Sunday, October 27, 2019

Storm and Tornadoes in North Texas on October 20th

Last Sunday, October 20th, storms and tornadoes blew through Dallas. My daughter was inpatient and still is. You see, one of the tornadoes hit extremely close to the hospital and blew a transformer. The hospital's electricity went out. Back up generators kicked in to power vital medical equiqment and hallway lights. There were no lights or air conditioning in the rooms for about 20 hours. Well, that turned out to be a BLESSING in disguise for my daughter. I will get to that in a second. You see, she was supposed to have a minor surgical procedure Monday morning. We would have been discharged later that day had she had the procedure. Well, that had to be postponed. She was stable and doing well. Early Tuesday morning, around 3am my daughter awoke and wasn't feeling well. She said she had never felt like this before. She was able to push the nurses call light and was able to say in a whispered tone, "I am going to get sick." The nurse came quick. She started vomiting. We were all caught off guard because she had been doing so well. Things went downhill fast. She began vomiting and going into respiratory distress. A rapid response was called and she was transferred to the ICU. She was found to be in moderate to severe heart failure. She was immediately put on breathing support. If we would have been home the outcome could have potentially been catastrophic. My daughter said she doubts she would have been able to get out of her bed to come and get us. She would not have been able to scream for help. I really don't want to think about the what ifs. I know that there was so much devastation from the storm that night, but I am thanking the Lord for that storm because it just may have saved her life. Knowing that she was in moderate to severe heart failure that night I cannot imagine God having us any place else but in the hospital. I am so very grateful for God's perfect plan. Sometimes out of a storm comes blessings beyond our human understanding. Life is like a tapestry. We often are too focused on the backside of the tapestry which is filled with crossed treads, ugly knots, and twists. We need to focus on the front of the tapestry and the beauty of the progress being made. Sometimes God many have to pull out some of the stitches, kind of like our trials, but then He eventually restores. Isaiah 55:8 says, "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways, declares the Lord."


  1. It really was a blessing that she was still at the hospital!! Praise God for keeping her safe and placing her right where she needed to be!

  2. God works miracles that don't often look like them. So thankful your daughter was right where she needed to be.

  3. the way God works sometimes boggles the mind. prayers for healing for her.

  4. Oh my goodness :'( I'm so sorry your daughter is so unwell. What an amazing testimony of God's grace and provision.


Christian Ethics

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