Thursday, October 12, 2017

Brinkman Adventures ~ A Review

My daughter loved listening to the Brinkman Adventures Season 4 from Brinkman Adventures. I received the 4 pack of CD's which includes 12 action packed adventures. The Brinkman Adventures is an exiting radio show that tells true, modern, missionary stories through the eyes of the fictional Brinkman family. 

All of my children really enjoy listening to audio dramas and books on CD. They are great for   long car rides, breaks between schoolwork, hospital stays, and bedtime wind down time. 

A Paradise Lost
Remember Nhu
Aisha’s Fear
Heart Song
The Crashed Kitchen
Crisis In The Congo
The Mysterious Palm Feller
War of the Raccoons
The Five Guys
Toughest Man
Cambodian Quest
What Brings Us Together

Each episode is about 1/2 hour in length and the episodes build upon each other. 

My daughter said, "One of my favorite episodes was Aisha's Fear and that episode was about, Aisha's husband beat her a lot and there was a Christian doctor across the street that wanted to buy from their shop but no Chrisians could buy from their shop. One day her husband got really sick and Aisha called the doctor and he came and her husband finally let the doctor look at him. The doctor started coming on a regular basis. He told them about the Lord. Aisha's husband became a Christian. Aisha's husband died. After her husband died Aisha started building a friendship with the doctor and became a Christian herself. This is just one of the many amazing stories that I heard as I listened to the Brinkman Adventures. Another episode that I really likes was Remember Nhu which was about a guy who has a dream and the Lord says to go around the world and find Nhu. He travels and finds someone who will help him. They look for two years and find her. The guy goes and sees her. She is a slave. The guy who helps find her is actually her uncle. The guy who had the dream starts a home for girls just like Nhu. The first episode, The Paradise Lost, the Brinkman's go to a family camp by a lake. When they get there the lake drains up. The bridge breaks and no one can leave or get to the camp. They make the best of the situation by creating their own activities. One activity was avoiding adults and the adults were trying to get the kids inside because there was a huge storm. The kids were running away from the adults. They finally got all of the kids safe inside. The bridge got repaired and everyone got to go home." 

I really enjoyed listening to the Cambodian Quest with my 9 year old. The theme of this episode is going deeper with God. They are helping fix sewing machines to the Nhu house. Kitry doesn't want to help fix the machines. She rather explore Cambodia. Her heart is in the wrong place. Kitry gave a man in the market the Nhu house address. A girl in the market is very ill and and gives Nhu her baby because she can no longer care for her. Kitry continues to stir up trouble by thinking of her own desires all the while putting Nhu and the girls at the home at risk. The stories are based upon real missionary stories. You can read the stories behind the episode adventures on this page.

Some of the themes that your child will learn about while listening to the adventures are: obedience, recognizing God's power, finding courage, our weakness and God's strength, and God's Sovereignty.

Travel with the Brinkman's from Ecuador to Kashmir and from Africa to Alaska as you follow their adventures in these episodes and discover God’s wonderful truths.
I would definitely recommend Brinkman Adventures to others. Definitely check out the whole all of the seasons on Brinkman's website.  

To read more reviews click here.

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