Monday, April 29, 2024

The Journey of The Little Prince

The Journey of The Little Prince is a classical retelling of Antonine De Saint-Exupery's first publication The Little Prince, translated by Katherine Woods. To celebrate the 80th anniversary of The Little Prince, a magical retelling of the story was published. It depicts the Little Prince embarking on a journey across many planets to discover what is truly meaningful in life.

Getting bored on his planet, the Little Prince embarks on a journey. He steps into his red plane and takes off. The first planet he visits is ruled by a king. It was strange because there were no subjects in the kingdom. In an attempt to control the Little Prince, the king tried to order him around. He decides to leave.

The Little Prince reflects on his experiences after visiting each planet. In contemplation of the king, he observes,

Power and its usefulness.

The Little Prince has just met a king who wants to give

orders and rule his kingdom only to please himself.

The Little Prince is surprised, because this kind of power

is useless.

Sometimes, you may want to make decisions, or even

lead others. This requires you to be responsible and useful.

Do you like to make decisions?

Do you enjoy being the boss in some situations?

He visits several other planets, where he meets a man in a very big hat who thinks everyone should admire him, and on another planet, a strange businessman who counts stars he believes belong to HIM! Another planet he visits is inhabited by a geographer who loves to learn all there is to know about oceans, deserts, mountains, and cities. The strangest thing is, he has never left his planet. A trip to Earth would be interesting, he suggests. The Little Prince follows his advice.

This book is so much more than just a book. It is about life. I am sharing only a very small portion of the book. I believe The Journey of The Little Prince is a true treasure that should be purchased to stand alongside the original The Little Prince.

This is a book that I highly recommend purchasing.

Disclaimer - I received this Ebook in exchange for my honest thoughts. 

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Magical Elements of the Periodic Table: Presented Alphabetically

In Magical Elements of the Periodic Table: Presented Alphabetically, the Elemental Dragons present children with twenty-three pure elements of the Periodic Table in a very unique ways. Adding one isotope-Deuterium, one compound-Quichline, and one alloy-White Gold alphabetically. The Elemental Dragons each possess a magical tail with elemental powers at its tip. From Antimony to Zirconium, the elements are listed alphabetically. They follow the theme of "No Metal - No Magic...and No Technology" It's Techo- Magical." As part of the Magical Elements of the Periodic Table series, this is the second book.

Book One is entitled Magical Elements of The Periodic Table: Presented Alphabetically by The Metal Horn Unicorns. We met these unicorns from Unimaise who are techno-magical. The theme is "No Metal, No Magic...and No Technology." Beginning with Aluminum, this elemental alphabet book ends with Zinc. Downloadable unicorn-themed periodic tables, trading cards representing the 26 unicorns and their elements, fun lesson cards, and more are available.

Each element has the following information on the elemental fact sheet:

  • Name such as (Antz Presents Antimony)

  • Symbol

  • Atomic Number

  • Atomic Mass

  • Antimony Facts

  • A picture of how Antimony naturally occurs and a brief description

  • A drawing of Antz the Dragon along with a close-up of the Antimony tipped tail

  • Antz's Magical Abilities

  • Atomic Structure

  • Antimony's Chemical Make-up

  • Uses for Antimony

  • Did You Know? section

Each element is accompanied by colorful illustrations.

At the end of the book, there is a great deal of information. Take advantage of the wealth of information provided.

The book ends with Periodic Tables. The Periodic Table is also broken down by element with the following characteristics:

  • Atomic Number

  • Element Symbol

  • Elemental Dragon

  • Everyday use for the element

  • Element Name

  • Atomic Structure

  • Group

  • Period

  • Family

The next section discusses types of elements on the Periodic Table with definitions.

All elements on the Periodic Table are listed alphabetically. The elements listed in red are those featured in the book.

A section is devoted to definitions.

Song lyrics for "No Metal, No Magic"

Get printable activity downloads

I definitely recommend purchasing this book. This is a great way to help students who are unfamiliar with the periodic table or are having difficulty learning the elements. It's worth a look.

Disclaimer - I received this Ebook in exchange for my honest thoughts. 

