Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Homeschooling with Health Issues

Homeschooling while dealing with health issues is quite challenging and not for WIMPS!! Homeschooling in and of itself is a lot of work but when you have to juggle health issues on top of educating your children it is another story. Doctor's appointments, therapies, travel time, endless waiting in the doctor's offices, infusions, and sick days all take a toll on the school day and the school year. Despite all of the obstacles that come our way I would not choose to educate my children any other way.

At a recent appointment we had to wait a bit longer than usual. I decided to make the most of our time and started playing a question and answer game with my daughter. I wrote out a question and she had to read it and answer it in a complete sentence. My daughter had a blast doing this and never saw it as doing schoolwork.

During another appointment my daughter utilized our wait time by watching educational videos on her iPad.

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