I just got through reading Last Chance Academy by Debbi Michiko Florence. It's been a difficult time for Megumi, or Meg for short, since she lost her mother. As a result of her father's traveling for work, Meg does not get to spend much time with him. Because of her distaste for Aunt Vivian's house and her slipping grades, her father has decided Meg should transfer to a boarding school. This is Leland Chase Academy also known as Last Chance Academy. A total of 35 students in grades 6-12 attend the school.
One day, strange envelopes appear underneath the bedroom doors of her classmates. The invitation has not been received by everyone at the Academy. Meg is looking forward to this scavenger hunt since it promises a prize that is so valuable to her. In order to prevent her family from falling apart, she will do whatever it takes to win the prize, even if it means losing her friends. To move forward, the students must solve clues left by the Mastermind. In order to solve each clue, Meg realizes that she will need the help of her classmates.
She loves the idea of the scavenger hunt because her mother had done it with her when she was alive. Meg had a slight advantage over her classmates because of this. The Mastermind has such intimate knowledge of each student that it is freakishly scary.
To solve the last clue of the scavenger hunt, all four 7th year students will have to work together. Even after her best friend cast her aside after her mother died, Meg will learn she can trust others and have true friends. It was set up for only one individual to win, but now there were four. To outwit the Mastermind, what would the students do.
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