Tuesday, April 7, 2020

History on Horseback ~ A Review

Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

History on Horseback: The Early Years: 1493-1866 by Sonrise Stable Books gives readers a very unique look into how horses played significant roles throughout history. The focus is on American history. It is intended to be a supplement to your current history curriculum. The target age for this curriculum is 12 years and up. There are a total of 53 chapters in the book. That being said, each chapter is only 2-5 pages in length, on average. Chapters include black and white photographs and drawings. 

Here are some fun highlights and takeaways that we learned while reading History on Horseback:
  • "Of all of the things horses carried and delivered in the days before motorized vehicles, one that is often overlooked by history books is the Christian faith." Preachers were known as circuit riders. An average preacher would travel 6,000 miles a year, preaching at different stops nearly every day. Some of these preachers were John and Charles Wesley and Francis Asbury. 
  • "WANTED: Young Skinny Wiry Fellows Not over eighteen. Must be expert riders willing to risk death daily. Orphans preferred. Wages $25 per week." This was for the Pony Express. Without horses mail service would not have happened like it did. Did you know that a 1,966 mile trail running from Missouri to California with a goal of delivering mail in just 10 days was its goal. They used Morgans and Thoroughbreds for the flatter sections of the trail and Mustangs for the rugged areas. 
  • Horses were used in the coal mines
  • Wells Fargo & Co. is one of the most well known stagecoach operators in the 1800's. The Wells Fargo stagecoaches would carry gold, silver, money, and documents in wooden boxes under the driver's seat. "This treasure box was wrapped with iron bands and padlocked while traveling. The depot men at the origin and the destination were the only ones with keys to unlock it." 
  • Horses played a huge roll in war. Three million horses were used in the Civil War. Half of them would end up dying. They bravely served alongside soldiers. Thoroughbreds were the most common type used. Horses were provided with veterinary care when needed. 
  • One of my favorite chapters was "Morgan's Figure" which is about a horse named Figure. Figure was known for being a great stallion. His descendants would be known as the Morgan breed. 

Overall, this book was quite fascinating. Each chapter is kind of like a mini story. For those that have an interest in horses this would be a perfect way to learn history. My daughters who are 11 and 13 found all of the stories to be not only historically interesting but also fascinating from the perspective of the horses in history. I myself really enjoyed reading through the book too. We all learned so much about history and it was definitely fun rather than boring and dry like some history books tend to be.  Make sure to check out what my fellow Homeschool Review Crew Members had to say about History on Horseback. 

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