Friday, April 26, 2024

God Made Me from A to Z

God Made Me from A to Z: 26 Activity Devotions for Curious Little Kids takes children through the alphabet showing them who they are in God. The first couple of pages introduce the book with a Note to Families and a How to Use This Book section. In working through God Made Me, it should be noted that it is not necessary to begin at the letter A and work alphabetically through the letters. It is up to you where you want to start. The letters provide suggestions for activities, and you are welcome to do all of them or just a few. The choice is yours. Exploration is most important when done together. Work with your child as they "explore faith, have fun, and connect with their loving God. The best thing we can give our children is ourselves. Be silly, laugh, talk, sign, play, and pray together." An About the Author page, a Bonus Devotional, and a Song Lyric Appendix are located at the end of the book.

In this section, I will include two examples of the kinds of things you'll find throughout the book.



All things were made through Him. John 1:3

Everyone has God-given skills. You are a unique creation of God with a special talent. The Lord intends for us to bless others with our gifts and bring them joy.

"How does it feel to have such a special gift from God?"

What can you do with your gifts to be creative?

  1. Put on a puppet show using paper bag puppets. There is a list of material supplies. Have an adult read you the story of Noah and the ark while you work. Retell the story to your parents after you've made your puppets.

  2. Build a boat from aluminum foil and see if it floats. Then put a toy animal in the boat and let it sail.

  3. The ark was built by Noah. The animals entered the ark two by two. Can you think of anything else that comes in twos?

  4. As you sing some songs, make up motions that represent each animal.

An end-of-page prayer concludes the page.



I have written your name on my hand. Isaiah 49:16

Because God created you, He knows you. The Lord knows every detail about you. God knows what you enjoy doing and eating. Additionally, he is aware of your dislikes as well. It is very pleasing to God when you treat others with kindness. It doesn't matter what mood you are in, God still loves you. God created you. Your value to him is immeasurable.

"How does it feel to know that you are special to God?"

It's time for some more FUN!

According to the Bible, God knows how many hairs you have on your head.

  1. Create a Bag Buddy by drawing a face on a paper bag. Make strips of hair using scissors by cutting downward. Find out how many hairs your Buddy Bag has.

  2. Make a pizza and let everyone take part in the pizza making process. A person can spread the sauce, another can sprinkle the cheese, someone else can add the meat, and the last person can add the vegetables. Everyone can enjoy eating it!

  3. Put your handy skills to the test. Put your hand on the paper and trace it. Identify yourself by writing your name on the hand. On the paper, draw pictures showing what you're good at.

  4. Sing

This prayer concludes the page:

"Dear God, I matter to You. Thank You for loving me all the time. Amen."

In addition to being creative, hands-on, family orientated, and educational, the book is also a wonderful way to introduce children to the importance of spending time with God. I found the activities to be excellent self-esteem builders. In each letter, children were clearly shown who they are in Christ. This is a book I recommend.

Disclaimer - I received this Ebook in exchange for my honest thoughts. 

Thursday, April 25, 2024

My Elephant is Blue

Melinda Szymanik writes about BIG feelings in her book My Elephant is Blue. Have you ever felt so down that you felt as though an elephant was sitting on you? In this story, a little girl wakes up one morning with an elephant sitting on her chest. She has difficulty moving, breathing, or even speaking. "I'm Blue." says the elephant. The elephant is crushing me, so I ask it to move. It's perfectly happy where it is. It sits on top of me. When my parents try to cheer me up and tell me to smile, I tell them that it is hard to smile with an elephant strapped to your chest. Despite their efforts, my siblings are not able to help me. Additionally, my parents make an effort to help me. Dad suggested going for a walk. The only thing Blue did was ignore me when I asked her. In the end, Blue and I went on the walk dad suggested. My family decided to go on a picnic the following day. It was a lot of fun! On the way home, I felt lighter than I had in a long time. It was as I held Blue's trunk that something changed. Blue! You are turning PINK! "That is because I don't feel so blue anymore."

You'll have to read the book to find out the rest of the story.

I highly recommend this book. When young children are struggling with BIG feelings, it is hard for them to express themselves. This book is excellent at describing how the emotions may feel and how to overcome them. Children learn that it is okay to feel sad and that there are things they can do to help turn their feelings around. If you have a child or group of children who are hesitant to discuss their feelings, this book is a great way to begin the conversation. I enjoyed the colorful illustrations. They are simple and not overwhelming at all. For a more calming effect, lighter tones and pastels are used. This is a great book that I recommend.

