Monday, July 22, 2019

Color Thru History

Color Thru History™ - The People of Early Civilization is a Learn Color Book where students learn about the top historical figures in early civilization while coloring. With 30 historical figures such as Noah, Hatshepsut, Ramses the Great, Homer, Daniel, Esther, and Solomon each figure from history has a brief overview of their life, an image related to them, and a timeline showing where in history they fit. This paperback workbook has thick pages with a blank page opposite the coloring page so that whatever coloring tool you choose to use you do not have to worry about bleed-through. The workbook is 96 pages in length. The cost for the book is $17.95. You can also choose to subscribe to Learn & Color Books. Each month you will receive that month’s coloring book by mail. Subscription price includes all charges, shipping, and handling. Cancel at any time. Us addresses only. The subscription price is $12.95/month. 

Color Thru History™ - The People of Early Civilization would be suitable for school, homeschool, and home use. “Learn & Color Books launched in 2018 to develop coloring material for children and adults. What sets up apart is that our coloring material is educational as well as fun!” Learners of all types can benefit from this workbook. Dr. Nikki Martinez, Psy.D., LCPC said, “Coloring utilizes both hemispheres of the brain, right and left. When we are thinking about balance, color choices, applying coloring pencil to paper, we are working on problem solving and fine motor skills…Imagine all the areas of retraining of the brain and skills training that can be accomplished with coloring.” Students can work at their own pace through the workbook. Because there are no assignments, questions to answer, or tests to take students can relax and enjoy learning about each historical figure and then coloring something related to their life.

To give you an idea of what the workbook is like let me walk you through the life of Abraham. Abraham lived from (c.1996 – 1821BC). I will summarize the description given. “Abraham, born Abram, was the tenth descent from Noah. He married Sarai, who was barren…teacher of one God…God makes Abram three promises: a relationship with God, uncountable descendants, and land…’I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you.’…Sarah conceived a child, whom they named Isaac…Abraham is known as the Father of Israel.”The page that the summary is written on is in full color with pictures and a map. The timeline is at the bottom of the page. This page is similar to a page from a history textbook. The colors are brilliant. Opposite this page is the coloring page. The coloring page has a written text in bubble letters that says, “I will bless those who bless you” and around the wording is a series of patterned squiggly lines, detailed flowers, detailed shapes, etc. Once all of the coloring pages are complete the coloring pages can be taken out and you are left with a great history book, if wanted. 

I absolutely love the idea of combining education and coloring. I jumped at the chance to review this workbook for my teenage daughter who struggles with chronic, life threatening medical conditions. She often just does not have the energy to keep up with a normal school load like her peers. She deals with both physical and mental fatigue and this has been the perfect fit for learning history. Keeping up with a normal history class would be next to impossible. Color Thru History™ has been a way for her to learn about great historical figures. She loves to color and over the years has enjoyed adult coloring books. It is an activity that doesn’t take much energy and she can take it with her to her appointments and during hospitalizations. This has been the perfect fit for our family. 

Color Thru History™ - The People of Early Civilization is both a fun and educational workbook that I would highly recommend to others. Definitely check out their website for their full line of Color Thru History™ series. The People of Early Civilization came earlier this year and more to the Color Thru History™ series is currently out and coming out later this year. There is also a Nature series as well as several other series. 

-Product review by Jennifer Ladewig, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC, April 2019

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