Tuesday, December 27, 2022

The Sower

The Sower by Scott James is a beautiful book that lays out the 
grand narrative of God's redemptive work. From the beginning 
of creation God's hand was in every detail. God created 
man and woman. Adam and Eve deeply loved God and 
God deeply loved them. That all changed when Satan placed doubt in 
the minds of man. Sin entered the world. God would provide
a way for redemption, restoration, and reconciliation. This book is 
written for a child to easily understand. The publishers recommended 
age is 4-8 years. The book is hardcover and is 48 pages in length. 
The pages are quality thicker paper. 

For as the earth brings forth its sprouts, 
and as a garden causes what is sown in it to sprout up,
So the Lord GOD will cause righteousness and praise 
to sprout up before all the nations. 
ISAIAH 61:11

The illustrations in this book are incredible! I found myself studying each page. I enjoyed looking at the details of the illustrations and the different techniques that the artist used. I thought about how the art so perfectly fit into the story being told.  

Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden before the fall. 

The barren land. The Illustrator Stephen Crotts did a 
phenomenal job at depicting mans brokenness. The dry 
cracked earth echos mans life. We are cracked, dry, and
desperately in need of a Savior. On the first page it depicts
the Sower sending his powerful Voice of hope. He will
first use messengers to spread his message. You can see the 
illustrator depicts the Sower sowing seed 
(green and orange wavy lines). 
He would send His Son and walk among us. 

The Sower, God. He calls out for man to hear His 
voice. For one day we will see our Savior face to face.
What JOY that will be!

For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness."
has shone in our hearts to give the light
of the knowledge of the glory of God
in the face of Jesus Christ.
2 Corinthians 4:6

This book is absolutely a must if you have children. 
It is also the perfect gift for any child in your life. Suggest
that it be added to your church library. Even though the book is 
targeted for children this book would also be a wonderful 
gift for anyone in your life that needs to hear the gospel message.

Disclaimer: I received this in exchange for my honest opinions. 


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