Monday, April 22, 2024

The Bison and the Butterfly

The Bison and the Butterfly is a story about how a lonely bison finds a friend. She learns how incredibly valuable she is to others in her habitat. Bison stands by her herd, but is unhappy. She needed a friend.

Bison eats bark from sweet chestnut trees.

Bison heard a...



PECK, it's a woodpecker.

Woodpecker explains how Bison's bark stripping feeds him. It provides larvae from trees that woodpeckers love.

The woodpecker cannot be Bison's friend at the moment due to his busy schedule.

A bison continues to roam.

Bison has to go poo.


Dung Beetle nearby is so happy. Grazing on bison dung provides Beetle with food and a place to lay eggs.

Bison asks Dung Beetle if she wants to trample through the woods with her.

Dung Beetle is too busy.

Bison meets a lizard, admires her reflection in the water, and then...

Bison meets a BUTTERFLY and everything changes.

The end of the story is wonderful.

There is a two-page section at the end of the book entitled "The real Bison and the Butterfly..." This section discusses the differences between the American bison and the European bison. Furthermore, it discusses how bison benefit other animals.

In the final two pages, there are photos of actual bison and an article entitled "Bringing back the bison." Additionally, a QR code can be scanned to download an activity pack and learn more.

I found this book to be both informative and educational. It has amazing illustrations. This is a book that I would recommend.

Disclaimer - I received this Ebook in exchange for my honest thoughts. 

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