Saturday, May 5, 2018

Oral Immunotherapy

Today my kiddos and I headed to Medical City to help Dr. Wasserman and the wonderful team at Alllergy Partners celebrate their 500th OIT Graduation! Megan's life has forever been changed in a POSITIVE way because of the amazing program that Dr. Wasserman and his team began years ago. Many of you know that at the beginning of Megan's OIT journey with eggs back in 2011, I created a blog to chronicle Megan's journey through the process. I again did the same as she journeyed through her OIT with peanut. I am proud that Megan was able to have been a part of those first 500 patients to help pave the way for so many others now and in the future seeking to use OIT to gain freedom from anaphylactic food allergies. I owe a great deal of gratitude to Dr. Wasserman for dreaming big and believing in the process behind OIT. It has changed the lives of so many patients and their families! Not having to live in fear of a food or multiple foods on a 24/7 basis is a huge weight lifted off of a parent's shoulders. 

Here are links to both of Megan's OIT Blogs


Peanut OIT 

Megan will be turning 12-years-old this month. She loves to read, dance, and be with friends. If you have had a chance to read through Megan's blogs you have probably seen that despite completing Peanut OIT after some time she did have to stop eating peanut duty to developing EoE. I do not count this as a complete failure. Despite the fact that her IgE levels have gone back up and she is now considered anaphylactic to peanut again she is NOT as sensitive as she used to be. Before OIT Megan could not even be around peanut butter without reacting. If a surface had peanut residue on it she would have a reaction. If someone that consumed peanut butter touched her she would break out in hives and begin the swell, cough, and react. Today, she is able to be around people that are eating peanuts and not have issues. She can go to a baseball game. Before OIT that would NEVER have been an option. I do see this as a huge blessing. My hope for Megan is that her ability to tolerate a world "with peanuts" continues. She always carries two Epi Pen's and is educated that it is always better to err on the side of caution. But on the bright side, she hasn't had to use an Epi Pen since graduating from OIT! We count that has SUCCESS!! 

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