Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Bible Study Guide For All Ages ~ A Review

My daughters have been working through the Advanced (5th and 6th Grade) Bible Study Guide For All Ages. We also got the Wall Maps and Timeline Set. For this review I received Unit 1 which contains Lessons 1-26. There are a total of 416 lesson in the Advanced Level Student Pages. There are multiple options for purchasing each level in the Bible Study Guide For All Ages levels. Units can be purchased individually or as entire kits. There are also many levels beginning with Ages 3-K through Adults. 

Student Pages

I used the Advanced Level with my 10 and 12 year old daughter's. 

What is covered in each lesson:
Remember It?
This is a review section where student's are reminded about important details from previous lessons. 
Memory Workout
Students learn key verses in the Bible, the Books of the Bible, and themes of each Book of the Bible that are taught via the Bible Book Summary Cards. 
Guess What...
This section helps students understand words that may be unfamiliar to students as well as lesson text that may be a bit complicated to understand. 
Discover The Bible
This is the actual Bible lesson part. Students will use their Bible and look up the verses given for the day. The student reads the verses corresponding with each numbered cartoon and answer the questions. 
Time Line and Map
This gives the student a BIG picture look at the Bible as a whole. The timeline helps the student visually see where everything visually fits. When student's read about various Bible places most have no idea where these places are. Actually seeing a map student's can then visually see where the places being talked about were. 
Get Active
This gives the student the opportunity to get a bit of a break away from their lesson and apply Biblical truths they have learned to their own lives. 
Apply It!
Student's learn how to apply what they have learned to their own lives. Prayer and personal application. 

Specifically, Unit 1 covers both the Old and the New Testament. Lesson 1 takes verses from Genesis 35:23-26;37:1-11 and Lesson 26 covers verses from Matthew 2:13-23 and Luke 2:39-52. If your student completes the full 416 lessons it will take them approximately 4 years to complete a full walk through the Bible. Each year they will study both from the New and the Old Testament. 

Teacher Key

The Teacher Key pretty much just has the answers to the questions in the student workbook. There is gray shaded areas in the Teacher Key that has helpful information for the teacher. 

Bible Book Summary Cards 
( These can be purchased in three sizes; 4.5"x6", 8.5"x11", and 11"x14".)

The pictures on the front of the card spell out and help explain the main content and theme of each particular Book of the Bible. On the back of the card students will find a short summary of the corresponding Bible book and questions pertaining to the book. The illustrations on the front of the cards are a great way for students to visually comprehend and understand as well as remember what each book is about. For the younger student unable to read or just beginning to read this is the perfect way for them to visually remember via pictures. Sometimes students who are visual learners are helped when they see visual pictures that then help them to remember content, especially of large content such as books of the Bible. 

Wall Maps and Timeline 

The cardstock used for the label system for the time line is nice and thick. My girls had so much fun cutting out and placing each label as they worked through their lessons. Having a huge timeline helped them to see the WHOLE picture as them went along. 

My 12-year-old could not wait to get started on the wall map. It was a bit difficult to find a wall that was big enough. I knew that these were going to be big but WOW! The time line is 76"x25" and the maps are 38"x25", 19"x25", and 19"25". They recommend using HandiTAK® or something similar so that the labels can be removed and reused. 

I really liked this Bible study curriculum and would highly recommend it to others. Both of my kiddos enjoyed using Bible Study Guide For All Ages. 

To read more reviews click here.

Social Media
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BibleStudyG

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