Monday, October 30, 2017

Let The Little Children Come ~ A Review

Let the Little Children Come makes sharing the gospel easy with their Gospel Tracts and Evangelism Tools Sample Pack. Each of the 10 tracts/tools included in this pack will help in sharing the gospel of Christ with others.

Woodless Book

Many of us are familiar with the Wordless Book. It is a very
simple and straightforward way of presenting the gospel to others.
Gold represents heaven. 
It is God's desire that we all be with Him in heaven.
Black represents SIN.
We have all sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God.
Apart from Christ we cannot be saved.
Red represents the blood that Christ shed for us.
Jesus came to earth as a man, died and took the punishment for
our sins by dying on the cross.
The white page represents what happens when we accept Christ. When we repent of our sin, realize that Christ's death on the cross is the only way to salvation, it is not by works that we are saved, it is by grace through faith. Upon salvation we are made clean in Christ Jesus. 
Again, the Gold also represents our relationship with our heavenly Father that we will one day have with Him in eternity forever.
Green reminds us of things that grow. 
As believers we need to continually grow in our relationship with Jesus.
Others around us should see the fruits of Christ in us. 

John 3:16 FlipAbout

This fun little flip book folds around to reveal 4 different panels.

Gospel Buttons FlipAbout 

This little flip book has 4 different sided.

 God desires for all to be with Him in heaven.

We have all sinned and therefore are separated from Him and cannot get to heaven. 

Christ came to earth, died on the cross to take the punishment for our sins. 

By repenting of our sins and believing that it is only by Christ's
death on the cross that we can be saved and have salvation. It is not 
by works. 

The Most Amazing House Pop-Up Tract

This really neat 3-D pop-up contains 5 different pop-up displays that 
explain the gospel. At the end is a simple prayer that can be prayed. 

Where's Everybody Going? 
Animated Tract

Using the stripped plastic sheets you will be able to decode each
pages words and images. Slowly slide the plastic decoder across each page
and watch the images come to life as they move across the page. 
Have you ever wondered who made the earth spin?
God made the earth and everything in it?

The Lost Easter Egg Pop-Up Tract

This would be a great addition to your child's Easter basket. 
This short story tells of children searching for lost Easter eggs. 
It then tells the story of the Lost Sheep from the Bible. We are lost in our
sin and God wants us to find Him. Each page features pop-ups. 

Wordless Bracelet Kit

This is very similar to the Wordless Book. This is a great way to
share the gospel. When asked about the meaning of the bracelet you can 
share the gospel of Christ. 

Silicone Salvation Bracelet

Similar to the Wordless Bracelet, these silicone bracelet come
in a variety of sizes. 

John 3:16 Animated Tract

Using coloring, animated images you can share the gospel
by sharing John 3:16. Using a striped, plastic decoder you will watch 
the pages come to life as you move the plastic decoder across the page. 

This sample kit is a perfect way to see a variety of tracts and tools that one can use to spread the gospel of Christ. Definitely check out the website for a variety of products and resources. Sharing the gospel does not have to be intimidating. Matthew 28:19 says; "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations." And Romans 10: 13-14 says; "For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?" All throughout Scripture we are exhorted to spread the gospel of Christ, to plant the seed of truth. 

To read more reviews click here.

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