Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Heirloom Audio ~ A Review

Heirloom Audio Productions new audio drama, In the Reign of Terror is truly an extraordinary adventure. I received the physical CD's as well as digital downloads. G.A. Henty, dubbed history's master of storytelling, brings history alive in his books of daring adventures. Heirloom Audio Productions philosophy of a Christ-centered history is refreshing amidst a world of humanistic thinking. Heirloom Audio truly brings history to life. As you listen to the story unfolding you feel like you are really living the adventure. Heirloom's Audio Drama's together with Henty's great books make for an engaging way to learn history. The audio dramas are a collaboration of creative storytelling, gifted orators/actors, realistic sound effects, and amazing composed music to make for a captivating historical drama. 

What is In The Reign of Terror about?

The story opens with Mr. George meeting young Harry at Arlington National Cemetery. Harry's deceased ancestor from the Revolutionary War era is buried at Arlington. Harry wants to learn more about the American Revolution. Those that sought freedom from ternary and over taxation were not rebels trying to revolt rather individuals seeking justice and campions of freedom. There was a striking difference between the American Revolution and the French Revolution. Those in the American Revolution were seeking God's favor and grace whereas the French turned away from God believing that man could rule themselves without God's wisdom and guidance. What pursued in the late 18th century France was a gruesome and horrible reign of terror! 

Young Harry Sandwith, a young Englishman, who goes to live with Monsieur Marquis de St Caux and his family who are of nobility. Harry is to be a tudor for the children. War is about to break out and the French are calling for the arrest of nobles and their families. Harry is asked to flee with the children to protect them. They are in a fight to save God, king, and country which those in the Revolution are trying to stop. The commoners are tired of living in poverty and being under the rule of heartless and crooked nobility, as not all nobility was fair and honorable. Many of the leaders of the French Revolution spoke of philosophers who said that man needs no god and man is best ruling themselves. It was a mob uprising. Listeners will experience the day to day happenings as this period in history as the story unfolds. 

Some historical events, people and topics discussed in In The Reign of Terror are:
  • St. Bartholomew's Massacre
  • Class Distinctions
  • Enlightenment Ideas
  • Fiat Law
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  • Maximiliem Robespierre
  • Jean-Paul Marat
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
  • "Qu'ils mangent de la brioche"

This audio adventure is 2 1/2 hours in length. Along with the CD's the following were included in the form of downloads:
  • MP3 Download
  • E-Book or read online
  • MP3 Soundtrack
  • Printable Cast Poster
  • Study Guide and Discussion Starter
  • Inspirational Verse Poster
  • Desktop Wallpaper Download
  • Official Script Download

I have created binders with all of the study guides for the many Heirloom Audio Adventures that we have collected. After printing the guides out I put the pages in protective sleeve covers. Since printing these colorful guides can get a bit expensive placing the pages in protective sleeves ensures that over the years as my children listen to the Audio Adventures the guides stay in perfect condition. 

Study Guide
The study guide is a FABULOUS complement to the audio drama CD's. I found the study guide to be extremely helpful in discussing the story with my children. The study guide is set up to aid the younger student in understanding the story as well as challenging the older student at a deeper level. The study questions are divided into three sections.

The Listening Well - focuses on what was heard

The Thinking Further - challenges the child to think, draw conclusions, and speculate

The Defining Words - defining unfamiliar vocabulary

The study guide which is available via computer download is great for a wide range of ages. For the younger child there are vocabulary words to define and for the older child there are great discussion questions. Many times, after listening to the Heirloom Adventures, it has sparked further discussion and interest in periods of history that likely would have been overlooked.

Throughout the Study Guide you will find boxed in sections entitled, "Expand Your Learning." In these sections you will find many interesting tidbits of informations about this time period. One of the sections encourages you to read the book A Tale of Two Cities that gives another great look at life in London during the same period. 

At the end of the Study Guide you will find a three part Bible Study that discusses:
  1. When God Means Evil for Good
  2. Resistance to Tyranny
  3. True Manliness
Each section of the Bible Study points back to scripture to see what God's Word says about the three above topics. God in his sovereign plan uses sinful acts of man to fulfill His greater plan. Scripture clearly talks about wicked rulers and what Christians are to do in such instances. And finally, what scripture says about the order of creation and man being the leader, provider, and protector of woman. 

At the end of the Study Guide you can read more about:
  • The Enlightenment
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  • The French Revolution v. the American War of Independence (comparison chart)
Heirloom's, In The Reign of Terror, is adapted from G.A. Henty's book. Henty's book series includes 122 books. The two key figures in, In The Reign of Terror are Maximilian Robespierre and  Marie Antoinette. 

Meet Some of the Amazing Cast Behind the Drama

Heirloom Audio has produced yet another great audio adventure!!! Designed for children ages, 6-16, I would most definitely say that the 16 and above crowd will enjoy the adventure too. I have had the privilege of reviewing The Cat of BubastesThe Dragon And The RavenWith Lee In VirginiaIn Freedom's Cause, and Beric The Briton. I would highly recommend these audio adventures. 

My children who range in age from 9 -17 enjoyed this new audio adventure. For my younger children this was a great way to introduce a new period in history. They have learned through listening to the many Heirloom Audio Dramas that history doesn't have to be boring. They were eager to learn more about this time in history after listening. For my older children who have studied this period of history these audio dramas bring a new way to experience history. It wasn't until I reached college that history came alive for me due to a phenomenal professor. I look forward to each new Heirloom Audio Drama and cannot wait for the next one to be released. 
Live the Adventure Club is a community forum as well as a treasure trove of extra resources, games, and extras for the whole family. Your child can take online quizzes, print out coloring pages, solve word searches, and so much more. You and your child can follow along using a copy of the actual audio drama script! Don't want to print out the study guide, no problem. You can download the guide in a friendly pdf version. Teachers and parents can search through the teachers resources to find enrichments to go along with each audio adventure. 

To read more reviews click here.

Social Media
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HeirloomAudio
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HeirloomStories 
Google+: https://plus.google.com/b/114534826166314080647/114534826166314080647  
Instagram: @HeirloomAudioOfficial

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