaimer - I received this Ebook in exchange for my honest thoughts. 

Friday, May 3, 2024

Help for the Hungry Soul

Kristen Wetherell's Help for the Hungry Soul is a must-read for every Christian. The ever-growing list of commitments, responsibilities, distractions, and often lackadaisical attitude about what we know is important but ignore due to exhaustion harms both our physical and spiritual well-being. This leads us to pursue things in life that do not truly satisfy us. Our souls hunger for one thing, which is feasting on God's Word, spending daily time with our Lord, and listening to what He has to say to us. We find excuses to neglect spending time with God in our craziness. We are taken on a wonderful journey through how we can ignite our hunger and desire for God in Help for the Hungry Soul.

A total of eight chaper's are included in this book. They include:

  1. Know Your Hungry Heart

  2. Plead for a Holy Hunger

  3. Don't Miss Jesus

  4. Remember the Privilege

  5. Feast with Your Church

  6. Feed Yourself Creatively

  7. Trust God's Nourishing Work

  8. Embrace Your Hunger

Each chapter begins with a topical mini-lesson. There are main topics and subtopics in all chapters. Throughout the chapters, Scripture references are frequently used. There is an activity at the end of every chapter that corresponds to the topic of the chapter. These activities are thought-provoking and definitely take time. Following that, a personal testimony is presented. There are two Bible verses, a quote from a Biblical scholar at the end of this chapter.

I highly recommend Kristen's book. My first reading was just to get a feel for what the book was about. In reading the book through a second time, I plan to highlight, take notes in the book, meditate on God's Word, and work slowly through it. This book would make a wonderful summer devotional. This is a book you should purchase.

Disclaimer - I received this book in exchange for my honest thoughts. 

Last Chance Academy

I just got through reading Last Chance Academy by Debbi Michiko Florence. It's been a difficult time for Megumi, or Meg for short, since...