Sunday, January 31, 2016

N is for Neologism


noun  ne·ol·o·gism   \nē-ˈä-lə-ˌji-zəm\

a new word, usage, or expression

Greek neo = "new" + logos = "word"

A word developed recently, during a specific time period,
and is now accepted into mainstream society.

Social Media & Technology Examples

Digital Amnesia 

Pop Culture Examples

Muffin Top
Junk in the Trunk
Dude Food
Butt Dial
Flash Mob

Neologism's Defined:

This post is a part of a collaborative project called, Blogging through the Alphabet. To read more 
click here and here

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Princess Bible

International Children's Bible, Princess Bible

 What little girl does not love bling and sparkle. This International Children’s Bible® version  is sure to delight princesses everywhere. The cover of this princess themed Bible has various hues of purple, with lots of sparkle, and peril bling. Written on about a third grade level, it is easier for a younger children to read. This Bible is published by Thomas Nelson Publishers. 

"You are precious to me. I give you honor, and I love you."
Isaiah 43:4

This verse will be what your princess will read on the presented to page. What a fitting verse for a little girl to read. Throughout the Bible your little girl will enjoy colorful pages to encourage them on their spiritual journey with the Lord including:

Why Should I Read the Bible?
How Do I Know Jesus Loves Me?
How Do I Pray?
How Do I Forgive?
How Can I Let God's Love Shine Through Me?
How Do I Study the Bible?

Also included are helpful tools including:

Bible Verses to Know
My Favorite Bible Verses
Knowing Jesus Better
Bible Timeline
The Names of God
The Miracles of Jesus
The Disciples
Kids in the Bible
Bible Maps

My 7 year old absolutely loved this Bible. As a true princess of the Lord, my daughter can hide God's Word in her heart and mind with this adorable princess themed Bible. 

You can purchase this Bible on Amazon

Zondervan's Faith Builders Bible has no partnership or affiliation with the LEGO company. Any reference to LEGO is purely referencing a brand of Legos that many children play with and are familiar with. 

I recieved this book for free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255. 

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Frog and Toad

Last night my kiddos and I went to see A Year With Frog And Toad at Dallas Children's Theater. The performance was amazing and my kiddos loved it. We have never been disappointed with any of the performances that we have seen at DCT. 

Before attending this performance I decided to have explore Frog And Toad activities, games and books. My kiddos even memorized a fun frog poem. 

This activity went along with A Lost Button. You have to put all of the cards in chronological order according to the story.

This is an amazing 34 page lap book on frogs. 

A fun frog poem.

Coloring fun!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Write It Your Way

Write It Your Way
Write It Your Way is a workbook targeted for 4th grade, ages 9-10. In this workbook your student will work on learning about the various styles of writing, composition, literary analysis, organizing ideas, and so much more. 

  • Reading Like a Writer, Writing Like a Reader
  • Journal Prompts 
  • Opinion Writing
  • Heroes and Villains: Story Writing
This workbook gives your student an engaging, fun way to introduce writing. Your student will become a detective and find clues hidden within literature to fill out character profiles. The student will have an opportunity to journal using writing prompts. One such example is, "Would you rather..........Be haunted by a ghost, or be chased by a monster?". 

Most 4th graders have very strong opinions and they will get a chance to express their opinions as they learn how to:
  1. Support Identification
  2. Develop Support Statements
  3. Write for a Reader
  4. Persuade
  5. Use Your Voice
Through the use of heroes and villains your student will learn story writing basics. This includes both writing in paragraph form, cartoon strip bubbles, and writing their own mini movie. 

My Superpower 

My kiddo enjoyed exploring writing skills alongside superhero's. The activities were challenging and definitely helped develop her writing skills. 

To find more great products you can go to or

I received a copy of this workbook for my honest review. 

Monday, January 25, 2016

M is for Malapropism

[mal-uh-prop-iz-uh m] 

According to Literary Devices:

Malapropism in literature refers to the practice of misusing words by substituting words with similar sounding words that have different, often unconnected meanings, and thus creating a situation of confusion, misunderstanding and amusement. Malapropism is used to convey that the speaker or character is flustered, bothered, unaware or confused and as a result cannot employ proper diction. A trick to using malapropism is to ensure that the two words (the original and the substitute) sound similar enough for the reader to catch onto the intended switch and find humor in the result.

In the play Much Ado About Nothing, noted playwright William Shakespeare’s character Dogberry says, "Our watch, sir, have indeed comprehended two auspicious persons." Instead, what the character means to say is “"Our watch, sir, have indeed apprehended two suspicious persons."
Here a some hilarious examples of malapropism:
He had to use the fire distinguisher. (extinguisher)
Good punctuation means not to be late. (punctuality)
He is a wolf in cheap clothing. (sheep)
Michelangelo painted the Sixteenth Chapel. (Sistine)
Rainy weather can be hard on the sciences. (sinuses)
Having a good wife is called monotony. (monogamy)
Flying saucers are an optical conclusion. (illusion)
It is beyond my apprehension. (comprehension)

This post is a part of a collaborative project called, Blogging through the Alphabet. To read more 
click here and here

Last Chance Academy

I just got through reading Last Chance Academy by Debbi Michiko Florence. It's been a difficult time for Megumi, or Meg for short, since...