Monday, April 25, 2022

Memoria Press


Disclaimer:  I received this complimentary product through the 
Homeschool Review Crew.

Memoria Press Curriculum Guidelines
Famous Men of Rome:
4th - 5th Grade

Famous Men of the Middle Ages:
5th - 6th Grade

Famous Men of Greece:
6th - 7th Grade

There are four components that make up the Famous Men of Rome Set. The Famous Men of Rome Text has thirty stories that cover ancient Rome history from its founding to its demise. The Famous Men of Rome Student Guide contains thirty lesson which include vocabulary, comprehension questions, important facts to know, and various activities. The Famous Men of Rome Teacher Guide is identical to the student guide except it has the answers for each lesson written in as well as the quizzes and tests. The Famous Men of Rome Flashcards are basically the drill questions which are the key people, places, and events that your child needs to remember as they study throughout the year. 

Lesson details:
For each lesson pull the Flashcards that go with the weeks lesson. The lesson numbers are at the top left side of the cards. Throughout the year it is expected that the student master these question/answers. The 119 flashcards encompass what has been learned throughout the year. The final year exam is made up of questions from these flashcards. Start every lesson by reviewing the previous lessons flashcards as well as the new ones. The Facts to Know and Quotations are used to help the students become familiar with words that they will hear and or read in their stories that will be unfamiliar to them. The Vocabulary is for the purpose of context so that when the story for the week is read the student is familiar with these words. Before reading the story read through the Comprehension Questions so that the student is clued into what to listen for as the story is read. Memoria Press recommends, if at all possible, for the parent/teacher to read the story to the student to aid in both interest and understanding. With regards to the questions you know your child the best. If your child reads well, has good reading comprehension, and is able locate where the answers within the stories are found and then answer the questions correctly and in complete sentences, great. Other students may struggle with this. At this point you may need to guide them to the page, column, or paragraph that the answer is found. Have your child try and give you their answer. You can write it down and have them copy it or you can aid them in writing. The hope is that by the end of the year they are able to do this task on their own. Each lesson has Activities that are optional. Some of the activities include timelines, maps, research, reading and discussing from other materials, drawing pictures, etc. After every five lessons there is a review lesson followed by a test. At the end of the year the student will have a final test over all of the material. Completing a lesson should take about an hour to an hour and a half.

Examples from each of the sections:

Facts to Know and Quotations
Marcus Furius Camillus - father of his country; second Romulus; appointed dictator to fight the Veientians. 

climbing on to the parapet

Comprehension Questions
Why did Camillus reject the offer from the wicked schoolmaster?

Students often confuse Coriolanus, Cincinnatus, and Camillus. Review the stories of these men and write a concise and precise description of each. 

In the back of the Student Guide are a handful of helpful resources for your student such as maps, Who Said That?, a timeline, famous excerpts, a pronunciation guide, and drill questions. 

The Text is full of colorful pictures. 

This is an example of two of the questions that are included in the stack of flashcards. 

Over the years I have used Memoria Press materials for all six of my children for various grades and subjects. Their philosophy is based in Classical Education. To read more about the basis behind what is at the heart of Memoria Press you can read,  What is Classical Education?. Be sure to check out what my Fellow Review Crew Members had to say about the eight curriculum sets reviewed. 

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