Saturday, October 21, 2017

She May Be Small..

But She is Mighty!

My daughter is 9 years old but many people often mistake her for
being much younger. She is unique and very special. Looking at
her you would never know that for most of her life she has been 
fighting an uphill battle! At a very young age she was diagnosed with
FPIES, and not a simple case either. She reacted to literally all foods. At 
 9 months old she became dependent on elemental formula and a feeding tube. 
Little did we know that our nightmare healthwise with her
was only beginning. Over the years our little warrior would go on to 
be diagnosed with GERD, Intestinal Failure, and so 
much more. But you know what? My daughter is one of the happiest kiddos you
will ever meet. She doesn't let her disabilities get in the way of her abilities. 
Recently at a weekend family camp she was finally old enough to try out
the rock climbing wall. Since she is on the small side and does have 
a history of upper body weakness it was decided that a certified buddy 
would climb with her. Well, my daughter showed us just how strong and
brave she was. She climbed that wall like she owned it! Once she got to
the top she used the zip line to zip her way down. 

You Conquered!

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