Sunday, March 22, 2015

Homeschooling and Hospital Admissions

Often times I feel like our life revolves around medical rather than educational. When life throws you lemons, make lemonade. This week one of the kiddos has a planned hospital admission which means I will not be home. We have learned to go with the flow and be creative in our temporary hiccup.

For the older kiddos that are in middle or high school my absence is not that big of a deal. They are pretty much self sufficient when it comes to academics. They keep up on their co-op classes and other work on their own. Daddy is always available for help.

For the little's this means stopping our regular homeschooling routine and focus in on multiplication memorization, writing, reading books, poem memorization, library time, and hands on activities. One lucky kiddo will be with grandma which will mean getting to help cook, bake, and garden.

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