Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Extreme Dot to Dot ~ Baby Animals

My children and I have been enjoying working on Timberdoodles, Extreme Dot to Dot: Baby Animals over the summer. This dot-to-dot book is part of the Timberdoodle, 2019 Third-Grade Curriculum Kit. There are 32 puzzles in this paperback book. Even though this is part of the third-grade curriculum kit for 8 year olds does not mean that it cannot be enjoyed by older children and even adults. The suggested age is 8+. These puzzles are definitely challenging and take concentration. 

Some of the baby animals that will emerge from the hundreds and sometimes even thousands of winding dots are:
  • lambs
  • elephants
  • koalas
  • hippopotamuses
  • kangaroos
  • giraffes
  • ducklings
  • penguins
The smallest number count puzzle is the hippopotamuses with 549 dots. The largest puzzle is the elephants puzzle with a mind blowing 1,536 dots! There are several puzzles that take up a two page spread. You will find that some puzzles contain open circles. When this occurs you stop, pick up your pencil and find within the picture where the next consecutive number is. The number may be close or far way.

At the end of the book you will find a Solutions section. This section gives you what each puzzle should look like once completed. Underneath the picture it give the dot count as well as an informative paragraph about the animal.

I worked on a few of the dot-to-dots myself. I will admit that a couple of times
I would be on let's say number 459 and I would accidentally go to number 560 next.
560 was so close to 450 that my brain got confused and it wasn't until I got further
along that I realized that something was off and I realized my mistake. The fixes
where not difficult which was nice. I found these puzzles to be very relaxing.
They take so much concentration that you really have to zone out everything else.
It really is great therapy and great for relieving stress too! 

Completed dot-to-dot of lambs and penguins.

Completed dot-to-dot of kangaroos. 

My 11-year-old working on what looks to be a tiger. 

A close-up of the dots. 

The complete dot-to-dot of the bunny.

The bunny mid coloring. 

Wow! The picture truly changes once it is colored. Some of us found it helpful to look at the 
solution pictures to color the animals. It helped to see what was what.
Isn't this bunny so adorable! 

The howling wolf complete. 

The howling wolf once it was colored. 

 My 13-year-old loves animals and was so excited about getting this Extreme 
Dot-To-Dot ~ Baby Animals Puzzle book! She could not wait to tackle this 
two page spread. 

She was so excited when she realized that it was ELEPHANTS! 

Here is the finished dot-to-dot picture, all 1,536 dots in all! This is the largest
dot count puzzle in the book. 

My daughter did say that it is a bit difficult to figure out where to start coloring. 
She said, "It is a bit of a guessing game at first until you figure it out."

Working on page two. 

A close up.

The finished creation, Elephants on the Move! 

Here is the solution for the elephant. Did you know that, "Elephants travel in lines holding
on to each others tails with their trunks for protection from danger?"

Timberdoodle has a handful of other dot-to-dot books available on their site. We have really discovering what baby animals will emerge in the Extreme Dot to Dot: Baby Animals from Timberdoodle. Whether you are looking for fun entertainment or for a full curriculum kit for your child Timberdoodle has you covered. Check all of the amazing products that Timberdoodle has to offer.


  1. What a great review! It really is remarkable how coloring makes the picture pop even more.

  2. This is a great review. Our daughter loves dot to dots. I need to check out ther ones from Timberdoodle.

  3. I bought myself the United States history one and love it. It is nice to work on at the end of the day to relax.


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