Disclaimer - I received this Ebook in exchange for my honest thoughts. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Moose and the Math Fairy

Moose and the Math Fairy is about Lemma, a Math Fairy who helps those in need with math problems. She has a pet moose named Moose who is not math-minded and cannot be trusted with her magic walkie-talkie.

Lemma, the Math Fairy, has to go to the grocery store. While she is out, she hands Moose her magical walkie-talkie so he can handle Math. A loyal pet such as Moose is sure the task cannot be too difficult. A walkie-talkie call for assistance interrupts him before he can finish his thought. Conner, a young boy, needs help with math. As for Connor's homework, Moose could not understand the strange symbols and squiggles. On the walkie-talkie, Moose presses the purple button that erases all of the squiggles. Connor was even more confused now. Moose had already left by that time. Moose encountered Astra, the Star Fairy, crying that someone had removed the minus sign! In an attempt to solve the problem, Moose decided to make all of Star Fairy's charts and graphs disappear. It was a horrific sight for Astra. Moose thought he was solving everyone's problems well. However, Zeki at the Acorn Factory was stressed. There was something very wrong. Then Moose realized that all the problems people were experiencing all day were caused by numbers! Perhaps he should just get rid of them...

"No more numbers," he said into the walkie-talkie.

Chaos reigned, panic ruled, no numbers meant no math! Suddenly, Lemma's favorite thing was gone! At that moment, Moose felt...

It would be spoilerish of me to reveal all the details of the story and its ending.

The book ends with several math challenge problems for you to solve.

In my opinion, Moose and the Math Fairy is an excellent book. Children will find Moose's mishaps funny but also see how they lead to utter chaos. In addition to being educational, the book is entertaining. It is a book I recommend.

Disclaimer - I received this Ebook in exchange for my honest thoughts. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Up High

Matt Hunt's Up High tells the story of a young boy and his father walking into town. The boy holds his father's hand. He feels so small in such a big city. The boy asks "to go up high." Daddy lifts him up onto his shoulders. His father holds him tight and he no longer feels so small. They look in the windows of shops. Then they go to the park to eat a picnic lunch on their favorite park bench. A while later, it's time to go home. His daddy asks if he wants "to go up high." He decides to walk. When he gets tired, daddy holds him tightly in his arms while he naps and carries him home. The author concludes the book with these words. "A dad's love can make even the littlest of kids feel like a giant."

A QR code is located at the end of the book, which can be scanned to hear the book read aloud. I absolutely adored this book. There's something about books about daddy's and children that always draws me in. My father was absent for most of my life. Every child deserves a loving, lasting relationship with both parents. It's fair to say that I live vicariously through books like this one. In spite of their simplicity, the illustrations are profound. This book I highly recommend. 

Disclaimer - I received this Ebook in exchange for my honest thoughts. 

Monday, April 22, 2024


Isabelle Simler's Home describes twenty-seven fantastic creatures in their habitats and homes. Intricate illustrations coupled with beautifully written poems make this book a treasure to behold. Isabelle is both the author and illustrator of 'Home,' which was originally written in French and translated into English by Vineet Lal.

The book starts out...

I've been to some truly amazing homes.

To explore these unique places, I've had

to bend, and shrink, and squeeze, and

let myself be transformed in weird and

wonderful ways.

I've curled up in a hazel leaf,

and disappeared under a stone, and bathed

in a drop of dew...

I've woken up as an ant. And a bird.

Even a sea snail.

And I've imagined life in these homes,

all so very different to my own.

The following animals are featured in this book. The illustrations are amazing and I would love to share them with you. For that, you'll have to purchase the book. Below is one of the author's poems.

Eurasian Penduline Tits

Common Octopuses

Comet Moths

European Fan Worms

Common Tailorbirds

Eurasian Beavers

Common Wasps


Weaver Ants

Hermit Crabs

Foam-Nest Tree Frogs

Satin Bowerbirds

Cross Orbweaver Spiders


of the cross orbweaver spider

Araneus diadematus

I live in the vertical plane,

in a complex structure

made from the strongest

and most elastic material there is.

