Monday, March 16, 2015

St. Patrick's Day

What thoughts come to mind when you think of St. Patrick's Day? Do you think about wearing green, parades, parties, and drinking? Did you know that none of these things have anything to do with the true origins of St. Patrick's Day. 

St. Patrick is known as the patron saint of Ireland. Kidnapped, at the age of 16, by Irish raiders from his homeland in Roman Britain, Patrick was taken to Ireland as a slave. During his enslavement in Ireland as a shepherd, Patrick found the Lord. In a vision the Lord prompted Patrick to flee to the coast where a boat would be waiting to take him home. After arriving home Patrick went on to become a priest. Later, Patrick felt a calling to return to Ireland to convert the pagan Irish to Christianity. 

The History Channel has a great four minute video explaining the history of St. Patrick's Day. 

This site has a good overview of St. Patrick and the history behind St. Patrick's Day. 

St. Patrick is said to have used the three leaves of the Irish clover to explain the Trinity to the unbelieving Irish. The three leaves represent, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The clover has three separate leaves that are all joined together as one. 

St. Patrick died on March 17th and so the day is set aside to commemorate his life. 

There are many good books on St. Patrick's Day on Amazon

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