Monday, April 6, 2020

Preborn Prodigy ~ A Review

Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

Preborn Prodigy is a Christian based company that desires for every unborn child to know the truth of God's Word, starting in Utero. I received three CD's for review from their Prodigy Collection. I received Preborn Prodigy ~ Prayers & Blessings for the Unborn ChildNewborn Prodigy ~ Prayers & Blessings Newborn to 99, and Math Prodigy Vol. 1.

Preborn Prodigy ~ Prayers & Blessings for the Unborn Child
This CD is a beautiful narrated collection of prayers, scriptures and blessings set to very calming music. Prayers and Blessing for:
  1. Health & Delivery
  2. Protection & Provision
  3. Spiritual Growth & Dedication
  4. Identity & Destiny
  5. Spirit, Soul & Body
  6. Salvation
  7. Blessing & Lullaby
The CD starts out by reading many scripture verses. Praying for every single part of development while in the womb and a safe delivery at the perfect appointed time by God. There is a significant amount of scripture to encourage and uplift. The narrator talks about God being the author of life. A prayer is prayed that the unborn child will come to know the Lord and that the unborn child will grow to understand how wide and how deep God's love is. It continues on into praying for the child throughout his/her life and the people that they build relationships with. There is a prayer for future friends and even a future spouse. There is a beautiful Prayer of Dedication. Knowing that God has gifted us with these precious gifts and He has entrusted us to train them in the Lord. There was a precious blessing meant to be to the unborn baby. "My beloved child, I love you. I think you are wonderful. You mean so much to me. You are so valuable and I cannot imagine heaven without you. I sent Jesus my Son to the earth for you. He did everything necessary for you to be with Me forever. Jesus has already paid for everything you would ever owe. He was willing to pay such a high price because of my love for you. From the very first I called you by name. You were conceived at the very perfect time. You are being born at this exact time in history because I have predetermined and ordered your days. You belong in this day and age and before I formed you in the womb I knew you. Before I knew you I sanctified you. I am forming and fashioning you in the womb. I am carefully designing everything about you. And I do not make mistakes. Every part of your DNA is knitted together and I oversee everything and your physical characteristics will be a perfect match to your personality. You are very unique already. Your eyes, your hair, your skin, are all special. I am filled with joy and I smile when I see you. I love you just the way you are. Your parents might have been surprised to discover you were on the way but I wasn't........"
I Thessalonians 5:23 ~ A prayer that you will bear fruit for the Lord. Prayer that your unborn child will remain pure and any generational curse will be broken. Romans 10:9 ~ Prayers and scriptures for salvation.
The CD ends with a lullaby song.

Newborn Prodigy ~ Prayers & Blessings Newborn to 99
Preborn Prodigy and Newborn Prodigy are very similar. Much of the content is a repeat of what is on  Preborn Prodigy except it is spoken in the present tense. The prayers and blessings are intended for a newborn but can easily be for anyone of any age. This CD also starts out with various scriptures being read aloud. The music is so very relaxing and calming! There is a continual emphasis on prayer for spiritual growth and understanding from the Lord for your child as they grow and mature.

Math Prodigy
Math Prodigy is quite different than the other two CD's in that this CD presents various mathematical topics. It explains the importance of math to the child and how math is used not only in academics but also in everyday life.
Introduction to Math
Some say math is the language of the universe. It is used in hard and soft sciences, arts, technologies, and everyday life. No matter how detailed mathematics gets it all comes back to one basic element, counting. Talks about ancient times and numbers.
Addition and Subtraction 
You only need to memorize 45 facts. Talks about adding double digits and carrying. If you can add than you can take away. Subtracting double digits and borrowing.
Multiplication and Division 
Memorize 45 multiplication facts. The 9's facts have a trick. Every multiplication has a twin. If you can multiply then you can divide. Uses a house analogy for division.
Pizza analogy for fractions, integers, numerator, and denominators. Talks about mixed numbers, improper fractions. Adding and subtracting fractions, LCM, and GCF.
Decimals and the Order of Operations 
Percentages and rounding. Percentage is, per one hundred. PEMDAS - Order of operations.
My Thoughts
In my opinion this CD is great for the auditory learner. Those that are more visual learners may find it a bit harder to focus and follow, especially the higher more complicated mathematical concepts. I think Math Prodigy gives a great overview of addition facts to decimals and the order of operations in a 57:71 minute audio listening time frame. Each math concept is set to calming music. The narrator has a very calming, encouraging voice.

Overall, I thought these CD's were really quite sweet. The Preborn and Newborn Prodigy  CD's would be wonderful baby shower gifts. Be sure to read what other Homeschool Review Crew Members had to say about Preborn Prodigy.

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