If it gets damaged, I recycle my wheel

by eating my house of silk.

That gives me the energy

to weave a new one.

In this satin-smooth spiral,

mind where you put your feet.

Because at dinner time,

it's better to be the host than the guest.

My description of the illustration. 

With a midnight blue background, the illustration is dotted with tiny white dots (maybe stars in the distance). I am merely speculating. About 85% of the page is covered in an intricate web, with the spider working along the perimeter. It's an amazing web. There are some leaves that are reminiscent of peacock feathers. The designs are stunning. Brown and tan shades characterize the spider. Due to its beauty, I'm going to call the spider a she. Its legs are long and fuzzy. On its back, it displays a beautiful pattern that is similar to a turtle's shell.

Cathedral Termites

Case-Making Caddisflies

Golden Eagles

Sociable Weavers

Eurasian Harvest Mice

Elf Owls

Carrier Snails

Diving Bell Spiders


Alpine Marmots

Baya Weavers

Sumatran Orangutans

Red Ovenbirds

Hazel-Leaf Roller Weevils

This is a book that I definitely plan to add to my home library. Adults and children alike will enjoy this book. This book is a must-have.

DISCLAIMER - I received this Ebook in exchange for my honest thoughts. 

The Bison and the Butterfly

The Bison and the Butterfly is a story about how a lonely bison finds a friend. She learns how incredibly valuable she is to others in her habitat. Bison stands by her herd, but is unhappy. She needed a friend.

Bison eats bark from sweet chestnut trees.

Bison heard a...



PECK, it's a woodpecker.

Woodpecker explains how Bison's bark stripping feeds him. It provides larvae from trees that woodpeckers love.

The woodpecker cannot be Bison's friend at the moment due to his busy schedule.

A bison continues to roam.

Bison has to go poo.


Dung Beetle nearby is so happy. Grazing on bison dung provides Beetle with food and a place to lay eggs.

Bison asks Dung Beetle if she wants to trample through the woods with her.

Dung Beetle is too busy.

Bison meets a lizard, admires her reflection in the water, and then...

Bison meets a BUTTERFLY and everything changes.

The end of the story is wonderful.

There is a two-page section at the end of the book entitled "The real Bison and the Butterfly..." This section discusses the differences between the American bison and the European bison. Furthermore, it discusses how bison benefit other animals.

In the final two pages, there are photos of actual bison and an article entitled "Bringing back the bison." Additionally, a QR code can be scanned to download an activity pack and learn more.

I found this book to be both informative and educational. It has amazing illustrations. This is a book that I would recommend.

Disclaimer - I received this Ebook in exchange for my honest thoughts. 

Sunday, April 21, 2024

This is the Way in Dog Town

In This is the Way in Dog Town, young children learn what dogs in Dog Town do during the day. This book is set to the familiar melodious rhyme, 'Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush.' This familiar tune will help children follow the activities of a Dog family as they get dressed, brush their teeth, go to school, do their work, play a game, eat lunch, paint a picture, go swimming, go home, eat dinner, take a bath, and go to bed.

This book is both written and illustrated by Ya-Ling Huang. Using watercolor and colored pencils, Ya-Ling's hand-drawn illustrations have a transparent look with layers of color.

"This is the way we paint a picture, 

paint a picture, 

paint a picture.

This is the way we paint a picture, 

in the afternoon."




This picture depicts various breeds of dogs sitting, lying, and standing around a room, including bulldogs, poodles, and collies. In the corner, the teacher wipes the sweat off of his forehead with a cloth. There is a dog painting a wall. Several dogs hold up pictures of their artwork while smiling. A dog is laughing while holding a paint brush and a can of spilled paint at his feet. A second group of dogs is creating art. Another dog sits with a palette of paint colors. The room is a complete mess! Nonetheless, the dogs are having a lot of fun.

It's such a cute book. Toddlers and preschoolers will love this book. You should check it out.

Disclaimer - I received this Ebook in exchange for my honest thoughts. 

The Pilgrim's Progress

Bunyan's "The Pilgrim's Progress" tells the story of Christian, a pilgrim, and his journey to find salvation and the Celes...