Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Super Teacher Worksheets ~ A Review

Super Teacher Worksheets is an amazing online resource treasure trove of educational materials for educators and parents. An Individual Membership can be purchased for $19.95 and allows unlimited access for an individual user. 

As educators, we sometimes find that our students need extra practice in order to master specific skills. Other times, we need worksheets to help fill in the gap where our curriculum may lack a bit. Or maybe, like my children, they just like worksheets. Sounds strange, right? In their words, "Worksheets are fun". I still haven't figured out how worksheets are different than their normal schoolwork, but I am not questioning or complaining. I usually try to fish around for the "fun" ones first and then mix in more needed ones as I see fit. You would be surprised at how even "fun" worksheets according to kids truly are learning worksheets. 

Super Teacher Worksheets has worksheets in the following categories:

  • Math
  • Reading & Writing
  • Phonics & Early Literacy
  • Handwriting
  • Grammar
  • Spelling
  • Chapter Books
  • Science
  • Social Studies
  • Holidays
  • Puzzles & Brain Teasers
  • Teacher Helpers
  • Pre-K & Kindergarden
  • Worksheet Generator

With Fall finally here we decided to dig into the Fall, Halloween, Autumn, and Thanksgiving Worksheets. Isn't this "Fall is Here" crown the cutest thing ever!

What would Fall be without a scarecrow. 

Even though Thanksgiving is over a month away it is never to early to do a crossword, right?

It took multiple attempts at this graphing activity but my daughter FINALLY accomplished the desired result, a happy JACK-O-LANTERN! She was so excited to do this activity. She had never graphed before. Her first attempt was a mess of lines. I sat with her again and showed her again how to do it. She was mixing up the "x" and "y" axes. In the end, success!

Taken from the Reading Comprehension section, "America's National Bird: Eagle or Turkey?" was a one page write up followed by two pages of follow up. One page has statements and the student has to answer whether the statement is either fact or opinion. There are a couple of short answer questions and one multiple choice question. Another fun activity was called "Letter Mix-Up" where the student cut out the letter that spelled the word THANKSGIVING. They had to come up with as many 3 letter, 4 letter, and 5+ letter words as they could.  

This fun little turkey came as a template (feathers and body). The kiddos color the feathers and the turkey and then put him together. I used tape because it is fast, easy, and less mess. 

An Indian headpiece. 

I did find a great section of cursive writing worksheets that I will be using with my 4th grader. There are these full alphabet sheets as well as worksheets that are focused on single letters too. 

My 4th and 6th grader had fun doing a competition round of who could come up with the answer faster with this States and Capitals Quiz. I would say the questions out loud or write clues on a board. They had so much fun. Great way to learn! 

I would definitely recommend Super Teacher Worksheets to others. It is a great online resource for worksheets. Whether you looking for a specific subject and concept that your child is struggling with or you just need something to help keep your kiddo busy look no further. If you cannot find exactly what you are looking for you can create your own worksheet via the worksheet generator. Super Teacher Worksheets will also save your content in a section called "My File Cabinet" so that you can easily access your material when you need it again. Definitely go check out the site for yourself. 

To read more reviews click here.

Social Media
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/superteacherworksheets
Twitter:  https://twitter.com/SuperTeacherWks 
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/superteacherwks/ 
Instagram:   https://www.instagram.com/superteacherworksheets/ 

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