Friday, May 25, 2018

Dolphin Neurostim Therapy

Dolphin Neurostim Therapy is an all natural effective pain therapy device. About two months ago I was walking through the neighborhood with my daughter and fell. I broke my knee cap and tore the labrum in my shoulder. Since then I have developed Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome. I am trying to find non pharmacological methods of pain relief to deal with my pain. A friend of mine has this duel Dophin and suggested that I come to her house so that she could work on me. The Dolphin Neurostim is "designed to treat chronic and acute soft tissue pain by applying concentrated micro current impulses to trigger, motor, and acupuncture points, providing quick and effective pain relief." The Dolphin is now available for purchase without a prescription. I am currently seeing an alternative Pain Management Therapist who uses similar methods via an Electro Acuscope/Myopulse Machine. I  was excited to find out about the Dolphin and that it was something that could be purchased for home use.

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