Wednesday, March 7, 2018

CursiveLogic ~ A Review

My 4th grader has been learning cursive using CursiveLogic Quick-Start Pack from CursiveLogic. The pack includes the workbook along with access to an instructional webinar that fully explains the CursiveLogic method step-by-step. The Art of Cursive is targeted to the adult learner who needs a quick, easy way to master cursive writing. In four easy lessons adult students can learn the lower case alphabet the CursiveLogic way and use a reference sheet for forming the upper case letters. Once the adult student has completed the four lesson they are then ready to color any of the 27 adult coloring pages. The Art of Cursive is not intended to be used by younger students until they have completed the entire CursiveLogic Quick-Start Pack in its entirety. 

So how exactly does CursiveLogic work? 

Normally students learn cursive like they do manuscript, in alphabetical order. Well, with CursiveLogic students learn letters based on their shape. Their are four shape patterns that teach the student the lower case alphabet. Now there is much more to it than this but I don't want to give away the whole program. Each shape has a corresponding color that just so happens to also rhythm with the shape. Students will learn Catch Phrases that will work the students memory to help them remember how to string letters together. 

Before getting started students will be reminded of the important 3 P's.

  • Posture
  • Paper
  • Pencil
Did you know that CURSIVE comes from the Latin cursivus which means "running" 🏃 ? When someone runs they don't run standing straight up, they run at a slant. Well, with cursive, you write with a slant too. 

Students start out by looking at the entire lower case alphabet and identifying which of the four categories each letter falls into based on their shape. 

To give you an idea of what all of this shape stuff is all about I am going to introduce you to one of the shapes in this review. Let me introduce you to the Orange Oval Letters. So which letters make up the  Orange Oval Letters, a, c, d, g, q, and o. The first stroke - oval over. The catch phrase - "Over, back-trace [ letter name]." 

The first half of the workbook covers the LOWERCASE LETTERS and consists of FOUR LESSONS. Each lesson is broken down into FOUR DAYS

Here is a breakdown of Lesson 1

Students trace the letter string, that follow one of the four shape patterns, with their finger while saying the catch phrase. 

Students begin by finger tracing the letter strings while saying the catch phrase and then with their pencils. Students then independently write the letter strings on their own. They also practice the letter pattern. 

Students practice connections between letters

Students read and write words using the shape pattern in the lesson.

As Lessons progress students integrate the letter patterns learned in previous lessons into the new lessons. By the time they complete the first half the the workbook they are writing and using all of the lower case letters of the alphabet. 

She's looping letters together!!

In the second half of the workbook students will learn the UPPERCASE LETTERS in a total of SIX LESSONS. The uppercase letters are also introduced in groupings with catch phrases to help the student remember how to form the letters. At the top of each page in the second half of the workbook students will find the lowercase, color coded, shape alphabet with the catch phrase for reference. This is a huge help so that students do not have to keep up with a reference sheet or continually have to flip back in the workbook. 

When you purchase the CursiveLogic Quick-Start Pack you will also receive access to an instructional webinar that explains the CursiveLogic process step-by-step. I would highly recommend that you not skip watching this before starting your student in on the program. There is so much extra valuable information in this webinar to help you as a parent or educator help your student or child succeed in their cursive writing journey. The webinar is approximately 48 minutes in length. 

The Art Of Cursive

Like I stated in the introduction, this is intended for the adult who needs a refresher in cursive or needs to learn cursive. This can also be used for the younger student AFTER they have completed all of the CursiveLogic workbook. My 4th grader absolutely loves adult coloring books and so I have decided to keep this as an incentive for her to complete the CursiveLogic program! She cannot wait to claim it. With that said, this is a great way to quickly and easily give adults a way to refresh or learn cursive. In four very short lessons the adult student will learn the same shape, letter strings that are taught in the CursiveLogic workbook. An uppercase reference page is included with number and arrow guides directing the student on how to form the upper case letters. This all is covered in 9 pages. After that the fun begins! There are 27 adult coloring sheets which include cursive writing and letter looping. The pictures are pretty spectacular. Here is an example of a coloring sheet. 

I would highly recommend CursiveLogic to others looking for an effective and stress free way of teaching their students or child how to write cursive. The process makes sense and works! 

Though the end of March CursiveLogic is offering a 20% discount on their Quick-Start Pack, which includes the webinar + workbook combo. Simply use the code CREW2018 at checkout. 

To read more reviews click here.

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