Wednesday, October 16, 2019

WorthyKids Books ~ A Review

The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls: The Shepherd's Stone (Book 5)  and The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls: The Lion's Roar (Book 6) from WorthyKids Books are written by M.J. Thomas. The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls Series is about two children, Peter and Mary, and their dog, Hank. Nine-year-old Peter and ten-year-old Mary are spending the month with their Great-Uncle Solomon who is an archaeologist. He has scrolls that he got a long time ago. These scrolls take the kids back in time where they meet Bible characters and experience stories from the Bible. They have to solve the secret of the scroll before it is too late with clues that they are given. The books are written for ages 6-9 years old but children older will enjoy them too.

This is what my 11-year-old daughter had to say about the books.

"The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls, The Shepherd's Stone tells the story of Goliath. In book five Peter and Mary met David. David taught Peter how to use a sling shot. Peter and Mary found a lot of ancient stuff that was also in their uncle Solomon's library. David took Peter and Mary to meet his family and took food to his brother's in the battlefield. On the way they get into a fight with a bear but God protects them. The two opposing armies are on opposite hills. The Israelites and the Philistines preparing for battle. Everyone knows the rest of the story." 

"The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls, The Lion's Roar tells the story of Daniel in the Lion's Den. In book six Peter and Mary meet Hannah, Shadrach's granddaughter. Shadrach tells them about when he and his friends, Meshach and Abednego are placed into the fiery furnace and God saved them. The high priest tried to make Peter and Mary bow down and worship his idol. Peter and Mary also met Daniel who was only of the top three governors of Babylon. The high priest and the other two governors of Babylon did not like Daniel so they set up an evil plan against him. A new law was enacted that no one could pray to any god or man for the next 30 days for they would be thrown into the lion's den." 

Here is my review of Books 1 and 2.
Here is my review of Books 3 and 4.

I would recommend this series to both parents and educators. The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls is a fun series that transports readers back to exciting moments in Bible history. Be sure to check out what my Crew Members had to say about the books by clicking on the link below.

To read more reviews click here.

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